Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 478: Dean sister, I want to learn ninjutsu

Bai's sudden eruption, without any warning, was caught off guard, and even the pharmacist No Naoyu was frozen into an ice sculpture, but fortunately she is a ninja, and the chakra in her body surged almost instantly to resist the cold.

When Bai came back to his senses, he saw the pharmacist No Naiyu who had been frozen into an ice sculpture, and his whole body suddenly became ill.

He thought he had killed her, tears streaming down his face, and said in mourning, "Sister Dean, Sister Dean... woo... It's all me, it's all my fault, I'm a monster, wow..."

Just when Bai was about to lose control of how much to send, there was a burst of surprise outside.

"what happened?"

"The whole orphanage has turned into ice!"

"Who did this, it's too much!"

"Everyone is not hurt?"


As the voices of the crowd got closer, Bai cried and staggered back, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, a sound of cracking ice came from the body of Yaoshi Nonaiyu.

Bai was taken aback for a moment, and then saw the ice on No Naiyu's body shatter with a bang.

"It's so cold." Pharmacist No Naoyu breathed out a cold breath, and then looked at Bai, feeling extremely surprised.

‘Bingdun, it turned out to be Bingdun! Then this child is from the land of water. No wonder Fenghuo asked me to take good care of Bai, it turned out to be like this. '

After all, Bingdun is the blood successor limit of the Mizuki clan in Wuyin Village!

However, it is said that the Minazuki clan has been exterminated in the civil strife, and it is not known where Fenghuo found this child.

"Sister Dean...Wow..."

At this moment, Bai was overjoyed to see the pharmacist No Naiyu 'resurrected from the dead'. He jumped up and burst into tears, wailing, and kept saying that he was a demon and a monster, and he was not worthy of everyone's treatment of him. Well, blah blah blah blah blah.

Pharmacist No Naoyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then patted his head to comfort him.

"Bai, you are not a monster, nor a demon, this is ice escape ninjutsu, you know?"

"Ice escape? Ninjutsu?" Bai cried, "I, but I haven't... I haven't practiced ninjutsu."

So the pharmacist No Naoyu told him about the limit of Xueji, and then told him that only by practicing can he control the ice escape in his body and stop hurting others.

With a teary white face and a dazed expression, how could he know this.

He grew up in a very remote small village, his mother never told him about it, and his father led a large number of villagers to kill him because of the ice escape...

At the same time, other children from the orphanage also came to find them, and learned that the ninjutsu released by Bai had frozen most of the orphanage. One or two of them had their eyes glowing, and rushed forward desperately.

Bai was terrified, thinking of what his father had done to him, he thought he would be beaten, scolded or even... killed, but he didn't want to resist anymore, so he closed his eyes and bit his lip, intending to accept death calmly.


"Bai, amazing!"

"You turned out to be a ninja, that's great!"

"Shiro, can you teach me ninjutsu?"

"I want to learn too, Bai, you must give it to me."

The children pulled Bai's clothes to their bodies desperately, pestering Bai to teach them ninjutsu desperately.

Bai opened his eyes, feeling that his worldview had been completely shattered by these friends.

"You, no, aren't you afraid?" Bai's excited teeth couldn't even close together.

"Bai, what are you talking about?"

"How can you be afraid!"

"Bai, don't worry about them, give me ninjutsu quickly."

"I want to learn, I want to learn."

Pharmacist No Naoyu couldn't help but pull Bai out, and helped him out, saying: "Everyone be quiet, Bai is already very tired, and we will start learning ninjutsu tomorrow. Everyone, go and clear the ice in the orphanage first, okay?" ?"

"it is good!"


Although everyone was a little unwilling, they left obediently.

Bai looked at the back of them leaving, stunned for a while, then his eyes gradually lit up, looked up at the pharmacist No Naoyu, and said loudly: "Sister Dean, I want to learn ninjutsu."

Feng Huo has been paying attention to Bai's movements, and he is finally relieved to learn that he has gradually changed his mood and integrated into the orphanage.

He was afraid that Bai would be misleading again. What kind of loyalty, what tool, what kind of martyrdom, it would be really troublesome, but luck is good.

Feng Huo guessed that if he didn't kill him, it would be shortly after he 'got' Bai, and he hadn't had time to transform him, which made him cheaper.

Afterwards, Feng Huo went to the orphanage to teach various ninjutsu knowledge openly and aboveboard.

Bai's attitude towards Fenghuo also changed quickly.

At first he hated Fenghuo a little, because it was he who let him go away!

But now, he has found the courage to live again here, and with so many friends, he lives a full and happy life every day. Therefore, Bai is very grateful to the 'instigator' who brought him to this pure land bank up a fire.

After mastering Bai's little thoughts, Feng Huo tried his best to give him a small stove to give him warmth, and did what he did to Yao Shidou back then, so he was familiar with it, and practice made perfect, and soon Bai's affection for him grew day by day.

Pharmacist No Naoyu witnessed the whole process, and he couldn't laugh or cry. He felt that it was not good to seal the fire, and it was too philistine to treat children differently.

But thinking that the funds for the orphanage were all provided by Fenghuo~www.readwn.com~, she could only shake her head and smile wryly.

Naturally, Bai's ice escape cannot be passed on to the children in the orphanage, but they are not angry, and the dialogue is even better. After all, they have been orphans since they were young, and they have already grasped the true meaning of unity is strength!

During the period, Fenghuo also separated out shadow clones to go to Anbu to work, practice various ninjutsu, read Buddhist scriptures, and take care of the big devil Naruto, so every night when the shadow clones dissipate, the memories of each shadow clone come flooding back. , can make him serious, but as time goes by, he gradually gets used to this kind of life.

Time passed slowly, autumn passed and winter came, and soon came the 52nd year of Konoha.

In the past few days, Konoha has been snowed heavily. In just a few days, the whole village was covered in snow, and the whole world was completely white.

Feng Huo lazily walked on the wooden corridor at home to enjoy the snow, but he was a little worried.

Little Naruto, another year older.

In the original anime, Naruto lived alone and grew up alone. He grew up eating expired instant noodles and milk alone. The long-term "suffering" made his character persevering, and he never gave up no matter how difficult he encountered. .

But now that he has his own care, Naruto has a reliance, and his character will inevitably be influenced by himself, and Naruto holds the strongest Zuidun in the world of ninja, if it is because of himself that he cannot fully fill his Zuidun skills... this He said he would not take the blame.

On this day, after wandering around in the mansion for a long time, Naruto couldn't sit still. Because of the heavy snow, he hadn't gone out to play for several days, so he used "tricks" to trick Fenghuo's shadow clone into a circle. , Xiao Naruto went out happily wearing thick clothes.

Coach, I want to play!

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