Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 481: Tenseikan understand 1 time

As winter slowly passed, the snow in the Land of Fire was gradually melted by the sunlight, moistening the earth.

In the coastal area of ​​the Land of Fire, a merchant ship coming from a long distance from the Land of Water slowly docked. A group of Kirin dressed as merchants quickly passed through the pier, and then fled into the forest to remove their disguise.

"Qing, this mission always feels a bit strange."

There are about a dozen or so people in this group of Mist Ninjas. Except for the leader, Ao Shi Special Jōnin, the rest are all Chunin. Therefore, each of them has unnatural expressions on their faces.

"Yeah, you actually asked us to inquire about Konoha's Uchiha clan. We are only a dozen of us. I'm afraid we can't even sneak into Konoha, right?"

"Shut up, this is a task assigned by the fourth generation, we must complete it!" Qing Leng shouted, with a black eye patch on his right eye, he looked like a pirate leader when he got angry.

But behind him, Mist Shinobi didn't shut up, and instead talked more enthusiastically.

"I feel that the last four generations have become more and more indifferent, and I don't know if it is because of Loquat Ten Zang."

"Yeah, since Loquat Shizang defected and disappeared, the fourth generation has become much more indifferent."

"Sidai actually valued Loquat Juzo very much, so seeing Loquat Juzo defected must have hurt Sidai's heart."

"It's all the fault of Loquat Ten Zang, why would you defect if you are so nice?"

"I think everyone in the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is very strange. It's only a matter of time before they defect, right?"

Hearing the comments of his subordinates, the corners of his blue eyes appeared angry, but he also knew that even if he could stop them from talking, he couldn't stop their thoughts.

Besides, even Qing himself felt that the fourth generation was a little weird recently, but he couldn't tell what went wrong.

"You said that the fourth generation let us inquire about the Uchiha clan, is it because of the Uchiha sealing fire?"

"Ah, it must be because of him. This guy took away the three-tailed beast from our village, which made us lose a tailed beast. Damn it!"

"Yes, it must be like this, Uchiha Fenghuo is simply a despicable villain!"

"Sooner or later, I will kill him and take back the Three Tails!"

"I hope this mission goes well and we can catch Uchiha Fenghuo's whereabouts!"

A group of people came out day and night, and quickly approached Konoha, then slowed down and approached slowly.

Now that the ninja world is in a period of peace, most of the various restrictions outside Konoha Village are closed, and the rest are mostly alarm restrictions. Once outsiders break in, an alarm will be issued.

But these restrictions are in vain under Qing's white eyes!

"Thanks to Youqing's white eyes."

"That's right, this is the blood succession boundary of Konoha Hyuga's noble family, it's extremely rare!"

"Except for Qing, there is no outsider in the entire ninja world who has ever gotten a supercilious glance!"

They went deep quickly, and when they came two miles outside Muye Village, Qing's face changed.

Under Bai Yan's powerful gaze, he saw a young figure patrolling ahead.

"Uchiha Shisui?"

Qing brows frowned.

In the third Ninja World War, he and two of his teammates went deep into Konohagiri for supplies, and then encountered Uchiha Shisui. The two sides fought a battle. With the advantage of numbers, the three of them were killed and injured, but successfully repelled. Shisui Uchiha!

But after so many years, Uchiha Shisui's strength has not been improved to what extent.

Qing secretly thought that with his own strength, he might not be Uchiha Shisui's opponent. As for the companion behind him... Hehe, Uchiha Shisui is known as Shisui Shisui, and the more people there are, the more disadvantaged he will be under his Shushenjutsu , On the contrary, it is not as advantageous as fighting alone.

Qing pondered for a while, and immediately shouted: "Retreat!"


"Qing, you've already arrived here, why are you retreating?"

Qing Leng shouted: "Shut up, Uchiha Shisui is patrolling ahead!"

"Uchiha Shisui? Instant Shisui?"

The crowd of Wu Ren turned pale with shock.

Speaking of which, the name of Shisui Shishui can only be successfully played by their Mist Ninja.

Hearing this name, everyone stopped hesitating and retreated one after another.

Uchiha Shisui seemed to be aware of it, and opened the Sangouyu Shulunyan to look this way.

But Sharingan is obviously inferior to Baiyan in terms of eyesight, so he only vaguely senses that there is someone there, but he can't see Qing and the others.

He cautiously approached there, but when he approached, all the fog ninja had already left.

Uchiha Shisui checked the traces around him and confirmed that someone had sneaked into Konoha just now. After thinking about it, he rushed back to Anbe and reported to his superiors.

His superior is naturally Feng Huo.

Uchiha Shisui knocked on the door of Fenghuo's office and came in to report: "Captain, I just patrolled around the village and found someone sneaking into Konoha."

Fenghuo is so busy every day, of course it is impossible for him to come to work.

Huameinan's No. 2 shadow clone put down the melon seeds in his hand, and asked solemnly: "Can you confirm the identity of the other party?"

Uchiha Shisui shook his head slightly.

"Oh." So Huameinan No. 2 picked up the melon seeds and read the newspapers again, working or something, I like it the most.

Uchiha Shisui twitched his lips to show respect, and smiled wryly: "Captain, the other party is very cautious and didn't leave much useful information, but..."

"But what?" Huameinan No. 2 kept knocking the melon seeds, making a crackling sound.

Uchiha Shisui lowered his head, pretending that he was blind, and said: "The other party can sneak into Konoha without touching the restriction, and can find me before I find them, which shows that the other party's perception ability is very good!"

Flower Boy No. 2 shadow clone nodded.

Uchiha Shisui was a little embarrassed: "Well, don't you need to notify the captain?"

"Huh? I'm your captain!" Huameinan's No. 2 shadow clone slapped the table and shouted.

In Uchiha Shisui's eyes, the Sangouyu turned slightly.

The handsome boy No. 2 immediately confessed: "Okay, I get it."

As he spoke, he sealed and dismissed himself, and then the memory of his leisurely half-day work was transmitted back to Fenghuo's body.

"Yo Yo Yo, this is a big fish!"

Fenghuo became very excited when he received the memory.

Combined with the original book and Uchiha Shisui's words, Fenghuo is 100% sure that the other party must be Qing with white eyes!

He ran outside without saying a word.

As for Baiyan, Fenghuo dismissed it at first in his previous life, it was ugly and useless, it was nothing compared to Sharingan.

But with the appearance of Tenseiken, this view was immediately reversed.

The eternal kaleidoscope plus the body of a fairy~www.readwn.com~ can evolve the eyes of reincarnation.

And Baiyan plus the body of a sage can evolve into a Tenseiyan that is not inferior to the reincarnation eye!

Moreover, the repulsion and gravity mastered by Tenseiyan can even affect the orbit of the planet, which is simply abnormal!

In comparison, Shenluo Tianzheng and Wanxiang Tianyin in Samsara Eye are not enough.

The most important thing is that if you want to evolve the reincarnation eye, the writing sharing eye must evolve to the eternal kaleidoscope, but the difficulty in this is not so great for Fenghuo.

As for Baiyan, as long as the purity is enough, it can directly fuse with the body of a sage to evolve into Tenseiyan, which is simple and rude.

Feng Huo wasn't sure if Qing's white eyes were pure enough, but no matter what, he was going to fix this white eye! Still troubled by the latest chapters you can't find? Amway one or search hot/degree/network/article "Remember to remove "/" when searching or you won't be able to find it", here is a young lady to help you find books and chat with you!

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