Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 482: change face

After being startled by Uchiha Shisui, Qing and others hid in a small canyon more than fifty miles away from Konoha Village.

Due to the melting snow in the canyon, the humidity is very heavy, and even the ground under the feet is muddy, and a line of footprints can be left behind by walking lightly.

Several fog ninjas cleared all the footprints along the way to ensure that they would not be followed.

"Qing, what should we do now?"

"Do you want to continue the mission?"

"Uchiha Shisui shouldn't have noticed us, right?"

Qing pondered and said: "Although Sharingan is powerful, it is not as good as Baiyan when it comes to reconnaissance. I found Uchiha Shisui, but he may not be able to find me."

"In other words, we haven't been discovered yet, which is great!"

"Let's find another chance to sneak into Konoha."

Listening to Wu Ninja's words from you to me, Qing felt a little cold in her heart.

The moment he saw Uchiha Shisui before, he realized that this mission was tricky!

The fourth generation asked them to inquire about the information of the Uchiha clan. For this kind of thing, there should be as few people as possible, so as to reduce the risk of exposure. If a dozen people like them sneak in, it will be easy to be noticed!

Moreover, although my white eyes can help everyone avoid Konoha's restriction, don't forget that there are many ninjas with white eyes in the Hyuga clan in Konoha. Endless situation!

Cold sweat overflowed from Aoi's forehead. Based on this idea, it can be speculated that the real purpose of the fourth generation sending him to Konoha was not to inquire about the information of the Uchiha clan, but...to kill him!

‘Why would the fourth generation do this? '

'No, I must be thinking too much. '

Qingmei's heart was beating and beating, becoming more and more uneasy.

"Qing, Qing? What's wrong with you?"

"You look bad, are you injured?"

A group of Wu Ren asked with concern.

Qing shook her head, then gritted her teeth, clenched her fists and said, "I've decided to give up the mission, everyone pack up and go back to the village immediately!"

"What? Just go back like this?"

"Don't we still have a chance?"

"Qing, what happened?"

Qing didn't dare to speak out the speculation in his heart, and only said: "With Shishen Shishui, it is impossible for us to avoid him and enter Konoha. Instead of dying in vain, it is better to just give up. I believe... the fourth generation will not blame him. our!"


"This is an order!" Qing said coldly, "Retreat immediately!"

Under Qing's tough attitude, the group of Wunin had no choice but to accept their fate, simply packed up and left quickly.

Two hours later.

Feng Huo finally found it.

Qing was very cautious when leaving Konoha, except for leaving a little trace at the beginning, there was no trace after that. It took a lot of time for Fenghuo and his shadow clone to find the canyon smoothly, but it was still a step too late.


Feng Huo summoned fifteen shadow clones again, and said coldly, "Keep looking!"

The fifteen shadow clones immediately fanned out towards the coastline of the Land of Fire.

Feng Huo also chose a random direction to set off, feeling restless.

This guy Ao is really too cunning, and Uchiha Shisui was frightened and fled without covering up, which completely embarrassed Kirinin.

Feng Huo looks down on this kind of person the most!

For the past few days, Feng Huo and his shadow clone have been getting closer and closer to the coastal area of ​​the Kingdom of Fire, but there is still no trace of Qing and them.

"It seems that we can only block people at the pier." Feng Huo secretly said.

Although the coastline of the Land of Fire is very winding and long, there are not many piers. No matter whether Wunin chooses to take a downwind merchant ship or rent it directly, it must be done at the pier. Of course, if Wunin and the others choose No. 11 to run back from the sea Land of Water…

Uh, the chances of this should not be high. After all, the sea is not land, and extreme weather such as tsunamis and thunderstorms can cause great harm to ninjas, so they dare not take risks unless it is a last resort.

After sealing the fire and resting for half a day, he sent fifteen shadow clones to various docks to monitor the merchant ships heading to the land of water.

The wharfs were crowded with people, and the smell of sweat and fish permeated the surrounding area, killing people more than killing them.

On a coastal pier, Qing brought two companions to rent a merchant ship.

Qing was very cautious, and looked around with supercilious eyes before going in.

The pier is not small, and there are many buildings blocking Baiyan's vision, so Qing decisively uses Baiyan's powerful perspective ability. With the perspective ability, he can directly ignore all the buildings on the pier, and see everyone's chakra clearly and intuitively. !

Then, his face changed slightly.

"Retreat, quick!" Qing lowered her head, turned around and walked out.

"Qing, what did you see?"

"Are we not chartering a boat?"

Qing was silent.

The two little friends next to each other looked at each other, a little puzzled.

After the three left quickly, they hurried to another pier dozens of miles away.

As a result, before entering, Qing's face changed again.

Then he directly bypassed this pier and rushed to another pier a hundred miles away.

The two little friends who followed him looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why Qing behaved like this.

But one thing can be confirmed is that after Qing came to the Land of Fire, his psychological endurance really got worse and worse, and he would change his face every now and then, asking him what he saw but not saying anything.


Sure enough, when they came to the third pier, Qing stopped again, with an uncertain expression on his face.

The two little friends were very speechless. When they asked him what was going on, he was silent again and said nothing.

The two little friends were helpless and aggrieved.

"Retreat!" Qing sighed, turned and left quickly.

The sky was getting darker, and the sea breeze was blowing more and more violently. On a steep cliff hanging on a lonely coastline, a group of fog ninjas waited anxiously.

"Qing went to rent a boat, why did it take so long?"

"Will there be an accident?"

"It's getting dark, if Qing doesn't come back, just in case, we have to move."

At this moment, Qing finally came back with two friends with strange faces.

Qing didn't wait for other people to ask questions, and said directly, "Everyone, our whereabouts have been leaked, everyone get ready, we have to leave here immediately!"

"What? Discovered?"

"Is it Konoha's ninja?"

"Who is the opponent? Is it very powerful?"

Everyone looked at Qing~www.readwn.com~ Qing nodded solemnly: "I saw a strong chakra wave on the dock before, and then went to several other docks and saw exactly the same chakra fluctuations!"

"How is it possible? Exactly the same chakra fluctuations?"

"Could it be a shadow clone?"

A stern look flashed in the blue eyes: "Yes, it is the shadow clone! And I believe that there are also his shadow clones guarding the pier further away! Everyone, you can separate so many shadow clones, and let the shadow clones have such a powerful check! Carat, there is only one person in Konoha who can do it!"

Wu Ninja looked at me and I looked at you, and my heart was shocked.

"Could it be..."

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