Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 488: Possessed

Chapter 488: Possessed by Dramatic Essence (Page 1/1)

"Wait a moment!"

Asma suddenly stopped Fenghuo, and the nostalgic look on his face was gradually replaced by coldness.

Feng Huo turned to look at him with a half-smile: "What?"

With a sullen face, Asma said solemnly: "Fenghuo, this is the Daming Mansion! As a ninja from the Land of Fire, you shouldn't sneak in without authorization!"

"Oh? Then how should I come in?" Feng Huo crossed his arms and stared at him with great interest.

"How you enter the Hokage Tower, you should enter the Daming Mansion!" Asma said firmly, "Because the status of the Fire Kingdom daimyo is far above Hokage!"

"And then?" Feng Huo continued to ask.

Asma revealed an angry look, and said: "Then of course you should respect your daimyo and be loyal to your daimyo!"

Feng Huo nodded: "And then?"

"Then, then..." Asma couldn't speak out, but felt awkward in her heart, feeling like being molested.

Feng Huo shook his head in disappointment, and said: "Asma, I thought you could utter a lot of philosophical words to convince me, but I didn't expect that you could fool anyone with just a few empty words?"

Think about the three generations pulling the banner of the will of fire, bewitching...well, how many people have been inspired?

Look at Asma again, who are you fooling with these few words?

Feng Huo was puzzled, obviously they are father and son living together, why is there such a big gap in life?

Asma's face was already black and green at this time, feeling that her faith was being trampled on, she said angrily: "What did you say?!"

"Asma, you are so old, you should be more careful." Feng Huo looked at his stumbled youth appearance, and sighed, "Don't stumble into eternal hatred."

"Bastard!" Asma stepped forward, but her eyes went dark, she staggered suddenly, lost her center of gravity and almost couldn't stand still.

When he came back to his senses, the darkness had disappeared, and there was no one in front of him.


Asma is so angry.

But no matter how angry he is, he can only bear it. After all, Feng Huo is a powerful ninja famous in the ninja world. If he really wants to fight, he alone cannot defeat him.

Going back to the bed again, Asma tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. Sometimes it was Fenghuo's hateful smiling face, and sometimes it was his elder brother's figure. She tossed and turned until the early hours of the morning.

On the other side, after Feng Huo left, he didn't go back to Muye Village directly, but rushed towards the Temple of Fire instead.

Whether Chengma's son or Hema's son, if Fenghuo remembers correctly, the nine-tailed dummy Zhuriki in the original book should be boarded by his father in the Temple of Fire.

After the Tailed Beast ranaway incident, Feng Huo went to the Temple of Fire several times, and also used Chakra Sensing Technique to sense it, but he didn't find the Nine-Tails Chakra, so he subconsciously ignored it.

Of course, because of the butterfly effect of Fenghuo, Chengma or Kazuma may not have collected the chakra of Nine Tails, so this time he went to the Temple of Fire, what he has to do is to verify this!

A few days later, he arrived at the Temple of Fire smoothly.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the Temple of Fire was in darkness. Those devout believers had already descended the mountain, just in time to seal off the fire.

He separated twenty shadow clones, surrounded the mountain where the Temple of Fire was located, and then searched up step by step with Chakra Perception.

The last 20 shadow clones converged at the top of the mountain.

Unfortunately, there is still no trace of Nine Tails' chakra.

Is it really not?

While Feng Huo was puzzled, Kong Shan, the host of the Temple of Fire, ran out.

"So it's you, what are you doing here at night?" Abbot Kongshan was not in a good mood after being woken up, and the compassion of the monks seemed to be thrown into Duke Zhou's dream by him.

Feng Huo's heart moved. Although the monks in the Temple of Fire were average in combat effectiveness, they were very successful in sealing. He even hacked a book recording sealing techniques from Abbot Kongshan.

"Abbot Kongshan, I want to ask you something." Feng Huo said softly, "In the past few years, has a child been fostered here?"

The abbot of Kongshan yawned, seemed to have regained consciousness, and instantly recovered the appearance of an eminent monk, clasped his hands together and said: "In recent years, many children from poor families have been fostered by their parents to the mountain because they cannot afford to eat. Who is the fire benefactor asking? Do you have his name?"

Feng Huo frowned. He had watched that anime for several years in his previous life, and it had been more than ten years since he traveled here. It has been almost twenty years in total. How could he still remember the name of this little trick.

"I can't remember the name." Feng Huo pondered, "But..."

"But what?" Kong Shan asked curiously.

The identity of this ninja, who is so famous in the ninja world, should not be simple. Hey, wait, he must be looking for that child, right?

Kong Shan's heart skipped a beat, but there was no expression on his face.

"There should be some kind of powerful chakra in his body, so he needs a sealing technique to seal it." Feng Huo carefully stared at Abbot Kongshan's face, but unfortunately the other party didn't change at all.

"Powerful Chakra? What kind of powerful Chakra?" asked the abbot Kongshan.

"It seems that he is really here." Feng Huo smiled.

If there is no such person, the abbot of Kongshan can simply say that there is no such person, why bother to ask?

Apparently, this eminent monk also became curious.

Abbot Kongshan was stunned for a moment, as if he hadn't expected Fenghuo to be so keen, he shook his head and laughed and said, "As expected of Uchiha Fenghuo. That's right, there is indeed such a child in the temple, but his father told me to take good care of him, I don't know What is the purpose of Fenghuo benefactor looking for this child?"

Feng Huo sighed, showing an expression of indescribability, but finally struggled a bit, and said: "To be honest, the chakra in this child's body belongs to Nine-Tails!"

"What? Nine tails?" Abbot Kongshan was shocked.

Feng Huo raised his head slightly~www.readwn.com~ Looking at the bright moon above his head covered by dark clouds from a forty-five-degree angle, with a high-spirited demeanor, he slowly uttered words of justice: "During the chaos of the tailed beast a few years ago, Kyuubi ran amok, some of the chakras were leaked and collected by someone with a heart. I am worried that this person with a heart will use these chakras to do illegal things. Therefore, I, the excellent Konoha ninja Uchiha, have been in the wind for so many years. Come and go in the rain, have been looking for the whereabouts of these chakras, tasted the ups and downs, joys and sorrows!"

At this time, Feng Huo was possessed by a playful spirit, and Abbot Kongshan could no longer control him.

"Finally, the sky pays off. Two days ago, I accidentally got a clue, and then I peeled the cocoon, followed the clues, and finally, finally let me find this place!!"

Feng Huo looked at the bewildered Abbot Kongshan with excitement, and grabbed his skinny hands, "Abbot Kongshan, take me to see that child!"

Abbot Kongshan was so old, he was stupefied by the fire seal, he swallowed, pulled out his hands without any trace, and said: "Since it is the chakra of Nine Tails, it should be Konoha's chakra. Recycle the ninja, I'll take you right away."

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