Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 498: me and you, heart to heart

In the sealed world, Rocky's corpse was half submerged in the pool like a dead body, with three tails hanging down weakly in the water, slightly rippling, and there were slight ripples.

"Hehe, Xiaoji, how about basking in the sun?"

Feng Huo greeted with a smile.

Isato's one-eyed stared at him resentfully, the sun? Where does the sun come from? .


It has not seen the sun for a long time.

Seeing that it didn't speak, Feng Huo continued: "Do you want to go out to bask in the sun? The sea is outside, and there are bikini turtles on the sunny beach."

"No." Isato snorted, "Don't think that I don't know what you want to do, so I won't be fooled."

Feng Huo's eyes lit up: "So, do you really have a way to find the Ninja Turtles?"

Jiji raised his head arrogantly, and his three tails jumped out of the water to show off his power, saying: "Of course, back then in the country of water..."

Speaking of this, Ji Tan suddenly paused, and looked at Feng Huo suspiciously: "You must be tricking me, so I won't be fooled!"

"Isaac, you are going too far! We are one body, we are all prosperous, and we are all damaged. How can you think that I am telling you something? There is a song that sings well." Feng Huo cleared his cough and sang emotionally Said, "You and I, heart to heart, live together in Muye Village~~~"

Hearing the singing, Isota slapped the surface of the water with his three tails quite disturbedly, splashing countless water splashes.

Feng Huo saw that something was going on, so he hurriedly changed a song and continued to sing: "The chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is full of injuries, your **** is so yellow~~~ The flowers are falling and the turtles are heartbroken, you are on your mind, just lie down quietly."

Rocky's one-eyed stared at him, and almost lost his temper, and became angry from embarrassment, tossing in the water like a goat insanity.

"Stop singing, I'll take you to find it." Isato shouted anxiously.


Feng Huo closed the seal with a smile, and then untied the seal.

In an instant, a berserk chakra gushed out of the sealing fire body, gathering bigger and bigger in mid-air like wolf smoke, and then a terrifying aura swept across the surroundings like overwhelming mountains and seas.

Kai was startled, and almost opened the five doors directly: "Fenghuo, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I'll ask Jiji to come out and help us find the Ninja Turtles." Feng Huo said with a smile.

At this time, the Chakra in the sky has turned into a huge ferocious turtle, covered with huge thorns, full of the taste of the ancient prehistoric, with a domineering posture of the old and the second, but at this time, Isao's one-eyed ghost is faint. , but it added a bit of sadness.


When the rock fell on the sea, it immediately set off a huge wave tens of meters high.

Its limbs stroked the sea water a few times, feeling the long-lost breath of sea water, and couldn't help roaring up to the sky: "Roar!!"

"Okay, stop howling, and quickly take us to the Ninja Turtles."

Fenghuo jumped directly onto Isota's head.

Isato was a little displeased, shaking his head slightly, trying to shake off the sealing fire.

Fenghuo took root on the soles of his feet and stood upright,

Kai stood aside with a guilty conscience, looking at the huge Isota, but his eyes gradually glowed: "Is this the Mio Isota? It turned out to be a..."

He was so excited that he shouted at Fenghuo, "Fenghuo, I also want to find such a big Ninja Turtle!"

"You are the Ninja Turtle!"

Hearing this, Isota was furious, raised three tails and patted Kai.

Kai hurriedly jumped into the air, and this time he could see more clearly, isn't Jiji just a big tortoise!

"Okay, Ji Tan, let's get down to business." Feng Huo said with a smile.


Isao yelled twice, then paddled his limbs and swam towards the sea.

Kay stepped on the air in mid-air and floated lightly onto the tortoise's shell. You can see the thick thorns on the tortoise's shell, lying in front of you like a towering giant tree, which is very visually impactful.

He turned left and right, walked through the 'thorn edge' forest, and came behind Fenghuo.

"Fenghuo, it's so spectacular!" Kai clenched his fists, excited, "The psychic beast in my dream is like this!"

"Roar!" Isota roared, "I told you I'm not a Ninja Turtle! You bedbug, believe it or not, I'll smash you to death."

"Okay, okay, you have such a big turtle shell on your back, what are you if you're not a turtle?" Feng Huo laughed, and then changed the subject with a smile: "Isota, among the ninja turtles, is there anyone as big as you?" Ninja turtle?"

"Humph, hum!" Jiji got angry and didn't want to speak.

Feng Huo immediately sang: "The chrysanthemum is broken, the ground is full of injuries, your chrysanthemum..."

"Yes, of course there is." Jiji broke his mouth resolutely, but he was secretly annoyed that he sang like this even if there were outsiders present, didn't he want to lose face?

"Really?" Kai was so excited, his face flushed, "Feng Huo, I must get it!"

Jiji snorted, "That Ninja Turtle is not in this sea area."

"Then where is it?" Feng Huo asked.

"In the sea area beyond the country of thunder." Isato replied.

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, could it be that turtle?

In the original book, Naruto, Kai and others went to the Paradise Island in the Land of Thunder to find a training method that can control the Nine-Tails Chakra, and finally found the real waterfall.

At that time, the dried persimmon ghost shark also appeared there, and a battle broke out with Kai. Then, the dried persimmon ghost shark turned into a water shark and fled from the sky. Stepping on the Ninja Turtle and using it to accelerate, the poor Ninja Turtle landed on the island, just in time to meet a huge turtle, so scared that Kai's psychic Ninja Turtle couldn't speak!

If Isoto meant this ninja turtle, Feng Huo could only shake his head.

The island of Paradise is the territory of Yunyin Village, and Rabbi Eight-tailed Jinzhu Ricky has been practicing in the real waterfall on the island of Paradise all year round. At this time, Fenghuo dare not provoke Kirabi.

There is no way, the eyes are not bright enough, a little weak.

"Isota, let's go to the nearest Ninja Turtle Clan first." Feng Huo said.

Kai was a little disappointed: "Aren't we going to find that big Ninja Turtle?"

"If I'm not mistaken, that giant Ninja Turtle is the **** beast of the Kingdom of Thunder. If we attack, it may trigger a war!" Feng Huo said nonsense.

"Zhenguo Divine Beast? So that's the case." Kai suddenly realized, and then sighed, "What a pity!"

"Don't be discouraged, anyway, it doesn't matter to you whether the Ninja Turtle is bigger or smaller." Fenghuo comforted him. From Kai's appearance to his battle with Liudao Madara, the number of appearances of the psychic Ninja Turtle can be counted on the fingers, and Fenghuo I only remember two times.

"You can't say that. The purpose of the existence of psychic beasts is to help us fight. Of course, the bigger the better!" Kai retorted.

When the two of them were talking ~www.readwn.com~ Sandra's speed was getting faster and faster, far surpassing the speed of a merchant ship.

"So fast!"

The oncoming violent sea wind seemed to blow them away, and Kai couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Sealing the fire was also an accident. This was the first time he was sitting on a rock in the sea, and he didn't expect the speed to be so fast!

"Hey, wait, this direction, are we going to the country of water?" Feng Huo was stunned.

"I lived in the country of water before, and the habitat of the Ninja turtles that I know is naturally near the country of water." Isotaki said as a matter of course.

"Okay, you're right, but remember to keep it hidden, don't let Wunin find out." Feng Huo instructed.

Now that the Fourth Mizukage Yakura has become Six Tails Jinchuriki, if he finds out that he is patronizing the Water Country again, countless troubles will arise out of nowhere.

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