Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 477: Little friend, do you want to eat candy?

Seeing that Uchiha Shin's shuriken was about to pierce his eyebrows, Kisame Kisame hurriedly revoked the chakra on the soles of both feet at a critical moment. In an instant, he fell into the sea and avoided the opponent's shuriken.

Uchiha Shin sneered and dived into the bottom of the sea, continuing to attack Kisame Kisame.

The kaleidoscope pupil technique blurs, so that he is not afraid of shark muscle bites and chakra absorption, while the other pupil technique controls countless shurikens to attack the dried persimmon ghost shark in all directions in the sea, vowing to kill him here !

But in the sea, Kisame's figure is extremely flexible, coupled with Chakra, which is no less than a tailed beast, and the spiritual shark muscles help from time to time, Nobuo Uchiha couldn't take him down for a while.

Hei Juexin said: 'No wonder even Uchiha Fenghuo has to escape, this monster and the fourth Mizukage teamed up are indeed very powerful! '

Then another thought uncontrollably popped up in his heart.

The powerful strength of the dried persimmon ghost shark, combined with the absorption of the chakra of the shark muscle, made Hei Jue vaguely see the picture of him single-handedly attacking the tailed beast in the future.

Such a character is really suitable for recycling tailed beasts!

"If you let him join Akatsuki..."

Hei Jue hurriedly stopped Uchiha Shin.

"Hei Ze, what are you doing?" Uchiha Nobu jumped out of the sea and roared.

Hei Jue said: "The plan has changed, after you use Sharingan to control the fourth generation of Mizukage, we can leave!"

Shin Uchiha frowned: "What about this guy?"

"In the future, find an opportunity to recruit him into Xiao, he will be an excellent combat force to recover the tailed beast!" Hei Jue explained.

"I see."

Uchiha Nobu squinted his eyes and looked around, and soon saw the fourth Mizukage floating not far away. At this time, a water body of Kisame Kisame was guarding there.

"Fire Escape - Extinguish the mighty fire!"

Shin Uchiha spewed out a wall of terrifying flames without saying a word, and pushed away!

The watery body of the dried persimmon ghost shark was roasted and evaporated almost instantly.

When Kisame's body sensed something was wrong and quickly surfaced, it was suddenly discovered that the person who claimed to be Uchiha Madara had disappeared.

And the fourth generation of Mizukage quietly floated on the sea.

"Four generations!"

Kisame Kisame thought that Yakura had been murdered, but when he approached, he found that Yakura was not dead.

"Strange, he didn't kill four generations?"

Kisame frowned and carried Yakura on his back, and when he couldn't figure it out, he stopped thinking and left quickly.

After Fenghuo flew back to the coastal coastline of the Land of Fire in the super round dance three-style, he successfully reunited with his shadow clone.

Although it was a bit dangerous to come out this trip, fortunately, the rewards were also rich.

After avenging Matt Dai, Fenghuo felt very happy.

Especially seeing Bai squatting on one side with his head lowered and drawing circles, it is even more flattering.

There is no doubt about the power of Bingdun Xueji Boundary, and the Shuiwuyue clan has become one of the wealthy families in Wuyin Village by virtue of Bingdun. If it were not for the civil strife after World War Three, they would not have fallen to this point.

Moreover, if it is in a world of ice and snow, the power of Ice Dun will be even more terrifying!

Feng Huo stared at Bai, thinking more and more boldly.

Namikaze Minato and Kushina, who are far away in the depths of the Snow Mountains in the Snow Country, are guarded by the Chao Rondai brothers, but these two are birds after all, and sometimes there will inevitably be places that cannot be taken care of, but if Bai Shou The Namakaze Minato couple...

The more I thought about sealing the fire, the more feasible it became.

Bai is in the depths of the snow-capped mountains. First, he can protect four generations of couples. Second, he can practice ice escape ninjutsu. A ninja clan!

The more Feng Huo thought about it, the more excited he became, but when he saw the dead silence in Bai's eyes, his heart sank. No matter how good the idea is, Bai is willing to do it. Want to cool off? Although the couple is cool now.

