Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 484: Check the purity of white eyes

Kill Jiangqing and his party, Fenghuo let the shadow clone destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces, and at the same time let the shadow clone search the surroundings carefully, and after repeatedly confirming that there are no omissions, Fenghuo left happily.

Half an hour later he jumped out of the horn bumps to check again.

It's not that he has persecution paranoia, it's that the white-eyed matter is of great importance, if the news leaks to the Hyuga clan, hmph, Fenghuo knows what will happen with appendicitis.

He spent so much effort and paid so much to get this supercilious eye, but he didn't want to end up fetching water from a bamboo basket.

So at this stage, even though he got the white eyes, he still can't use them openly.

However, it is possible to test the blood purity of this white eye first.

Feng Huo stroked his chin and thought.

Although he is a giant in Anbu, but Anbu is Sarutobi Hiruzen Anbu, and it is not ruled out that there are ninja cats with roots in it, so he cannot be tested by Anbu's medical ninja.

As for other medical ninjas, after much deliberation, only Pharmacist Nonoyu is suitable.

Pharmacist No Naoyu has stayed at the roots, and it shouldn't be a problem to test the purity of Baiyan's blood.

Back in the village, Fenghuo maintained his daily life quietly, until the ninja school was over in the evening, and he took the opportunity of sending Bai back to the orphanage to meet the pharmacist Nonoyu.

In order to keep it secret, he had to be so cautious.

The two met in a basement of the orphanage, very secretly.

"Sister Pharmacist, please help me check this eye."

Seal the fire and carefully take out the sealing scroll.

Pharmacist No Naoyu curiously took it, and after thinking about it, he took out a glass test tube from a wooden wall in the basement, poured some green test solution in it, and then untied the sealing scroll, took out the white eyes, and put them in the glass test tube. Soak up in test tubes.

"Blind eyes?"

Pharmacist No Naoyu's expression changed, "Fenghuo, you..."

Feng Huo hurriedly waved his hand and said: "It's not what you think, it's not mine, no, it's mine, and it's not..."

Seeing Feng Huo's tongue knotted, Yaoshi Nonaiyu shook his head and laughed: "Talk slowly, don't worry."

Feng Huo breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly scolded himself for being like the people in third-rate TV dramas, who couldn't even speak clearly at critical moments?

After Feng Huo made a deep self-examination, he slowly explained the origin of this white eye.

"So that's how it turned out. It turned out that Kirinin was obtained from the head of the Hyuga clan during World War Three, and then you snatched it back." Pharmacist Nonoyu nodded slightly, and then looked at him curiously, "In that case, why don't you take Send this eye back to the Hyuga Clan? You have no conflict with the Hyuga Clan, maybe you can gain their favor through this white eye."

Feng Huo sighed, pondered for a while, felt that there was no point in concealing it, so he pointed to the mirror socket on his face, and said, "Sister Yaoshi, in fact, my writing wheel is going to lose its light."

"Lose the light? What do you mean?" Pharmacist No Naiyu was taken aback.

In fact, she noticed that Feng Huo was also wearing a pair of glasses very early on. At that time, she just thought it was myopia. Looking at it now, I'm afraid...

Feng Huo said: "Sharingan can evolve to Sangouyu and can continue to evolve. It is called Kaleidoscope Sharingan! Kaleidoscope Sharingan is very powerful, but the cost of using it is also very high. It is light. Every time you use it, you can write The wheel eye will lose a little bit of light, until it loses light permanently in the end, and becomes... blind."

Pharmacist No Naoyu's pupils shrank, and immediately took off the glasses that sealed the fire, and then looked directly into his pupils.

From Feng Huo's pupils, Pharmacist No Naoyu was horrified to find that his binocular vision was already very bad!

Feng Huo smiled and stretched out his hand to grab the glasses in the hands of the pharmacist No Naoyu, but he missed it, and the smile on his face couldn't help being embarrassed.

Pharmacist No Naoyu put on glasses for him in silence, and said, "You... plan to transplant white eyes?"

Feng Huo laughed and said, "If the blood of this eye is pure enough."

Although Feng Huo does not have the body of a fairy, it does not mean that he will not have it in the future.

"I see."

Pharmacist Nonoyu sighed, then took out a set of instruments in the basement and started testing.

Feng Huo watched from the side, feeling like doing experiments in a chemical laboratory in his previous life, but soon he lost his patience and walked back and forth.

Half an hour later, pharmacist No Naoyu finally completed the test.

"How is it?" Feng Huo looked at her nervously.

Pharmacist Nonoyu shook his head slightly, and said: "Although this white eye belongs to the Hyuga Sect's family, the purity of the blood can only be said to be average."

"That's it."

Feng Huo sighed, but when he thought about it carefully, only Hinata Hanabi's eyes could truly merge with the body of a sage to evolve into Tenseiken among the huge Hyuga clan. His second-hand supercilious eyes, no, third-hand supercilious supercilious eyes, are really not big Probably comparable to Hinata Hanabi's eyes.

After he figured it out, he cheered up again, and in turn comforted the pharmacist No Naoyu, it was nothing serious.

"It's a pity that my medical ninjutsu can't help you." Pharmacist Nonoyu said regretfully, "I'm really sorry."

Feng Huo said with a smile: "Sister Yaoshi, you have helped me a lot, there is no place to apologize, and the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, even if the pair of Sharingan eyes really lose their light, it's a big deal to change to a pair of ordinary eyes, anyway. I have three tails, and ordinary ninjas are not enough for me to fight."

"You child..." Pharmacist Nonoyu couldn't laugh or cry, and then sighed, "It would be great if Tsunade-sama was here."

Feng Huo was startled, smiled wryly and shook his head.

In fact, he was also optimistic about Tsunade before, but after getting to know Tsunade's medical ninjutsu in depth, he found that her healing ninjutsu is in the same direction as Pharmacist Nonoyu, both of which focus on the treatment of the body, for external injuries, internal injuries , What fractures, internal bleeding, severed hands and feet have significant curative effects, but when it comes to DNA-level issues such as blood successor boundaries, I am afraid that they are far inferior to Orochimaru, a cold-blooded scientific research madman.

Therefore, Feng Huo still thinks it is more reliable to put his hope on the successor of Dashewan, Yaoshidou~www.readwn.com~ Then, what are you going to do with this supercilious eye next? "The pharmacist No Naiyu asked again.

Feng Huo was startled, a little hesitant.

The purity of this white eye is not high, and it is of little value if it is transplanted, and it may directly offend the Hyuga clan, which is not worthwhile.

Then return it to the Hyuga clan?

I'm a bit reluctant, after all, I have worked so hard to **** them, and I can't take advantage of them for nothing.

After much deliberation, he still decided to keep it as a collection first, in case it would be useful someday.

Faced with the choice of sealing the fire, Pharmacist No Naiyu reserved his opinion, but respected his choice.

She put the white eyes back into the previous test tube soaked in the green liquid, and then sealed it into the scroll, saying: "This way it can be preserved for a longer time."

"Thank you." Feng Huo took the scroll, chatted with her a few more words, and then left.

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