Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 479: Not convinced! puff!

In the village, there is still a huge market for rumors about the demon fox killing the fourth generation and the nephew of the demon fox. Almost all the children in the village are under the influence of adults to show Xiao Naruto as a jackal, but Xiao Naruto never tires of appearing among these children In front of him, there is quite a posture of carrying the shit-stirring stick to the end.

After leaving the mansion, Naruto went to find these "little friends" to play, but unfortunately, after wandering for several streets, he couldn't find anyone.

"Where did they all go?"

Naruto was a little unhappy, "Are they all avoiding me?"

At some point in the air, there was another snowflake, and Naruto couldn't help but tighten the scarf around his neck again.

This scarf, and even the clothes on his body, were bought for him by... Xi Hihong. As for why Fenghuo didn't buy it, cough, money is tight.

Before he knew it, the sky was getting darker, and Naruto thought it was time to go home for a big meal, so he turned and ran towards a nearby grove, which was the shortest way home.

As a result, halfway through the run, he suddenly heard a faint cry from the front.

"Who's crying?"

As soon as Naruto's eyes lit up, he immediately collected materials on the spot, rubbed a snowball the size of an adult's fist and hugged it in his arms, and ran over with his eyes shining.

When he got close, he saw three 'little partners' bullying a chubby little girl.

Naruto's eyes lit up, and without saying a word, he threw the huge snowball in his hand and hit a little boy on the back of the head.

"Ah! Who is it?"

The little boy stared in pain and turned his head, and saw Naruto clapping his hands and raising his head, walking over in awe.

"It's you, son of the demon fox!"

"How dare you throw a snowball at me and hit him!"

"Yes, hit him! Kill the son of the demon fox!"

The three of them shouted more and more vigorously, but none of them rushed forward to hit Naruto.

This is of course also due to Fenghuo. Although he has no money to buy clothes for Naruto, Fenghuo has never been stingy when it comes to food. He feeds Naruto with chicken legs and wings every day. With rich nutrition, Naruto Naturally, he is 'Kongwu Lili', at least he has never lost a fight with his age group, just like a three-year-old bully!

The three little boys looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all signaling each other to rush forward with their eyes. If the three of them hit one, they should be able to beat him, right?

Seeing that they didn't dare to do anything, Naruto immediately yelled: "You scoundrels, why are you bullying other little girls!"

The three were very angry: "You yourself bully us all day long!"

"That's right, why can you bully us, we can't bully others!"

Three little boys speak words of justice.

When Naruto heard this, he immediately became angry: "Nonsense, I didn't bully you, I was playing with you, and you didn't play with me."

The three little boys hurriedly yelled: "You are the son of the demon fox, so we won't play with you."

"That's right, you are a monster, so I won't play with you."

"Go away, monster, we don't want to talk to you."

The more Naruto listened, the angrier he became, and he rushed up screaming.

When the three little boys saw it, they thought that their heads would bleed and they would lose their momentum.

So they looked at each other, bit the bullet and rushed up to fight with Naruto.

Of the three of them, one grabbed Naruto's hair, the other grabbed Naruto's scarf, and the other spit on his face, one mouthful after another.

Not to be outdone, Naruto swung his hands round to count whoever is next to him, and at the same time kept spitting on their faces with a 'puff puff', the scene was uncontrollable.

The little girl lying on the ground raised her head slightly, revealing a round face full of baby fat, especially her white eyes, which were extremely eye-catching.

She is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family, Hinata Hinata.

She watched the heroic Naruto fighting against three bad boys in order to save her, and she was so moved that even the way Naruto spit out became very handsome, handsome and charming.

Before she knew it, she was infatuated.

On the other side the battle was in full swing.

Although Naruto was strong, there were three people on the other side, and he was pinned against a tree and rubbed by them in a short while.

The three little boys tore off Naruto's scarf and threw it on the snow, then grabbed him by the neck and shouted: "I won't accept it".

While struggling, Naruto blushed and shouted thickly: "I don't accept it!"

"Are you convinced!" The three little boys increased their strength, punching, kicking and spitting.

Naruto kicked his feet wildly, stretched out his tongue to spit at them, and at the same time he was still able to speak: "I won't accept it, poof! I won't accept it, poof! You three beat me up, poof! If I don't accept it, I won't accept it, poof! "

The three of them blushed a little, but they retorted while spitting sullenly: "You are a demon fox, pfft! I should hit you one out of three."

"That's right, the next time I see you, I, the three of us will hit you once, poof!"

"The son of the demon fox can't beat us, oh, the son of the demon fox is an idiot!"

"Ahh..." Naruto let out a final roar, and then... was rubbed again.

"You, you let go, you are not allowed to beat him."

Hinata suddenly stood up bravely, holding up her tender and fleshy little hands, trying to push the three bad boys away.

But they didn't want to, they pushed Hinata away and continued to beat Naruto fatly.

Seeing Naruto's miserable appearance, Hinata couldn't help crying loudly.

Finally, the disciple of the Hyuga branch guarding her jumped out of nowhere and stopped this "battle" that was particularly boring and ridiculous in his eyes.

When the three little boys saw an adult coming, they were not from their own side, they immediately ran away yelling, and while running, they reminded Naruto to be more careful next time he walked.

Xiao Naruto was so angry that he clamored not to run away if he had the ability, but to fight one-on-one.

But I thought in my heart that the next time I meet them, I must knock down one first, otherwise it will be too tiring to fight three.

Seeing that Naruto was fine, Hinata hurried over to thank him, and picked up the scarf that fell on the ground.

Xiao Naruto raised his head moaning, seeing that she didn't call him the son of the demon fox, he couldn't help but feel a little happy, but the other party is a girl, and she is so good at fighting, will making friends with her lower my level? ?

Just as he was thinking about it, the guardian disciple of the Hinata branch had already picked up Hinata and walked away quickly.

"Miss~www.readwn.com~ please stay away from this child in the future, he is an ominous person!"

"No, wait, scarf." Hinata waved the scarf, baby fat face full of reluctance.

"Give it to you." Naruto waved his hand indifferently and shouted, "We will be friends from now on!"

"Yeah!" Hinata nodded excitedly.

After Hinata and the others left, Naruto began to arrange his clothes, smoothing out the creases, and then washed the saliva off his clothes and face with snow. After a set of movements, he was very skilled. It's the old driver!

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