Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 487: send a message

Hiruzaru Sarutobi has two sons, Asuma is the youngest son, as for the eldest son, unfortunately, Hiruzaru Sarutobi’s eldest son has very poor aptitude, no matter how hard he practices, he can’t become a ninja, he just gets married when he becomes an adult Moving out is considered a separation.

Because of this, including Feng Huo, many people have never seen Sarutobi Hiruzen's eldest son.

After Fenghuo took over the task, he went home and sent Naruto to Yuhihong's house.

"Uncle Blind, are you going to run out again?" Naruto seemed a little happy and a little unhappy that he was going to live in Yuhihong's house again.

I am happy because Yuhihong will buy him things, such as clothes, toys, food and drink, everything, but I am not happy because Xihihong is stricter, not letting him go out, and teaching others, which is even worse If he still wants to spank his ass, Naruto can't stand this kind of grievance.

But at this time, Naruto perfectly explained what it means that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Apart from Fenghuo and Yuhihong, Naruto really has nowhere to go.

As for Kakashi, in order to avoid Kai, this guy is still doing tasks outside and has not come back.

Then Feng Huo told Xi Hihong to remember to pick up Bai to and from school every day.

Bai has a special status, and the orphanage is far away from the ninja school. If she were to go to and from school alone, Feng Huo would be really worried.

Fortunately, Yuhihong is now able to barely use a trace of Yin-attributed three-tailed chakra, so it's not a big problem to create a shadow clone.

"I know, you should also be careful." Xi Hihong said seriously.

"Don't worry, it's just investigating a small organization, and I'll be back soon." Feng Huo felt guilty.

The last time he ran out suddenly, relying on a woman's intuition, Xi Hihong worried for a long time, and kept asking after he came back, causing Feng Huo to tell a dozen or so lies before justifying himself, so that Xi Hihong would not pursue further.

"It's better like this, hum." Xi Hi Hong snorted twice.

Feng Huo took a look, and quickly winked at Naruto next to him.

Naruto's eyes widened inexplicably, not knowing why.

Feng Huo's eyes were about to cramp, but Naruto was still indifferent, so he kicked the little beast with no eyesight into the air.


Xiao Naruto yelled and hit a dozen somersaults in the air, and then flew out of the window in embarrassment.

When Yuhihong saw it, she blushed immediately.

After an indescribable operation, Feng Huo reluctantly left.

Xiao Naruto stood outside the house angrily, and when he saw Fenghuo coming out, he immediately rushed up to punch and kick, screaming.

Feng Huo picked up his back collar, let his short hands and feet toss in the air, and then threw it directly through the window, saying: "Hong, if you don't obey, beat him."

"Damn it!!" Naruto yelled unwillingly.

Leaving the village, Fenghuo went straight to the capital of the Land of Fire.

The capital of the Land of Fire is very large and prosperous, even worse than Konoha.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, with a wide range of products, and pedestrians are even more busy.

From time to time, Fenghuo can see a few dedicated thieves working hard. After working for a long time, guards will come out to arrest them. Both the thieves and the guards are ordinary people, so although there is a commotion, they cannot be found. How big the wolf was, it was soon submerged in the flow of people.

And if the ninjas fight, I'm afraid half the street will be destroyed.

From this perspective, ninjas have indeed seriously affected the lives of ordinary people.

Fenghuo also saw several fried chicken shops, all of which had the sign of Konoha Fried Chicken. They were obviously franchisees, and every piece of fried chicken sold had Fenghuo's dividend.

Looking at the thriving business of several fried chicken shops, I feel happy to seal the fire.

Then he remembered his mission, and asked someone to inquire about protecting the Twelve Ninja Warriors.

It's a pity that I didn't know how many people I asked.

It seems that this thing is quite mysterious.

If it was in another country, Fenghuo could go directly to the daimyo or the ministers under him, and use illusion to force him to ask questions, but the country of fire is his own, if he does this, it will definitely attract complaints from the daimyo, Hiruzaru Sarutobi wants to save face Human beings will inevitably reprimand themselves severely, won't they be human inside and out by then?

So Feng Huo summoned twenty shadow clones, and sent them out to inquire about Guardian Ninja. As for him, hehe, of course he went shopping.

After wandering around until night fell, the twenty shadow clones finally dissipated one by one, and came back with miscellaneous information, most of which were useless information, but there was also information about the twelve guardian ninja warriors.

As the daimyo's private independent armed forces, these twelve people guard the daimyo's safety day and night, even sleeping in the daimyo mansion, which can be said to be protected to the teeth.

Judging from the information, these twelve people are bodyguards and the like, and if they are invincible, they will also bring disaster to the daimyo's daughter, and stage a love story of twelve men fighting for one woman.

But thinking about the original work, Twelve Ninja seems to have internal conflicts, and finally broke, torn apart, and even made a mess of disgusting Konoha more than ten years later.

Feng Huo remembered that that Ma Ma had a son with a nine-tailed chakra in his body, who was a dummy Churiki, but was finally influenced by Naruto's mouth.

While thinking about this, the Fire Sealer had already arrived outside the Daming Mansion.

"Chakra Perception!"

Feng Huo touched the ground with both fingers, and soon felt twelve powerful chakra fluctuations in the Daming Mansion, shining like fireflies under the moonlight. Of these twelve people, six were sleeping, and the other six were sleeping. Guarding the Daming Mansion, he is very dedicated to his duty.

After Fenghuo identified them one by one, he quickly locked on Asma's location, and then sneaked in.

He didn't go to see Asma directly, but searched in the back house and found the daimyo's study.

At this time, the night was dark, the daimyo had already fallen asleep, and there was no one in the study. After Feng Huo sneaked in, he began to fiddle with the documents in the room.

Soon, he found the personal information of the Guardian Ninja Twelve.

Asma, Dilu, Beigen, Chengma, Xingdou, Freezing Rain, and Ma...

'Successful? and horses? How come there are two horses? ’ Feng Huo shook his head, unable to tell which son it was.

Feng Huo continued to read, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, all of these people insisted that Hokage is useless, and advocated that the power of ninja should be in charge of the fire country daimyo.

Feng Huo sneered, using these twelve people, if he said that the daimyo had no ambitions, he would not believe it if he was killed.

After copying these materials, Fenghuo put the materials back intact and left.

Then, he touched Asma's room.

After all, Asma is a ninja, so he is still very alert. As soon as Fenghuo entered the room, he opened his eyes suddenly.

"Who is it?!" Asma's voice was full of coldness, giving Fenghuo a strange sense of strangeness.

"It's me." Fenghuo said.

Asma was taken aback, feeling that the voice sounded familiar, and hurriedly lit the lamp.

"You are...Fenghuo? Why are you here?" Asma was surprised when she saw Fenghuo~www.readwn.com~ But even more surprised was Fenghuo.

Because at this time, Asma was wearing a non-mainstream Shamat hairstyle, with a sense of sight of a young man who had lost his way.

Feng Huo held back his laughter and said, "It was the third generation who asked me to pass on the message to you."

Asma frowned when she heard that, with an impatient expression on her face: "Hmph, you don't need to say it, it must be for me to go back."

Feng Huo said: "Basically, it's just about your elder brother. He is about to give birth, no, it's his wife who is about to give birth. Go back and have a look when you have time."

Asma was startled, and then showed nostalgic look: "Brother..."

"Then, the message has arrived, I'll go first." Feng Huo said and turned to leave. Still troubled by the latest chapters you can't find? Amway one or search hot/degree/network/article "Remember to remove "/" when searching or you won't be able to find it", here is a young lady to help you find books and chat with you!

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