Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 493: Take the plate!

Feng Huo is a sensitive person, and when Kakashi's malicious eyes scanned him up and down, he had already noticed it.

"Kakashi, close your wretched little eyes, I'm an upright ninja!" Feng Huo Zhengyi said awe-inspiringly.


The corner of Kakashi's mouth twitched, wanting to refute, but he didn't know what to say to refute him forcefully, making this brazen person feel ashamed.

At half-pay, Kakashi sighed helplessly and asked, "By the way, who are you going to introduce?"

"Oh, you agree?" Feng Huo's face turned cloudy, he walked over and patted Kakashi on the back ferociously, and said emotionally, "Kakashi, I know you lack maternal love since you were a child, so don't worry, The stepmother I introduced to you this time is definitely a gentle, kind and virtuous woman, and she will not let you down."

Kakashi's exposed right eye kept twitching, who are you scolding when you turn the corner?

Who lacks maternal love since childhood?


Kakashi is frustrated.

His shoulders slumped, and he hummed, "Well, that's it, the rest is up to you."

Feng Huo was unhappy: "Hey, Kakashi, this is your stepmother and not mine, why do you care so little about your stepmother? Besides, you have to tell Uncle Sakumo about this."

Kakashi sighed weakly: "Then who is the person you introduced?"

Feng Huo hesitated and said: "I haven't even written this horoscope yet. In case your father disagrees, wouldn't it be embarrassing for others to say it out? You go and find out first. If your father has plans in this regard, I will tell you."

Kakashi felt the deep malice from Fenghuo: "You...wouldn't introduce a woman casually, would you?"

"Nonsense? Uncle Shuo Mao is my elder, so he must have been carefully selected." Feng Huo assured him by patting his chest muscles.

"Okay, trust you once." Kakashi scratched his head, turned and walked home, his long silver hair rippling slightly in the night.

He has a headache. How should he talk to his dad about this matter?

Tell him directly, do you want a second marriage? Is there a shortage of women?

It doesn't feel right.

Kakashi was depressed all night, and when he woke up the next day, he suddenly thought of a good idea.

He left the house calmly, and then went to Nara's house to find Shikahisa Nara.

Shikahisa Nara and Sakumo Hatake are considered equals. One of them is the leader of the dark army, and the other is the leader of the ninja squad.

Most importantly, as we all know, Nara Shikahisa is a ninja with high IQ, so if he comes forward, it will be foolproof!

"Kakashi, is there anything you can do to find me so early?" Shikahisa Nara just woke up with sleepy eyes.

Kakashi immediately told him about closing the fire to find him last night, and finally asked: "Senior Lujiu, it is really inappropriate for me to come forward in this matter, I hope you can help me."

"Ah?" Shikahisa Nara immediately became one head and two big, "It's so troublesome!"


For the lifelong happiness of his father, Kakashi gave a big week.

Nara Shikajiu rubbed his forehead with black lines all over his face, and finally said: "Okay, I got it."

"Thank you so much, Shikaku-senpai!" Kakashi was overjoyed.

When Kakashi left, Nara Shikahisa's wife came in with Nara Shikamaru in her arms, and asked him what happened, which gave him such a headache.

Nara Shikajiu said with a bitter face: "It's not a big deal, but it seems to be troublesome, I..."

He looked at his son Nara Shikamaru, and suddenly thought of it.

Since Fenghuo can find Kakashi, and Kakashi can find himself, why can't he find someone else?

Nara Shikahisa patted his thigh, stood up and said, "Haha, it's so simple!"

With that said, he immediately left the house, and then walked towards Qiu Tao's house.

The fat people of the Qiudao family are fat and don't blush easily, so it's the most suitable thing to do.

Shikahisa Nara found Akimichi Dingza, crushed the opponent with his excellent IQ, and then successfully handed over this troublesome task to him after some deception.

After Akimichi Dingza took over, he only came back to his senses after half a salary. He felt that he had been tricked, but he was not the one to be messed with. handed over to him.

Haiyi Yamanaka looked at Qiu Fatty's pitiful face and was really embarrassed to refuse. After thinking about it, he felt that he was thin-skinned and embarrassed to do such a thing, so he went to find Zhiwei Younu.

In his opinion, Younv Zhiwei wears a high-necked coat and black sunglasses all day long, hiding her face tightly, and there is absolutely no psychological burden in doing such a thing.

Younv Zhiwei, and even the entire Younv clan, are notoriously boring gourds. Haiyi Yamanaka approached him personally, but he didn't have the nerve to refuse, so he agreed.

But when he thought of introducing someone to Konoha Baiya, and it was proposed by Feng Huo, an unreliable bastard, he suddenly felt the worms in his body writhing uneasy.

He stroked his chin and thought about it, and decided to follow the opinions of the bugs and push the matter to other people.

So he went out to Inuzukazume's house.

After Inuzukazume got married, she had already given birth to two children, and made many contributions in World War Three. It can be said that her career and family had a good harvest. After Nv Zhiwei finished talking about what had happened, she responded directly to the matter.

Yume Shimi blinked his eyes twice, he spoke a little slowly, pushed back from Kaiichi Yamanaka, and just pushed it to Shikaku Nara, before he was interrupted by Inuzuka Claw before he mentioned sealing the fire, but he was not angry either, Since Inuzuka Claw agreed, he immediately took his leave and left.

Inuzuka Zuo was about to show off his skills, but was stopped by her husband. He analyzed solemnly: "This matter is definitely not as simple as it appears! Think about it, if this matter is really easy, why would you choose to follow the deer?" It was passed to Dingzuo for a long time, then to Haiyi and Zhiwei, and finally fell into your hands?"

When Inuzukazume thought about it, it was true, not mentioning Zhiwei and Ding Zuo, but thinking about Shikahisa and Haiyi, these two are smart people~www.readwn.com~ If this is easy, why do you have to push it? go?

No, this matter must be passed on to others!

Inuzuka Zuo gritted his teeth and thought about taking over Panxia. Her ninja dog Kuromaru kept barking. It was so hungry in the morning, and the excrement shovel didn't feed it. Are you going to rebel?

After Inuzuka Zuo absent-mindedly fed Kuromaru, his eyes lit up, and he went straight out to find Yuhi Makoto.

Yuhi Makoto is the instructor of the Chunin and Genin in the village, and is an elite in Anbe, who often goes to work in Anbe, so it is most appropriate for Yuhi Makoto to talk about this matter.

Inuzuka Zuo found Yuhi Makoto, and immediately grabbed his hand enthusiastically, and entrusted him with full authority over the matter. Because she was worried that the other party would refuse, she ran away without waiting for Yuhi Makoto to agree.

Makoto Yuhi looked at the back of Inuzuka Chou leaving, it was a tangle.

Introduce someone to your leader?

Yuhi Zhenhong felt that this matter was too unreliable.

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