Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 483: Roll your eyes

After Fenghuo was famous in the ninja world for writing sharing eyes, he captured Mitsuo from Wuyin Village and became Sanwei Jinchuriki, and his strength went up a level. For these Kirinin on the cliff, the name Uchiha Fenghuo means Invincible!

In particular, their purpose in coming to the Land of Fire is not friendly. If they are caught by Uchiha Fenghuo, what will happen to them?

"Qing, since the pier has been blocked by Uchiha, how should we return home?"

Qing pondered: "We now have three options. The first is to build a ship together and return home directly from here. The second option is to walk north along the coastline, enter the country of soup, and then rent a boat from the country of soup to return home. There are three choices, that is, to go to the country of waves, and then return to the country of waves."

The Wuwu Ninja immediately started discussing.

The atmosphere was very active, and there was a sense of brainstorming.

Fenghuo couldn't bear to disturb them anymore.

In fact, Qing is indeed very cautious, but success is also Xiao He, and defeat is also Xiao He. It is precisely because of his caution that he is exposed.

The first time Qing saw Chakra of Fenghuo with supercilious eyes, Fenghuo didn't actually find him. If Qing had returned directly at that time, and then led Mist Ninja away, maybe Fenghuo really couldn't stop them.

But Pianqing was too cautious. She ran to other piers to see it without believing in evil, and even ran a couple of times. She naively thought that she would not be discovered if she didn't enter the pier, but she didn't know that the chakra perception technique of Fenghuo could already cover it. Within a range of five kilometers, you can feel the opponent's chakra ten miles away. Although Qing didn't enter the dock, she was still found by the fire-sealing perception technique!

After that, Fenghuo passed the information to other shadow clones through the shadow clone, and then, many 'Fenghuo' rushed towards this place, after searching, they quickly locked on here.

Hoo hoo!

The sea breeze at night brought a cool and chilly air, blowing on the face, making one's hair stand up uncontrollably.

Qing's complexion suddenly changed again, he hurriedly opened his white eyes, and looked around, when he saw it, he was sweating coldly, and his whole body was weak.

At some point, the left and right sides of the cliff, the back road, and even the sea were surrounded by people, and the chakra fluctuations of the surrounded people were exactly the same!

Uchiha seals the fire!

Qing's face was stiff, and he patted the shoulder of a Kiriginin in front of him: "Stop arguing, we are already surrounded."


"Qing, it can't be... that person?"

The warm atmosphere on the cliff froze instantly.

Feng Huo felt that it was his turn to play at this time.

So he came out from behind flirtatiously, and the gentle moonlight shone on his side face, making him look graceful and suave.

"You're right, it should be me."

Feng Huo walked up to Wu Ninja with a slight smile, and said a word of justice, "I remember that our two villages have signed a peace treaty, why do you still dare to sneak into Konoha with evil intentions? Don't try to deny it, because Uchiha Shisui The traces of your infiltration have been found!"

At this moment, he had already forgotten the killing of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost and the group of Wunin Anbu half a year ago.

No way, who made him so good?

Qing's face changed again, secretly thinking that he underestimated Uchiha Shisui.

"Uchiha seals the fire, what do you want?" Qing Leng shouted.

"Keep your eyes!" Feng Huo asked directly.

Qing's face changed: "Eyes? What do you want my eyes for?"

"It's not your eyes, it's the Hyuga Clan's Blood Successor Limit, White Eyes!" Feng Huo sneered, "If you want people not to know it, you have to do nothing about it, don't think that wearing a blindfold can fool you!"

The faces of the group of Wunin suddenly changed drastically, and they stood in front of Qing for the first time, taking out Kunai, Shuriken, and Detonating Talisman to be on guard.

"Qing, Baiyan is very important to the village, and there is no room for loss!"

"Qing, hurry up, let's stop him!"

Qing shook his head and said: "It's too late, the shadow clone of Uchiha Fenghuo has surrounded us."

"Damn it!"

"Fight with him!"

"Want to roll your eyes, dream!"

Seeing the excited Mist Ninjas, Feng Huo was amused: "Please, Bai Yan is Konoha's blood succession boundary, it was stolen by you, and now it's returned to its original owner, how angry are you?"

As soon as the crowd of Wu Nin heard this, their aura suddenly blew up. Thinking about it carefully, this is really the case, and no one refuted it for a while.

Except green.

"It's a joke coming out of your mouth!" Qing pushed away everyone, faced Fenghuo, and sneered, "Baiyan is my trophy, it belongs to me! If you think I am a robber, then what about yourself?" ? The three tails in your body are the tail beasts of our Wuyin Village, you snatched the three tails and sealed them in your body, what is the difference between you and me!?"

Feng Huo was stunned for a moment before he said: "You are so reasonable, I am speechless. However, no matter how eloquent you are, I will not be persuaded by you. Give me your eyes and I can let you go." leave!"

"Absolutely impossible, even if I destroy it, I won't make you roll your eyes!" Qing yelled angrily.

A cold light flashed in Feng Huo's eyes, and in the next moment, the dozen or so shadow clones all around rushed forward.

"Fire escape-helix pill!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Numerous ninjutsu bloomed like a hundred flowers, instantly blooming on the cliff, and with the blossoming of blood flowers, the battle soon became one-sided.

A Wunin prostrated himself under the cropped trousers that sealed Hokage's avatar, and died with regret.

Soon, only Ao and the two Mist ninjas were left struggling on the cliff.

"Damn it!" Qing looked at the companions who died around him, burst into tears, and roared again and again, "Uchiha Fenghuo, even if I die, I won't let you get supercilious!"

As he said that, he stretched out his fingers to destroy his white eyes, but to his surprise, the two companions behind him hugged him and stopped his self-harm.

"What are you doing? Let me go!"

Qing struggled to break free, turned her head to look, and suddenly found that the eyes of the two companions were dull, obviously under the illusion!


Just as Qing was about to make a move, Feng Huo's shadow avatar had already rushed up, directly shutting his white eyes, blood spattered everywhere in an instant, and howled endlessly.

Fenghuo got Baiyan, and immediately took out the sealing scroll, sealed Baiyan in it and hid it.

After getting the supercilious look, Fenghuo's mood instantly swelled.

"Hahaha, Qing, why do you think you are doing this? Didn't the white eyes fall into my hands in the end? If you handed it over to me sooner~www.readwn.com~ would your little friends still die? Of course No? So from this point of view, these people died at your hands."

"Shut up, you devil, I'm going to kill you, **** it!" One of Qing's eyes was gouged out, revealing a **** hole, which looked extremely hideous.

"Kill me?" Feng Huo chuckled, "With supercilious eyes, you are at most a famous character, but without supercilious eyes, what kind of onion are you?"

"Bastard, **** it!" Qing's only remaining eye was bloodshot, and his eyes were full of madness.

Feng Huo was terrified when he saw his ferocious appearance.

"I thought I wanted to save your life for the sake of your advanced role, but since you are so fierce..." Feng Huo turned and left, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, "Then, what's the matter!"

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