Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 474: Difficult dried persimmon and ghost shark

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Feng Huo quickly summoned ten shadow clones, two dived into the sea to deal with the water shark bombs, and the other eight formed a circle and used the water wall to block the acid foam bombs.

After thousands of foam bombs exploded, a large amount of strong acid poured into the sea, and foams full of peculiar smell appeared one after another. From a distance, it seemed that the entire sea area was boiled.

"Water Escape - Rhino Dog Iron Cannonball!"

Yakura took the opportunity to seal his hands like a phantom, and sprayed out a huge foamy water ball.

The water polo moved across the air like a comet, producing a terrifying howl!

Feng Huo's expression changed, and he hurriedly poured the three-tailed chakra into the spiral pill.

"Dayu Spiral Pill!"

The spiral pill in his hand instantly exploded to the size of a door panel, and he pushed it out violently.


The ninjutsu of the two collided on the sea, and the entanglement produced a huge explosion, creating a vacuum environment with a radius of 100 meters.

Within this range, time and space are completely locked at this moment.

Feng Huo shrunk his eyes and pupils slightly, tipped his toes, and hurriedly backed away, then used the eight-door Dunjia, opened three doors in a row, used the Lilianhua to break through the void, and stepped on the air to the sky.

On the other side, Yakura and Kanshi Kisame also retreated quickly.

In the next moment, the vacuum completely collapsed with a bang, and an invisible ripple spread rapidly, and the sound leaped hundreds of miles in an instant, like an invisible round blade, cutting off all the protrusions on the sea!

Several shadow clones of Fenghuo couldn't dodge in time, they were all chopped up at the waist and dissipated in smoke.

Yakura blew a bubble at a critical moment, and stood directly on the bubble to the sky, while Kisame Dried Persimmon got into the sea, grabbed a shark and dived madly.

Yakura drives Bubble close to the fire in the air, pouring bubble ninjutsu crazily.

Acid foam bombs filled the sky densely again, approaching to seal the fire lightly.

Feng Huo's scalp was numb, and he hurriedly carried the shark muscles on his back, and then made a seal with both hands: "Feng Dun-Breakthrough!"

This ninjutsu is not as powerful as the big breakthrough, but it is easy to blow these bubbles.

I saw countless bubbles floating in the air, stumbling and recoiling back to Yakura's location under the breeze.

"Water escape - the technique of the Great Waterfall!" Yagura smiled and swung a waterspout, which was so soft that it melted countless bubbles into it, and then swept towards Fenghuo in a mighty manner.

"Fire Escape - Extinguish the mighty fire!"

Fenghuo sprayed out a terrifying wall of flames, instantly enveloping the range of 100 meters in front of it in high-temperature flames. The waterspout rushed into the sea of ​​flames and was steamed in the blink of an eye. A large number of bubbles inside also burst, and the strong acid splashed, but extinguished. An unquenchable wall of flames.

Of course, this move also consumes a lot of chakra, but with Sanwei, Fenghuo doesn't care about this consumption at all.

"Fire Escape - Great Fire Extinguishment!"

Seal the fire with both hands, and once again spew out a huge umbrella-shaped flame.

The umbrella-shaped flame absorbed the powerful flames of the flame wall, and boiled like magma, as if a red meteor crashed straight into Yakura.

With a dignified expression, Yakura slowly waved the iron rod in his hand, and the sea gradually boiled under the rhythm of his iron rod, and then a huge wave gushed out.

"Water Escape - Rhino Dog Waterfall!"

The six-tailed chakra merged with the ocean waves, forming a huge wave with a huge impact, which flew towards the umbrella-shaped flame.


When the flames collided with the huge waves, it was as if a piece of red-hot iron had been inserted into the icy water, instantly producing countless high-temperature water vapor, which turned into dense and quickly permeated the surrounding area.

This 'mist' is very hot, full of heat, and the skin will be ripped apart when touched, and the bones will be hot. Fenghuo and Yagura hurriedly moved the battlefield again and continued to work.