Sure enough, I still want to send warmth!

Fenghuo sighed.

First it was Yao Shidou, then it was Kuruma Yakumo, and now it was Shiro, what kind of wrong path did I go on?

Feng Huo took out two packets of lollipops, and walked over with a smile: "Little friend, do you want candy?"

Although Fenghuo killed Loquat Shizang and Xiguashan puffer ghost, but this matter did not spread.

Feng Huo didn't know what the fourth Mizukage Yakura was thinking, but since people didn't want to make it public, of course he wouldn't be so stupid as to talk around.

After bringing Bai back to Konoha, Feng Huo first fostered Bai in the orphanage of Yao Shi Nooyu, allowing Bai to have a transitional stage, and at the same time giving him a reasonable 'identity'.

Otherwise, if he directly arranges Bai to enroll in the ninja school, Hiruza Sarutobi, who regards the ninja school as a taboo, may come to talk to him every minute, or talk all night.

At that time, once Hiruzaru Sarutobi knows about Shiro's Ice Escape Blood Successor Limit, Hirozaru Sarutobi will not be his Shiro, but Hiruza Sarutobi's Shiro!

Of course this kind of thing can't be allowed to happen!

Afterwards, Fenghuo got busy. First, he went to the Anbu Supervision Department to sort out his work to see if there were any problems. After that, he accompanied Yuhihong, and sent warmth to her apprentice Kurama Yakumo, and then went to Ikacho and other The family visits, connects with each other, and collects the dividends from the fried chicken shop by the way, and finally takes the dividends to buy explosive charms on the black market.

To blow up a loquat juzang, thousands of detonation charms were used to seal the fire, which is not too expensive, but thinking about those big bosses in the Fourth Ninja World War, it is more reassuring to prepare more.

On the other hand, after Bai entered the orphanage, his mood finally improved.

First, the pharmacist No Naiyu took care of him very gently and caringly, which reminded him of his own mother. Second, the big and small friends in the orphanage were very friendly. They played hide-and-seek, rubber band, shuttlecock and role-playing with him every day. It gets heavier every day.

But Bai's mood became more and more relaxed day by day, and gradually, the knot in his heart that was never cut off from the deal was gradually untied, and he only felt that if he lived in an orphanage for the rest of his life, that would be great.

On this day, Bai played role-playing with his friends again. Because he was thin~www.readwn.com~ and a little delicate, he put on girls’ clothes and acted as a little girl. The body looks like that, and Bai is also very willing to act, and there is no expression of unwillingness.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the drama came to an end. Bai sweated profusely, taking off his make-up and putting on his own clothes. Then, the pharmacist No Naoyu came.

"Sister Dean." Bai saw Ye Naiyu, with an adoring smile on his face, and embraced her with open arms.

Ye Naiyu patted his head with a smile, and said: "Bai, you have been in the orphanage for almost a month, it's time to start practicing."

"Cultivation?" A look of fear flashed in the white eyes, "Sister Dean, I, I don't want to practice, I don't want to be a ninja, I don't want to leave here."

No Naoyu touched him gently, comforted his emotions, and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, no one will force you to leave, the children in the orphanage, they all have practice, not just you, so don't be afraid , okay."

"Really?" Bai raised his head.

"Of course, when you become a ninja, you can protect the orphanage and me in turn." Nonoyu encouraged with a smile.

Bai was startled, he suddenly remembered the picture of his mother dying in front of him, tears flowed down his face instantly, but then, the mother's face in this picture was gradually replaced by Medicine Master Nonoyu.

'No, I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want it! '

A cold breath slowly overflowed from Bai's body. Wherever he passed, the tables, chairs, doors and windows were covered with a layer of frost, like ice sculptures!

'I want to protect my mother, I want to protect the dean's sister, I don't want them to be hurt, I don't want me, I don't want me! '

boom! !

A majestic chill swept across all directions in an instant, freezing most of the orphanage in an instant!

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