Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 496: let go of that box

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Kakashi is a pragmatic ninja, once he heard that Fenghuo wanted him to touch it, he didn't hesitate to step forward and move his hands and feet.

This made Feng Huo anxious, and grabbed Kakashi: "Kakashi, look at you, touch you if you let you touch it, why are you so stubborn? Tell you not to mess around, don't let me I look down on you!"

Kakashi's exposed right eye was half-opened, he stared fiercely at Fenghuo, and gritted his teeth: "Either tell me what you did to make my father so firmly believe that all of this was my idea, Or, just let me see this secret room."

Feng Huo thought about it, Kakashi usually doesn’t care about anything, but he must be curious. Even if he is rejected this time, he might sneak in one day, and he might not know when the time comes. He has to take some things along with him.

So he stepped aside quickly, and said: "Look, look, I, Uchiha Fenghuo, have never done anything wrong in my life, and I am not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night."

Kakashi looked at him suspiciously.

"As for your father's matter, cough." Feng Huo coughed dryly, "I was about to ask you about this too? Did he agree or not?"

Kakashi sighed: "He refused."

"It's a pity." Feng Huo showed regret.

In fact, when I told Sakumo Hatake about this before, Fenghuo had already heard it from his mouth, but I thought that maybe Sakumo Hatake would change his mind when he tracked down Kakashi, but...


But the only thing that makes Feng Huo feel lucky is that he didn't mention the name of the pharmacist No Naiyu, otherwise it would be really difficult for Sister Yao to spread the word.

While thinking about these messy things, Kakashi had already opened the fire-sealed chamber and walked in carelessly.

"You guys actually have such a good secret room."

Kakashi's tone was somewhat surprised and excited.

Looking at the kunai, shuriken, Senbon and other ninja tools made of fine iron in the boxes in the secret room, which glowed with a deep cold light in a slightly dark environment, Kakashi was greedy for a while.

You must know that his ninja tools are all used and then recycled. After recycling, they are polished and reused. Naturally, they cannot be compared with these high-quality ninja tools.

Kakashi consciously opened the ninja bag tied to his right thigh, and began to exchange old ones for new ones.

"Hey, you're too impolite." Feng Huo roared from behind with his eyes wide open.

"What nonsense, we are close friends." Kakashi said calmly.

"Then you can take the ninja tools I bought with hard-earned money with peace of mind?" Feng Huo said angrily.

"What are you talking about, I gave you the ninja gear I used." Kakashi was in a good mood after changing the ninja gear, "Besides, the dividends from the fried chicken shop can't be called hard-earned money .”

"Doesn't your family also get dividends? Why do you miss me?" Feng Huo suddenly thought of something, and winked at him, "Your father didn't even give you a penny, did he?"

Kakashi snorted, turned to look at the other boxes, and said casually, "I don't want it myself. I'm a jonin now, so it's too inappropriate to ask my father for money."

"Yo Yo Yo, where is the sour smell coming from?" Feng Huo waved his hand while covering his nose.

"I didn't expect you to have a hobby of collecting ninjutsu." Kakashi found the box in the corner, his eyes glowed slightly.

In the original book, Kakashi became famous in the ninja world with the name of copying ninja. Although he is not as perverted as the later generations, and has mastered thousands of ninjutsu, he has already embarked on copying by relying on Sharingan. the road.

Therefore, when he saw this box full of ninjutsu scrolls, he was naturally moved, and subconsciously picked one up. with a C.

"C-rank ninjutsu."

Kakashi opened it, his right eye couldn't help twitching slightly.

I saw that the scroll was densely covered with seal characters, which was clearly the rhythm of being banned by the seal!

"Hey, a C-level ninjutsu, as for the sealing technique?"

Kakashi grumbled.

As he spoke, he opened another B-level ninjutsu scroll, which was also sealed and banned.

Then he pulled out a D-rank ninjutsu scroll, which was also restricted by a seal, and he felt bad all of a sudden.

D-level ninjutsu is a ninjutsu practiced only by lower ninjas. Generally, it will be abandoned when it comes to Chunin, and the focus will be on practicing C-level ninjutsu.

But even so, the **** Fenghuo didn't let go of D-level ninjutsu, it was too much!

Feng Huo dumped the pot without saying a word: "It's not what you think, these seal restrictions are left by my shadow clone when practicing the seal technique, and have nothing to do with me."

Kakashi was noncommittal, then bent down to search, and asked, "Why is there no ninjutsu above rank A?"

Feng Huo: "Nonsense, of course I hide it in a better place, so that the bad guys don't worry about it."

Kakashi was taken aback, and immediately picked up the ninjutsu scroll box: "Are you talking about me?"

Fenghuo's scalp was numb: "What do you want to do? Kakashi, don't mess around, let go of that box!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Kakashi's mouth under the mask, then he hugged the box tightly and rushed out: "As for my father, this box is my mental loss."


I have never seen such a ruthless fire.

Why don't you leave the box for me?

Feng Huo chased all the way out with a bitter face, but there was no sign of Kakashi.

"This little bastard."

Feng Huo doesn't feel bad at all, anyway, he has already learned those ninjutsu, and the reason why he wrote them in the scroll is nothing more than to improve his own style and satisfy the treasure vanity in his heart.

Moreover, if Kakashi wanted to break through the messy seal restrictions above, he might have to work hard.

And it is true.

Back home, Kakashi began to try to break the seal restrictions on the scroll, but unfortunately none of the above restrictions were simple.

"You actually used the five-element seal on the D-rank ninjutsu scroll..."

"This C-rank ninjutsu scroll... is the Eight Diagrams seal, right?"

Kakashi felt dizzy for a while, if he didn't know, he would really think that the contents of these scrolls are priceless!

Fortunately, when Kakashi was young~www.readwn.com~ Namikaze Minato also passed him the sealing technique, but because of the shift of the focus of practice, he did not practice too much, but now facing There are nearly a hundred ninjutsu scrolls in this box, and Kakashi decided to revisit the sealing technique passed to him by Namikaze Minato-sensei.

After being ransacked by Kakashi, Fenghuo finally lived a few months of peace and fulfillment.

In the past few months, when he was in the village, he created a shadow clone and practiced hard, and when he was on a mission, he made all kinds of troubles.

From time to time, I go to eat and drink with my friends, or have **** with Xi Hihong, and live a happy life.

On this day, just as Feng Huo came back from exercising in Xiaoshulin, he was blocked on his way home by a big-eyed man in a dark green tight-fitting combat uniform.

"Kai, what are you going to do? Don't mess around! Let go! I have a girlfriend!!"

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