Not far away, several shadow clones of Feng Huo were fighting with Gan Shi Gui Sha.

"Water Escape - Five Food Sharks!"

Dried Persimmon Kisame slapped the sea surface with one hand, instantly created five shark-shaped water bombs with chakra, and fiercely bit the shadow clone of Fenghuo in the sea.

"Water escape-water chaos!"

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

"Thunder Tunnel - Pseudo-Darkness!"

Fenghuo's shadow clone output crazily, and smashed all five water bombs in just half a breath, but in the next moment, the five shark water bombs regenerated quickly from the sea water, killing Huameinan No. 2 shadow clone unexpectedly .

"It can be regenerated?"

"It should be related to the chakra of the dried persimmon ghost shark."

"I understand, his hand has never left the sea, he is using the chakra line to control these water shark bombs!"

"You block these shark water bombs, I'll cut off his hand!"

Several shadow clones reacted quickly, dividing labor and cooperation full of violence.

The dried persimmon ghost shark didn't dare to be careless, and immediately stepped back with a little tiptoe, and then slapped the sea again: "Infinite shark!"

I saw a thousand shark-shaped water bombs one size smaller densely emerging from the calm sea surface.

"What the hell?"

"This guy's Chakra is too scary, right?"

"Bastard, be careful!"

Looking at the densely packed shark-shaped water bombs, several shadow clones were a little panicked. They subconsciously jumped out of the sea, landed on the sea and formed a group back to back.

In the next moment, thousands of shark-shaped water bombs in the sea rushed towards them violently. Some jumped out of the sea and bit them from the air, and some swam directly to the bottom of their feet, opening their mouths and doing it.

"Water Dungeon-Water Formation Wall!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Fire Escape - Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!"

"Thunder Dungeon - Helix Pill!"

The slightest collision between ninjutsu and these small water shark bullets was like stabbing a pile of dynamite, and it exploded without saying a word.

Boom boom boom...

A series of explosions, the momentum is not inferior to the previous scene of sealing the fire with the detonating talisman to kill Loquat Ten Zang~www.readwn.com~ In just a short while, a thousand shark-shaped water bombs all exploded, directly Two shadow clones died.

Kisame Kisame slowly approached the remaining shadow clones, a huge arc was cracked at the corner of his mouth, revealing his fangs, and he sneered, "If it's just about Chakra, I won't lose to you, Uchiha Sealing Fire!"

"Is this guy also Renzhuriki?"

"Damn it, you must stop him!"

The several shadow clones quickly dispersed, surrounding the dried persimmon ghost, you come and hit me one by one, trying to make the dried persimmon ghost lose sight of the other.

But Kisame's combat experience is also very rich. In the Mist Ninja Anbu, he was originally a ninja who specialized in helping Suiguashan Puffer Ghost deal with dirty work. What kind of battle has he not encountered?

Facing the siege of Feng Huoying's avatars, he burrowed directly into the bottom of the sea, and then formed seals with his hands to launch an attack from the sea.

"Water Escape - The Art of Great Waterfall!"


The violent waterspout churned on the bottom of the sea, forming a huge vortex. The shadows of Fenghuo staggered and almost capsized in the gutter.

In the next moment, a huge waterspout spewed out from the center of the vortex, hitting the nearest shadow clone.

"Water Escape-Waterspout!"

The shadow clone reacted extremely quickly, and immediately summoned an identical waterspout with seals.


The two waterspouts collided on the sea surface, and the huge water currents canceled each other out, falling powerlessly to the sea surface.

"Be careful!"

In the next moment, several shark-shaped water bombs jumped out from the bottom of the sea, directly biting the shadow clone to pieces.

At the same time, Fenghuo on the distant battlefield also received the memory of the dead shadow clone, and gradually frowned.

"I didn't expect the dried persimmon ghost shark to be so difficult."

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