Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 494: self-dug hole

Makoto Yuhi came to the headquarters of Anbu with a tangled mood, and unexpectedly saw Sakumo Hatake who was about to leave.

He opened his mouth to speak, but when the words came to his lips, he held back.

If the leader introduces the object to the subordinate, that's fine, but the subordinate introduces the object to the leader, and he still doesn't know who initiated it. How does this make him speak?

"It's really red, your complexion is not very good, is something wrong?" Hatake Sakumo looked at him strangely.

"No, it's okay." Yuhi Zhenhong showed an embarrassed smile, and said, "Lord Shuomao, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Well, pay attention to your body, don't be too tired." Hatake Sakumo said with concern.

"I see."

Leaving Anbu headquarters, Yuhi Makoto sighed weakly.

He was really embarrassed to say such a thing.

Eh, wait!

He's embarrassed to speak, but that doesn't mean others are embarrassed, right?

As far as he knows, the thickest-skinned person in the village is...

Soon, a super VIP was ushered in the sealed mansion.

"Hey, Uncle Zhenhong, why are you here when you have time?"

Feng Huo graciously entertained him into the room, ordered the shadow clone to serve tea and water, and made desserts and cakes. The service was first-class, and the eyes of Naruto in the corner were red.

‘Damn it, the blind uncle can make such a delicious cake! '

Naruto was angry and wronged, and secretly vowed to take revenge on the society when the guests left!

"Fenghuo, how are you doing?" Yuhi Zhenhong asked with a smile.

Naturally, Feng Huo is trying his best to put gold on his face. He doesn't blush when he works hard to practice, when he goes out to help the old woman cross the road, when he helps the orphanage.

Hearing this, his shadow clones stared at Feng Huo with righteous indignation, wishing to expose him face to face.

After seeing it, Feng Huo quickly pinched the seal secretly, and took all these evil monsters and ghosts away.

Then his brain froze, and after receiving the memory of each shadow clone like a crash, he returned to normal.

"Fenghuo, I didn't expect you to be so good, I am very pleased."

The evening sun is really red, and I am very relieved.

Fenghuo used to live in his house for a period of time, and he was still unclear about his precious daughter, so he really placed high hopes on Fenghuo. Now Fenghuo is famous in the ninja world, powerful, and still lives in Anbu A high position can be said to be a winner in life, but not only is he not proud, but he continues to practice hard, he also subsidizes the orphanage, helps the old woman cross the road, it is, it is... just fooling him!

Yuhi Zhenhong's cheek to seal the fire is as thick as ever, so he can rest assured that this matter is entrusted to him.

After all, he is a junior, even if Hatake Sakumo doesn't want to, he won't be angry with a junior like him.

"Uncle Zhenhong, I think I still have to work hard to become a better ninja!" Feng Huo said seriously.

Yuhi Zhenhong nodded and said: "I believe in you! Look, I have a task for you here."

"Mission? What mission?" Feng Huo looked serious, wondering if this is the old man deliberately sending out a mission to test him? Oh, it's a little exciting to think about it this way.

"Uh, I'm a little ashamed to say that this matter was actually entrusted to me by someone else, but I don't think it's appropriate for me to come forward." Seeing the expression on Fenghuo's face, Yuri Zhenhong smiled awkwardly, "Haha , but you don’t have that concern, so I plan to entrust this important task to you to complete!”

Feng Huo straightened his chest, and said loudly: "Uncle Zhenhong, don't worry leave it to me, I will definitely complete it satisfactorily!"

Going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​flames, even if you want to catch the tailed beast, it won't be a problem!

"Okay!" Yuhi Mako breathed a sigh of relief, and told about Hatake Sakumo.

The solemn expression on Feng Huo's face gradually disintegrated, then turned greener and greener, and finally turned black.

"Fenghuo, you don't seem to be looking well, what's wrong?" Yuhi Zhenhong asked strangely.

The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched slightly, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his whole body twitched slightly, but he pretended to be calm: "It's nothing, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night, it's okay."

"That's good, seal the fire, I'll leave this task to you!" Yuhi Zhenhong encouraged him a few more words, and then left.

he's gone…

Feng Huo wanted to cry, but felt like he was about to collapse.

How is this going?

I obviously let Kakashi go...

Could it be that the little **** Kakashi deliberately invited Yuhi Zhenhong? And kick the ball back through him?

Feng Huo couldn't take it anymore, just as he was about to go out, Xiao Naruto suddenly jumped up from the corner screaming, hugged his thigh and gnawed, and groaned while gnawing: "I want to eat cake, I will eat it now I want to eat cake, blind uncle, make me a cake quickly."

Feng Huo hurriedly separated the shadow clone, and said, "Make a cake for Naruto."

Then the substitute technique ran away.

Naruto bit it hard, but at the end of the bite, he realized why the thigh was so hard. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was a big piece of wood as thick as a thigh.

Immediately unhappy, wow burst into tears.

Feng Huo's shadow clone smiled wryly and went up to comfort him.

On the other end, Kakashi was lazily walking on the street, with one hand in his pocket and the other hand holding a manga without a cover, walking aimlessly.

Suddenly, with a lift of his right eyelid, he saw a menacing young man rushing up in front of him.

"Block the fire?" Kakashi subconsciously put the manga into his arms, "What's wrong?"

"You still ask me what's wrong?" Feng Huo said aggrievedly, "What happened to what I asked you to do?"

"What?" Kakashi was startled, then he reacted, and said, "After I went back and thought about it carefully, I felt that it was inappropriate for me to come forward, so I asked Senior Shikaku."

"Eh? Please who?" Feng Huo was stunned, isn't Yuhi really red?

"Senior Shikaku." Kakashi said as a matter of course, "Senior Shikaku's IQ is recognized as the highest in the village, so asking him for help is absolutely foolproof!"


Fenghuo gritted his teeth.

Still foolproof?

They all went back to him!

You don't need to guess to seal the fire. After Kakashi entrusted this matter to Nara Shikajiu, the guy who was afraid of trouble must have pushed this matter to others.

And it is very likely that it is not Yuhi Zhenhong~www.readwn.com~ Then pass one by one, and finally...


Seeing that Feng Huo's face was getting darker and darker, Kakashi's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Could it be that Senior Lu Jiu failed?"

Fail your second uncle!

Feng Huo was panting and didn't want to talk to him, so he turned around and walked away, getting more and more angry as he walked, but when he was walking and walking, Feng Huo suddenly became enlightened, his eyes lit up, and a perfect idea came to his mind .

Kakashi, you can't blame me this time, ahahahaha!

Feng Huo calmed down and ran towards Anbu immediately.

It's a pity that Hatake Sakumo went to Hokage to report to Sarutobi Hiruzaru at this time, and he was not here.

Feng Huo had to wait at the door of his office.

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