Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 472: Visiting the Tachibana Arrow Factory

After Heijue joined Akatsuki, he went from the dark side to the bright side, frantically monitoring the entire ninja world through Baijue's clone.

Of course, it would be an exaggeration to say that the whole ninja world is too exaggerated, but outside the five hidden villages, there are clones of Bai Jue!

Therefore, even though Fenghuo was Konoha who left overnight, he still did not escape Bai Jue's surveillance.

In Heijue's view, Uchiha Fenghuo is a **** stick, a huge factor of instability, and getting rid of him early is of great strategic significance for resurrecting his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki!

Therefore, after confirming that the target of sealing the fire was Loquat Juzang, Hei Ze did not tell Penn Liudao this information, but contacted Uchiha Nobu.

After that, there was a scene where Shin Uchiha guided the fourth Mizukage.

Next, it's time for them to reap the fruits of victory!

After losing his biggest squirrel muscle, the Xiguashan puffer ghost was completely beaten into a pig's head by Fenghuo, with a strong body, densely covered with wounds, **** and bloody, and several wounds were even bone-deep.

At this time, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost had lost the strength to stand on the surface of the sea, and his whole body was soaked in the sea, so painful that his boogers flowed out.

A group of sharks are wandering in the sea, their thirst for blood makes them ready to move one by one.

Feng Huo and a dozen of his shadow clones stood on the surface of the sea, each wearing a tailed beast coat, and their powerful aura frightened the sharks on the bottom of the sea.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost screamed, feeling the pain of the sea water washing over his wound, feeling the emptiness of the blood loss, he almost collapsed.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you bastard, brat!! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!!"

"Do you regret it?" Feng Huo asked lightly.

"Regret? I only regret giving you the chance to grow up. I should have killed you earlier, you bastard, the fourth generation will never let you go!!" Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost cursed frantically with the last bit of strength.

"Unexpectedly boring." Feng Huo smiled and put away the aura on his body, and disbanded the shadow clone. The next moment, the shark in the sea seemed to lose its shackles, and in an instant, it was like a wolf and a tiger, and rushed towards the watermelon mountain puffer ghost crazily .


Accompanied by a burst of horrific high-pitched screams, the Xiguashan puffer ghost was finally buried in the belly of the fish!

At this point, all the seven Ninja Swordsmen who killed Matt Dai all died!

"Uncle Dai, look, although I'm not as good at physical skills as Kai, but... there seems to be something wrong." Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, and the memory of the shadow clone filled his mind.


Suddenly, a childish scream came from behind him, Fenghuo was stunned for a moment, and then reacted violently.


He had just disbanded all the shadow clones, and without any support, Bai fell into the sea and danced with the sharks.

Fortunately, Fenghuo responded in time and picked him up.

"Haha, it's all over the place, do you believe me when I say it wasn't intentional?" Feng Huo chatted awkwardly.

Bai spit out two mouthfuls of seawater, but did not answer to seal the fire. At this time, his face was ashen, and he was immersed in the sadness of being abandoned by Zabuzhan. If the sharks were not so terrible, he would have drowned in the sea.

Feng Huo was not annoyed, he summoned the No. 1 shadow clone of the beautiful boy and asked him to hold Bai.


Suddenly, a ferocious big knife drilled out of the bottom of the sea, the blade is covered with purple thorns, it is a ninja sword muscle!

Feng Huo held it subconsciously.

"You don't think I'm the master, do you? This is a surprise." Feng Huo stroked the thorns on Shark's body, which were very hard and a little prickly.

Shark muscles swayed like spirituality, and the spines of the blade swayed slightly, as if enjoying Fenghuo's touch.

"Okay, then you can follow me from now on."

Feng Huo waved it twice, vigorously, very majestic.

On this trip, I killed Loquat Ten Zang and Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost, and got Bai and Shark, 200%, no, 300% completed the revenge mission, and I feel great.

However, he was a little surprised to think that Xiao Nan would appear here as well.

"It seems that the Akatsuki organization has completed its transformation, and has begun to recruit traitors from the hidden villages."

Feng Huo squinted his eyes and walked towards the Land of Fire, followed by the flowery boy No. 1 shadow avatar who was holding the sorrowful Bai Yibu behind him.

"The Red Sand Scorpion and Jue have already joined Akatsuki, Kakuto, Orochimaru, and Hidan. These S-level rebels should all be recruited by Akatsuki. There is also Kisame, this guy..."

Hey, wait, what about dried persimmon and ghost shark?

Feng Huo suddenly thought of this future boss.

Just now he was staying with the Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost, why did he suddenly disappear?

Feng Huo subconsciously felt something was wrong, and bit his finger without saying a word: "It's you, Pickup...uh, the second form of chaotic round dance!"



The white mist dissipated, and a huge white-gold snow eagle with a wingspan of nearly fifteen meters roared upwards, and then fell into the sea with a plop.

"Jiujiu!!" Chao Lunwu Ershi was caught off guard, and immediately became a drowned bird. He took two mouthfuls of salt soda, and flapped his wings desperately to struggle.

The huge movement caused the group of sharks who had finished eating the Pufferfish Ghost on the Watermelon Mountain to swim quickly towards the Super Rondo II.

The second form of Chaolun Wu didn't dare to be careless, and directly used the wind escape. The huge wind force quickly gathered under its wings, and quickly got rid of the sea and flew high into the sky again.

A few sharks rushed out of the sea unwillingly, their ferocious mouth full of sharp teeth flashed past the crotch of Chaolunwu II~www.readwn.com~ I don’t know if they caught any treasure, and finally fell heavily Back to the sea.

At the same time, Huamei Boy No. 1 shadow clone hugged Bai and jumped onto the back of Chao Rondo II.

Feng Huo also jumped up from the sea, but in the next moment, several sharks suddenly jumped up from the sea again, opening their ferocious mouths to bite Feng Huo.

Feng Huo was stunned, quickly changed his figure, and used the Konoha whirlwind in the air, kicking all the sharks away with one kick.

But then, a huge waterspout gushed out of the sea, rushing towards the second chaotic round dance in the air with lightning speed!

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Huameinan No. 1 shadow clone reacted quickly, and immediately sprayed a huge fireball with a radius of three meters from top to bottom, collided with the waterspout in the air, and the water and fire blended in an instant, producing a large amount of water vapor, which filled the upper part of the sea.

"Dried persimmon ghost shark?"

After sealing the fire and kicking the shark away, his figure inevitably slowly fell back to the surface of the sea, just in time to see the dried persimmon ghost shark dancing with the shark in the sea!


Chaolun Dance II raised his figure, screamed frantically, and the cry was full of grief and anger, because this fellow smelled the aura that made him fear again, which was almost the same terrifying aura as the night when the tailed beast rioted.

And this aura comes from... A little boy with green hair and purple pupils who is only about 1.4 meters tall, is the fourth generation of Mizukage Goji Yaya who was led to the coastline by Uchiha Shinobu, and then called over by Kanshikisame warehouse!

"Uchiha Fenghuo!" Yagura came on the waves, and stretched out a finger facing Fenghuo. A bubble gushed out from his fingertips, and then quickly grew bigger, rushing towards Fenghuo.

"Water Escape - Strong Acid Foam!"

The foam flew for a certain distance in the air, and when it was close to sealing the fire, it exploded suddenly, and a large amount of acid, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, crazily lased towards the sealing fire.

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