Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 485: Hormone burst Kay

The years are quiet and the world is stable.

After getting Qing's white eyes, the days of Fenghuo began to become dull, and of course, very fulfilling.

Although he has made a big name in the ninja world these years, there are still many shortcomings, so Fenghuo's daily practice is still hard.

Among the twenty shadow clones, apart from one shadow clone being arranged to go to work in Anbu, one shadow clone to take care of Naruto, and one shadow clone to take Bai to and from school, each of the other seventeen has a training task.

Leiqie's derivative ninjutsu, "Buddha escape" welcome - thousand hand killing, chakra perception, sealing technique, mixed ninjutsu, each requires time and energy.

Of course, there is also the thunder escape body.

At the end of the Third World War, he captured the Erwei Jinchuriki and the two Yuki people to blackmail the fourth generation Raikage Ai of Yunyin Village, but Ai was extremely tough and refused arbitrarily. Copied only to the fur.

But as the old saying goes, you can see the whole leopard from one spot.

After copying to this point, Fenghuo arranged shadow clones to deduce from this point every day, follow the picture to find out, and return to the original source.

In the final analysis, the thunder escape body is just using the thunder escape chakra to stimulate the body and activate cells.

Although the body is fragile, if you are not careful, you will be hurt by Lei Dun Chakra, but fortunately, there are three tails in Fenghuo, and there are so many chakras. Under the suicide research of the shadow clone, I finally achieved some results!

On this day, Feng Huo locked himself in the basement of the mansion, opened the seals around him, and then began to practice the 'Self-developed 1.0 Castration Version' Thunder Defense Body.

Feng Huo carefully transformed a trace of chakra in the palm of his right hand into Lightning Tunnel Chakra. In an instant, he felt burning, tingling, and numb sensations in the palm of his hand. Feng Huo was determined and remained unmoved. The silk lightning escape chakra was slowly transmitted along the specific meridians at the elbow of the right hand, and the pain in the palm immediately dissipated a lot.

As the Thunder Tunnel Chakra flowed in the meridian of the right hand, Feng Huo could feel his right hand was bitten by a mosquito, a little itchy and a little sore.

Then, there is no more.

Don't look at it, only this one meridian has been cultivated, but in order to find out this specific meridian, Feng Huo's shadow clone has suffered for more than half a month!

And the full version of the Lightning Escape Body can use the Lightning Escape Chakra to activate all the cells in the whole body, so there is a long way to go before the completion of the fire-sealing Shadow Clone.

Of course, Fenghuo's main body was not idle either, and spent most of his time practicing physical skills.

After all, the practice of physical skills cannot be faked by shadow clones, especially the exercise of physical fitness, which is completely water-based kung fu, and there must be no cheating.

With Feng Huo's current physical fitness, he can only open the eight gates to the third gate, but Kai, a little bitch, is already attacking the fifth gate!

Kai's training in the past few years has inherited Matt Dai's devil training. During training, he doesn't regard himself as a human being at all, and he has a lot of fish and meat, rich in nutrition, so his progress is very fast, and his physical fitness has improved crazily.

Recently, Kai felt that his body could withstand the fifth door, but unfortunately no matter how he trained, he couldn't open the fifth door. Therefore, Kai decided to use the pressure of the battle to make his body explode and open the fifth door.

And his preferred targets are naturally Fenghuo and Kakashi.

Kakashi, the chicken thief, learned that Kai was overflowing with youth and was out of control. Without saying a word, he took a mission and eloped with his right-hand assistant Yamato.

But Feng Huo has always been obsessed with cultivation and doesn't care about worldly affairs, so he was blocked by Kai when he was exercising in the small forest.

"Fenghuo, you are training alone?" Kai raised his thick and thick eyebrows, and instantly turned on the blood mode, "How can one improve in training? Come on, come on and fight, only by fighting can we get the real Only by making progress can we live up to our youth!"

Kai turned around and stood under the setting sun. The setting sun in the sky just covered his head, making him look like... a magic stick?

"Feng Huo, youth should not be used only for cultivation, fighting is the best way to release youth!"

As he was talking, Kai had already opened the eight doors of Dunjia, directly opened the fourth door of injury, and then rushed up screaming.

Feng Huo was stunned.

What is this open mode?

Then he was punched to the sky with a bang.

"Li Lianhua!!"

Kai stepped into the air, and his figure instantly turned into an afterimage and flew into the sky, quickly approaching Fenghuo.

Feng Huo's hairs stand on end, is this **** really serious?

Without saying a word, he avoided this trick by using a substitute technique.

The next moment, Kai punched him where he was hiding.


The violent punch blows away all the vegetation nearby, exposing the sealing fire behind.

Feng Huo wanted to cry, he had just exercised his body for most of the day, and his physical strength was weak, but Kai saw that his hormones were bursting and he had nowhere to vent, so beating him was purely looking for abuse.

Fenghuo dived directly into the ground to escape.

Kai pursued closely, punching big holes on the ground with his fists, and the dense cracks under the big holes created a huge obstacle for Fenghuo's stealth.


Kai Yue hit more and more vigorously, his fist strength became stronger and stronger each time, the whole grove trembled under his lust, and leaves fell all over the ground.

Finally, after more than twenty punches, Feng Huo was blasted out by Kai.

"Xiao Bichi, it's not over, is it!" Feng Huo was furious.

When Kai saw it, he was even more excited. The tight green combat uniform on his body was twisted exaggeratedly, and then he kicked violently.

In an instant, a crescent wind that resembled an air slash tore through the air and roared towards it.

Fenghuo immediately formed a seal with both hands: "Tudun-Tuliubi!"

A ten-centimeter-thick earth wall rose from the ground in an instant, and then it was kicked cleanly by the crescent wind, sending dust flying.

Fenghuo grimaced, turned over and dodged.

Kai tipped his toes and approached quickly like a ghost: "Whirlwind of Konoha!!"

His foot kicked the air directly, like a thunder on the ground, rumbling towards Fenghuo.

Fenghuo lacks physical strength, and if he confronts head-on, he will definitely suffer a loss, so he seals again: "Huo Dun-The Art of Hao Fireball!"

The fireball with a radius of several meters was pushed away in an instant, like a big sun.

But Kai didn't dodge or dodge, his feet were even faster, kicking out, the strong wind directly cut Hao's fireball in half, whistling past him and under him.

And he didn't lose momentum, and kicked the fire again.

The fire is depressed.

In the past when he fought against Kai, he could force Kai back with a big fireball, but now Kai's physical skills are considered small, and he has opened four gates. He can completely ignore ordinary ninjutsu!

Thinking of this, he swung his right hand across: "Lei Dun-Lei Qie!"


Feng Huo's right hand was instantly covered by lightning~www.readwn.com~ The flickering thunder was dazzling, turning into a meteor and cutting towards Kai's sole.

"Damn it, you actually use the Lightning Escape Ninjutsu!"

Although Kai was in mid-air, his figure was extremely flexible. He retreated with one point in the air, and then with another point, he launched another attack directly from the other side.

As a taijutsu ninja, once he is approached by Kai, with his taijutsu cultivation, it is difficult to persist under his taijutsu unless he is at the top ninja level.

Kai punched and kicked, like a violent storm, every move contained great power, those seemingly thick big trees hugged by several people would break when touched, and explode when touched, making Kai look like a Tyrannosaurus rex.

After sealing the fire for a while, Leiqie, and for a while, Heliwan, he was finally able to hold steady under Kai's berserk attack, but this also made Kai completely hilarious.

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