Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 497: Looking for Ninja Turtles 1

In the coastal area of ​​the Land of Fire, on a remote beach.

Feng Huo followed behind Kai boredly, yawning and stretching, enjoying the sun and the beach at the moment.

In the village a few days ago, this guy Kai suddenly appeared, and he was so excited that he took his little hand and ran out. He almost frightened him. He thought that Kai's hormones had exploded again, and he was about to find him... Fortunately, he was thinking too much .

"I said Kai, have you found a place?" Feng Huo yawned and asked, the sunlight was so gentle that he couldn't help but want to sleep when it shone on his body.

Moreover, the sand under his feet was very soft. He had already taken off his shoes and walked on them barefoot. The fine sand rubbed against the soles of his feet, making them crispy and itchy, very sour.

In the sky above the blue sea in the distance, a few seagulls are passing through the clouds, and the birdsong is like the sound of a ship's whistle, which is distant and clear.

'It should come with Hong. '

Feng Huo looked at Kai, who was taller and thicker, with even thicker eyebrows, and his good mood dropped a bit.

"The information I got should be around here."

Kay looked around, but found nothing.

The purpose of this trip is to find a psychic beast for Kai!

As for the type of psychic beast, it is naturally the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or Ninja Turtles for short!

Feng Huo yawned again, lying down on the fine white sand, and could not help dozing off.

Kai searched the beach all over, and even went into the sea and smashed a few pieces of scorched rock brutally, but there were still no clues.

"Fenghuo, don't sleep." Kai went back to the beach with a bitter face, and woke up Fenghuo, "Didn't you already learn to perceive ninjutsu, help me see if there are any Ninja Turtles around here."

"You really want to find a tortoise as a psychic beast." Feng Huo complained feebly, "Even a ninja turtle has a harder shell and no fighting power, so it's useless at all."

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the big tortoise in Fenghuo's body became unhappy.

Sanda's three tails stirred up huge waves in the pool, roaring again and again: "You are the hard shell! You have no fighting power! You are useless at all, you bastard!"

Feng Huo hurriedly projected a trace of spirit into the sealed world, comforting the big tortoise.

On the beach, Kai put his hands on his hips and murmured, "But I really like turtles very much!"

"You are too willful." Feng Huo didn't get up, and directly pointed his **** on the sand, "Chakra perception!"

"How is it?" Kai asked with rounded eyes.

The reason why he brought Fenghuo when he came out this time was because he wanted to rely on his chakra perception technique.

After all, the Ninja Turtles live in the sea, and it is very difficult to find them.

Fenghuo shook his head: "Nothing was found within six kilometers."

After several months of practice, Fenghuo has successfully spread the chakra perception technique for another 1,000 meters.

"That's it." Kai frowned a little bit tangled.

Feng Huo sighed, stood up from the sand, and asked, "How do you plan to find it? Do you search along the coastline, or go directly to the sea?"

Kai's eyes lit up, and he said, "Let's look for it from the coastline first!"

He was also worried that it would be troublesome to seal the fire.

Feng Huo rubbed his head, secretly praying that he could find the Ninja Turtles quickly, otherwise...

You must know that using chakra perception on land, he can indeed search a range of 6 kilometers at a time, but the 6 kilometers mainly refers to the ground, not including the deep underground, and in the sea, the space under the sea Unlimited!

It's like the area of ​​a circular cross section and the volume of a sphere are not the same.

But who let the other party be Kai?

Canglan precious beast.

Protect animals.

Afterwards, Fenghuo directly separated twenty shadow clones and asked them to search along the coastlines on both sides.

Kai saw so many shadow clones, and was overjoyed: "Feng Huo, you are so reliable, hahaha!"

"Hmph, don't think I'll be happy if you just flatter me, don't look down on me, hahahaha..."

Seeing Fenghuo who was laughing endlessly, Kai had a black line on his face: You obviously couldn't close your mouth from laughing.

The two sat and chatted on the beach until the moon was in the middle of the sky, and the shadow clones of Fenghuo disbanded one after another, sending back their search memories.

"Kai, I didn't find any clues about the Ninja Turtles. It seems that your information must have been wrong." Feng Huo said directly.

Kai clenched his hands into fists: "Maybe the Ninja Turtles have retreated into the sea, but I believe that as long as you search carefully, you will be able to find the Ninja Turtles. Fenghuo, please, youth is not allowed to give up halfway!"

The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched, this is really... bad.

He turned his head to look at the sea, seeing nothing in sight. With his twenty shadow clones, when will this Nima be found?

"Kai, why don't you think about it again? In fact, as long as you want, I can help you find a snow eagle to be a psychic beast for you, and then you will be able to fly up to the sky and stand side by side with the sun!" Feng Huo persuaded.

"No, I just want Ninja Turtles!" Kai's blood boiled, "This is an oath I made to the sky when I was young, and I must never give up!"

Fenghuo hehehe, when did you make the oath?

"Oh, well, I'll try my best to help you." What else can Feng Huo say, he has already experienced Kai's stubbornness.

The next day, Fenghuo drove twenty shadow clones to the sea, looking for the Ninja Turtles.

Kai was not idle either. He and Feng Huo got into the sea and searched on the bottom of the sea.

However, in the depths of the seabed, the sunlight cannot reach it, and nothing can be seen with the naked eye, so we can only rely on the chakra perception technique of sealing the fire.

Three days in a row passed, and nothing was found in sealing the fire.

After all, the sea is really too big and vast, so searching for Fenghuo like this is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

On this day, the sun set over the sea, and the scarlet sunset glow shone on Kai.

"It seems that I can only give up." Kai said lonely to Wanxia, ​​the scene seemed as if his youth had disappeared directly, Fenghuo actually felt a sense of guilt in his heart, as if the culprit of all this The culprit is just like him.


I really tried my best.

Feng Huo put away the guilt in his heart, and could only pat him on the shoulder to comfort him~www.readwn.com~Maybe I really have no fate with Ninja Turtles. "Kay was depressed for a while, and quickly cheered up again, "But I won't just give up, as long as I'm still alive, I will definitely find the Ninja Turtles and let them be my psychic beasts!" "

Fenghuo seemed to see a huge sea wave gushing out from Kai's back, and a huge Ninja Turtle loomed in the waves.

Eh, wait...

Feng Huo's eyelids twitched suddenly, he was really squatting on a half bucket looking for shit.

Under his buttocks, no, it's the three-tailed rock in his body. Although it's a tailed beast, isn't it just a big turtle after all?

There seems to be some connection between the tortoise and the tortoise. Perhaps, through Isota, you can find the Ninja turtle family!

The more Fenghuo thought about it, the brighter his eyes became, and he immediately projected his spirit into the pool of the sealed world.

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