Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 475: I will never kill you again

The battle with Yagura is very difficult. Both sides are Jinchuriki. Without using the kaleidoscope, Fenghuo is even at a disadvantage. After all, he only has the yang attribute Sanwei in his body, and only half of the chakra of the Sanwei has to be separated. The avatar is used to hold the dried persimmon ghost shark, if it continues to be consumed, the first one to fall must be Fenghuo.

Moreover, the shark muscles are useless at this time. Yakura stands on the foam, floating far away in the air, transforming into a water cannon, pouring ninjutsu at the sealing fire like crazy, not giving him a chance to use the shark muscles at all.

Feng Huo looked down at the battle on the sea, sighed, and separated seven or eight shadow clones again, and then handed the shark muscle to one of the shadow clones

Feng Huo thought that he would be taken away by the dried persimmon ghost, but he had no choice. If he didn't have the shark muscle, the shadow clone would have no chance of defeating the dried persimmon ghost!

When he was distracted, Yakura seized the opportunity, and another round of violent water escape ninjutsu poured in.

The water escape ninjutsu that has joined the six-tailed chakra is second only to the tailed beast jade in power, and it is not something that can be picked up casually.

Fenghuo desperately squeezed Isata's chakra and resisted Yagura's ninjutsu.

Below, after the addition of seven or eight shadow clones, they finally suppressed the dried persimmon ghost, especially the existence of the shark muscle, which made the dried persimmon ghost dodge left and right, not daring to fight recklessly.

"Master Fugu Demon's Ninja Sword!"

While the dry persimmon ghost's eyes were serious, an unstoppable desire to take it for himself gushed out.

When he was working under Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, he liked this greedy sword that could **** chakra very much. Unfortunately, with Xiguashan Puffer Ghost here, he dared not make a mistake.

It's not that he can't defeat Xiguashan puffer ghost, but as an Anbu ninja, Kanshi Kisame strictly abides by the ninja rules. No matter how dark, difficult, or dangerous the task he accepts, he will never hesitate. No matter how tempting it is, he never overstepped it until he personally killed his companion in order to keep the information, until he saw that the information he had worked so hard to keep was sold to neighboring countries by the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, which completely angered the dry persimmon ghost Shame, let him violently kill the Xiguashan puffer ghost, and then **** the shark muscle to join Akatsuki.

Now, Fenghuo had killed the Xiguashan blowfish ghost in advance, and the dried persimmon ghost shark naturally didn't have to hide his desire for shark muscle anymore.

It's just that, if you want to get this powerful ninja sword, you must first blow up all the shadow clones of Uchiha Fenghuo!

Dried persimmon ghost shark opened its big mouth, revealing a mouth full of fangs, and smiled extremely ferociously.

In the distance, Zabuzhan, who got the Zhanda Dao in the deal with Fenghuo, has gone and returned. He is hiding in the sea at this time, watching the battle ahead from afar, with hatred in his heart.

He felt he had lost his deal.

"I knew that the fourth generation would come over, and I would drag him to whatever I say. Damn it!"

Bai's deal made him very heartbroken. After all, Bai possessed the Ice Escape Blood Inheritance Boundary, which was very precious, valuable and powerful, and being traded like this, the more he thought about it, the more he suffered.


Suddenly, Zabu Zhan's face changed slightly, and he realized that there was someone hiding a thousand meters away.

He hurriedly sealed and summoned a mist to fill his body, and then combined his breath with the mist.

Zai Bu Zhan, who specializes in silent killing, has a very unique way of restraining his breath. When he combines with the mist, his whole body seems to disappear into the world.

From a distance, the sea and the sky are the same color. Even if someone sees this layer of mist, it is absolutely impossible to find that there is still a person hidden in the mist.

After Zai Bu Zhan confirmed that he would not be discovered, he quietly controlled the mist to approach that person.

Nobu Uchiha wore a spiral mask and a black robe with a hood, squatting halfway on the sea. Half of his body was covered by black material, which was impressively the Heijue possessing him.

"I can't control myself, Heijue!"

Shin Uchiha gritted his teeth excitedly, and the two samurai samurai eyes in the spiral mask exhaled the **** aura, like the gates of hell, which could be opened at any time to release the demon inside.

"What's the hurry, let them continue to fight, it's best to hurt both sides, and it's convenient for us to do things." Hei Ze said lightly, "After killing Uchiha and sealing the fire, use Sharingan to control the fourth generation of Mizukage, and use him to weaken the fog. The strength of Hidden Village! As for that Mist Ninja Anbu, I also killed him, so as not to get in the way."

"Hey, are you ordering me?" Uchiha was upset.

After inheriting Uchiha Madara's Sharingan, his spirit became higher and higher, especially the battle with Fenghuo, which allowed him to build unparalleled self-confidence. How could he accept the orders of the lackeys left by the "predecessor" ?

Hei Jue has been active for so long, playing all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, he is naturally well versed in people's hearts, seeing Uchiha Shin's strange tone, he hastened to comfort him a few words, let him know that he is sincerely helping him.

Nobuo Uchiha heard a few words, immediately smiled, and hummed: "Indeed, compared to directly killing the fourth Mizukage, it is more interesting to control him with Sharingan."

If he controlled the four generations of Mizukage, wouldn't he have the final say on Wuyin Village?

He will directly become the real owner of Wuyin Village in the five hidden villages from a loner!

When the time comes, the first thing he will do is to kill all the Uchiha clansmen through Wuyin Village. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is the only ninja world worthy of the great surname Uchiha, only Uchiha Shin!

Thinking of the excitement, Uchiha Shin trembled all over, and the Sangodama couldn't help but slowly change its shape.

Hei remained calm, feeling Uchiha Nobu's excitement, he was very disdainful, thinking to himself, if it wasn't for resurrecting my mother, why would I need to be angry with you, a bird man?

The fiercer the battle in the distance, the terrifying power of ninjutsu caused waves of turbulent waves one after another, spreading madly everywhere, and the momentum was astonishing.

Nobuyuki Uchiha and Kurojue, at this time, are focusing on the battle between Uchiha Fuho, the Fourth Mizukage, and Kisame Kisame, so they didn't find a very light mist coming against the waves, drifting to the Two hundred meters behind them.

Zai Bu Zhan drew out the Zhan Dao with only a small half of the blade left, thinking whether he was going to kill the man and use his blood to restore his own Zhan Dao.

When he raised the killing intent, Uchiha Shin turned his head and looked back almost instantly.

Bu Zhan was startled, and retreated slowly in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" Heijue asked.

The killing intent to kill again was aimed at Nobu Uchiha, so Hei Ze didn't notice it.

Uchiha Shin looked around, and found nothing abnormal except for a little mist. The excellent eyesight of Sangoyu Sharingan didn't make him notice anything wrong, so he shook his head slightly: "Nothing."

But the moment he turned his head, he was shocked in his heart.


This is not the center of the battlefield, how could there be fog?

He turned his head again, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, because the mist disappeared!

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