Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 473: cool sea breeze

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Facing the acid that filled the sky, Feng Huo didn't dare to be careless. He slapped the sea with his palm, and a wall of water rose out of thin air, blocking the acid rain.

The strong acid shot into the water wall, and there was a sound like strong sulfuric acid.

"What ninjutsu is this? Boiling escape?"

Feng Huo was stunned, would the Fourth Mizukage Yakura boil and flee?

But the next scene made him understand.

I saw Yakura blowing out huge bubbles one by one from his mouth, the bubbles rose against the wind, and slowly floated into the air in the second form of round dance.

These bubbles are as light as nothing, and they rise to the sky like balloons. Because of their huge size, they are densely crowded to occupy the entire sky.


The whole bird in the second form of the round dance is not good. Fenghuo flapped his wings and wanted to blow the bubbles away, but for some reason, the harder it tried, the closer the bubbles were, and they were about to be hit. The second dance style really brought tears to my eyes.

Fortunately, there is also a shadow clone of the flowery boy No. 1 on its back.

Flower Boy No. 1 formed seals with both hands: "Feng Dun-Suppression Harm!"

A piece of 'wind block' that was compressed to the extreme fell from the air and was released instantly, forming a terrifying storm. The wind blade was like a knife, cutting on these bubbles like substance.

bang bang bang...

In the next moment, countless bubbles exploded under the wind blade, turning into a cloud of acid that floated in the wind.

Feng Huo's face changed slightly.

This is the power of six tails!

The spirit of Fenghuo appeared in the sealed world in the body almost instantly.

Under the pool, Sanwei Jitian also got his head out, and said in a muffled voice, "It's the breath of a rhinoceros dog."

Feng Huo said with a sullen face, "Six Tails Jinchuriki, shouldn't it be Yu Gao?"

Sanwei shook his head repeatedly: "I don't know, I don't know, I don't understand."

It's a pity that Feng Huo didn't have time to talk to him, otherwise he would have to let him know what an **** fissure is!

The communication with Sanwei ended almost instantly, Feng Huo shouted into the air: "You guys go first, don't...don't...I..."

Feng Huo's cheeks twitched slightly, looking at the second form of the round dance that had turned into a small black dot in the air, he had the urge to perform the psychic technique again to channel the second form of the round dance and give some good instructions...

This **** really doesn't save him any face, why can't he wait for him to finish speaking before running away?

How does this make Yakura and Kanshi Kisame think of him?

Is he shameless?

Feng Huo glanced at Kisame Kisame, who was swimming flexibly on the bottom of the sea, and Yakura, the Fourth Mizukage who was getting closer, his face gradually became serious.

After having a friendly exchange with the sharks in the sea, Kisame got out of the sea and said to Yakura, "Fourth generation, Mr. Pufferfish Demon has been killed by Uchiha Hienho, and his shark muscle was also taken away by him. "

Feng Huo said angrily: "Don't open your eyes and talk nonsense, the shark muscle is following me on its own initiative! Could it be that you can't see my charisma?"

Dried persimmon ghost sneered and remained silent.

The Fourth Mizukage Yagura said slowly: "Uchiha seals the fire, the war is over, I don't care if you come to kill the rebellious Loquat Juzang in our village, but you also kill the Anbu puffer ghost in my village I can't pretend that I didn't see this matter, so please come back to Wuyin Village with us!"

"What if I don't want to?" Feng Huo narrowed his eyes and looked at Yakura.

"Then I can only use my strength!" Yagura Yizheng said.

Feng Huo snorted, and said: "Impressive, after all, isn't it for Sanwei?"

Yagura's expression straightened, and he said, "The puffer ghost is the puffer ghost, and the three tails are the three tails!"

"Does that mean you don't care about Sanwei's affairs?" Feng Huo asked him.

"No, I'll deal with the fugu ghost first, and then I'll talk to you about Sanwei!" Yagura said seriously.

"Hey, are you out of your mind?" Feng Huo was furious.

If he followed him into Wuyin Village, the fugu ghost's matter would probably cost tens of millions of taels, but what about Sanwei?

If Wuyin Village takes Sanwei back, he will report directly to Immortal of the Six Paths.

So Yakura's words are simply a trap, and it's the kind that cheats people without discussing it.

Feng Huo wondered if this guy was manipulated by Sharingan, after all, the original book had a 'conviction'.

"It seems that there is no way to reason with you." Yakura sighed, but his eyes became more and more sharp.

Feng Huo looked at him deeply, and asked: "As far as I know, Six Tails Jinchuriki is not you? You..."

Yakura's expression changed, as if he remembered the scene of Yu Gao's death, he could not bear it, and said: "Indeed, but for the stability of the village, I can only do this! Besides, if you hadn't captured Sanwei, I wouldn't have There would be no other choice."

"Blame me?"

"I don't blame you, but, if you can return Mitsuo, I would be very grateful!" Yagura's tone was very gentlemanly.

But Feng Huo was in a cold sweat.

He finally understood that this guy Yagura was a little bit dumbfounded, he loved being serious, he took everything one size at a time, and he was a gentleman, a gentleman was terrible.

Just like Mr. Yakura just said please seal the fire and return Mio, and also said thank you.

But don't forget, if Sanwei is handed back, Fenghuo will also die, thank you so much.

So Yakura said so gentlemanly that Fenghuo should be handed over to Sanwei, it really makes people's backs shudder.

Fenghuo pulled out his shark muscles, and said: "Your Excellency Fourth Mizukage Yakura~www.readwn.com~ Personally, I still admire your middle school two...cough, your personality and temperament, but it is related to your wealth life, so it is absolutely impossible for Sanwei to give it back to you."

"In this case, I can only take you back to the village by force." The chakra on Yagura's body gradually surged, and bubbles gushed out from his body, colorful and gorgeous.

Fenghuo directly swung out the shark muscle, the handle of the shark muscle instantly became longer, and the shark muscle immediately opened its mouth wide and bit on those bubbles.


But these bubbles exploded as soon as they were touched, turning into acid that splashed all over the sky.

Shark muscle retracted in aggrieved, it didn't absorb even a bit of chakra from the mouth just now.

It's a little weird.

Feng Huo frowned, originally thought that he could easily absorb all the chakra in Yagura's body with his shark muscles, but now it seems that it is somewhat difficult.

Besides, there is a dried persimmon ghost shark next to it, the amount of chakra in this guy's body is comparable to that of a tailed beast, and it is also a stubble.

If only relying on the three-tailed rocks and shark muscles of the yang attribute, they might not be able to beat them.

But if you use a kaleidoscope...

A gust of sea breeze blows, slightly cool.

Feng Huo couldn't help stretching out his fingers to straighten his glasses.

The next moment, the battle begins!

"Water Escape - The Art of Bubble!" Yakura spewed out thousands of bubbles in an instant, rushing towards Fenghuo's surroundings.

At the same time, the dried persimmon ghost shark also slapped the surface of the sea with a palm: "The technique of water shark bombing!"


The chakra of the dried persimmon ghost shark instantly turned into a huge shark-shaped water bomb on the bottom of the sea, rushing towards Fenghuo like a torpedo.

There are water shark bombs below, and thousands of strong acid foam bombs on the front, back, left, and right sides, and the fire is completely surrounded!

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