Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 471: Shin Uchiha behind the scenes

The No. 3 shadow clone of the flowery boy opened the seal scroll, took out the Zhan Dao with only a small half of the blade left, and muttered in his mouth: "I still don't understand. The value of the Zhan Dao is far more than that skinny brat."

Although the shadow clone can share memories with the main body, they cannot share the memories of Fenghuo's previous life.

"It's so much nonsense, hurry up and trade, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Feng Huo shouted, and at the same time called the other shadow clones to single out the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost roared again and again, but the shark muscle completely rebelled, and did not feed back the absorbed chakra to him at all. Over time, his injuries became more and more serious, and a large amount of blood poured into the sea, turning the sea red , A large number of sharks were attracted in a short while.


The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost squatted halfway on the surface of the sea, his hands gripping the shark muscles tightly with all his strength, his veins were exposed, and he wished he could pinch the shark muscles off!

"Why, why did you betray me?!"

The Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost spat out a mouthful of old blood, panting heavily.

His appearance actually made Feng Huo feel embarrassed, and kindly explained: "As the owner of Shame, don't you know that Shame used to be Jiji's younger brother?"

Isota, who is in the sealed world inside Fenghuo, proudly raised his tortoise's head, and his one eye shot out a mighty light.

"What?" The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was taken aback.

Feng Huo hooked his fingers at the shark muscle in his hand, and saw the shark muscle suddenly stretched out, biting Feng Huo's shoulder, devouring his chakra madly, and soon, the shark muscle's body swelled crazily, about When it was twice its size, it fed the purified Chakra back to Fenghuo, and then retracted alive and kicked back, quietly becoming a mermaid muscle.

This wave of operations made the Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost look dazed.

"So that's how it is, **** it!"

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost suddenly realized, and sealed the shark muscle without saying a word, and then carried it on its back.

"Seal the shark muscle? Watermelon mountain puffer ghost, without this weapon, how much strength do you have left? It's too naive."

Feng Huo sneered and rubbed the balls, and the dozen or so shadow clones around him also made **** together. Soon, spiral **** of various colors added with chakra properties whizzed and spun one by one, turning bigger and bigger, the terrifying momentum was like an abyss Generally, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost will be locked up firmly.

"Don't kill me, I'm willing to exchange information from Wuyin Village!" The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost shouted.

Feng Huo let out a sneer.

He doesn't doubt the words of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost. You must know that although the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are well-known, bloodthirsty, ruthless and indifferent, but because of this, how can people like them be loyal?

Take the Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost as an example. In the original book, he is strict with others and treats himself leniently. He is only allowed to set fires by himself, and his subordinates are not allowed to light lamps! He once ordered Kanshi Kisame not to betray his own country's intelligence when doing missions, forcing Kanshi Kisame to kill his companions himself in order to keep the information. As a result, the watermelon mountain puffer ghost at the other end happily sold the information to the neighboring country. In anger, the dried persimmon ghost directly went down and slaughtered the watermelon mountain puffer ghost with his own hands!

Feng Huo looked at the pleading Xiguashan puffer ghost, but he didn't waver in his heart, and said slowly: "I'm very interested in your information."

The Xiguashan blowfish ghost's face was happy, and he realized that he could still save him, but Feng Huo's next sentence sent him into the abyss.

"It's a pity that you have Uncle Dai's blood in your hands, so I'd better ask you to die first."

A fierce light flashed in Feng Huo's eyes, and in an instant a dozen shadow clones smashed over twenty spiral pills the size of a millstone.

"The chopping sword is here!"

The flowery male No. 3 shadow avatar held a chopping sword in his hand, and said, "If you don't chop it up, let him go!"

Seeing Zhan Da Dao, Zhan Bu Zhan's eyes lit up, and his breathing became a little short. This is the Da Dao he had dreamed of!

"Throw the knife over!" Zabu Zhan roared.

The handsome third shadow clone squinted his eyes and said with a sneer, "You'd better not play tricks."

As he spoke, he threw the chopping sword high at Zabuzhan.

Bu Zhan hesitated for a while, and finally threw Bai in his hand to the side, and at the same time jumped up high, catching the big knife in the air.

At this time, the No. 1 shadow clone of the beautiful boy had already rushed to Bai's side and hugged him.

The flowery boy No. 3 shadow avatar stood ready, staring coldly at Zai Bu Choi who was about to fall in the air.

"Water Escape - Fog Concealment Technique!"

No more chopping, put away the chopping sword, quickly seal in the air to summon a large area of ​​richness, and then quickly move away from here through the self-created fog.

"Let him go, the target of the main body is only this child." The flowery boy No. 1 shadow clone stopped No. 3 who wanted to catch up and go for a big fight.

"Hmph, that guy doesn't look like a good guy at first glance." The third shadow clone of the flowery boy cursed, "He's cheap."

The coastal coastline of the land of water.

When Kanshi Kisame rushed here at the fastest speed, he suddenly felt something, looked up, and saw the Fourth Mizukage Yakura appearing in the air.

"Four generations!" Kisame Kisame jumped over immediately.

Yakura's face was serious, and when he saw the dried persimmon Kisame, he immediately asked, "Kisame, have you seen the ninja of the Uchiha clan!"

"The Uchiha clan?" Kanshiki Kisame was stunned, nodded quickly and said, "Fourth generation, we did encounter the Uchiha seal fire when we hunted down Loquat Juzang, Mr. Fuguki asked me to inform the fourth generation, this is our recovery. The best time for Sanwei!"

"Uchiha seals the fire? How is it possible? That person just left!" Yakura showed doubts~www.readwn.com~fourth generation? "Dried persimmon ghost shark is a bit inexplicable, does the fourth generation say that Uchiha has someone else?

Yakura vaguely felt the conspiracy, but taking back Sanwei was a big deal for him, and even for Wuyin Village, and no delay was allowed.

So he said to the dried persimmon ghost: "Take me there quickly!"


Not long after the two left, a figure appeared on the coastline, which was Uchiha Nobu who was wearing a black robe around his head.

"Heijue, your plan is really perfect, hahahaha..." Nobuo Uchiha sneered, "Next, there will be a battle between the three-tailed Jinchuriki and the six-tailed Jinchuriki. When they both lose...hahahaha..."

Heijue's head came out of the ground, and said: "Uchiha's sealing fire has disrupted Madara-sama's plan several times, and he will definitely not be able to escape this time! But, Xin, don't forget to kill the six-tailed Jinchuriki as well." Well, he is the fourth Mizukage of Wuyin Village, killing him will cause serious trouble."

"Hmph, isn't Uchiha Madara's plan to collect nine tailed beasts? Is it wrong for me to collect two tailed beasts in World War I?" Uchiha Shin retorted.

"The time has not yet come. Although the strength of the five hidden villages has dropped a lot in the third war, they have a deep foundation. Once we are exposed, the consequences will be unpredictable!" Hei Jue said, "So, what we have to do now is, on the one hand, To weaken the strength of the Five Great Hidden Villages is to help Akatsuki strengthen her strength, and ask Akatsuki to help us collect tailed beasts!"

"I see, I'm so long-winded!" Uchiha Shin snorted coldly, then jumped off the cliff, the voice came from afar, "Let's follow, so as not to be blocked by Uchiha and run away!"

Hei Jue half-closed his eyes, the killing intent flashed away.

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