Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 499: Comfortable Ninja Turtles 1

Chapter 499: The Comfortable Ninja Turtle Clan (Page 1/1)

A few days later, Fenghuo and Kai came to the waters of the country of water in Jitai. The two of them were very low-key, quietly approaching, and loudly said no.

Most of his body sank to the bottom of the water, only his head was exposed, but a few ferocious thorns protruded out of the sea from his back, which was quite conspicuous. Fortunately, the sea area here is relatively remote and there are no people there.

"Fenghuo, this is the first time I have come to the Land of Water." Kai stretched his neck and looked at the huge island surrounded by mist in front of him, squeaking in amazement, "It's really an island, it's unbelievable!"

Feng Huo said, "Do you want to go up and have a look?"

"Let's forget it. Although I'm very curious about the Land of Water, I want to find the Ninja Turtles more quickly," Kai said.

At this time, Isata is circling along the edge of the huge island where the country of water is located. Their goal is a small island behind the country of water. According to the speed of Isato, it will take at least half a day to reach it.

There are many islands in the land of water, scattered scattered in the surrounding sea area. Some of them are rarely visited by people because of the whirlpool currents and hidden reefs. Even ninjas will not easily set foot on them.

The island where the Ninja Turtles live is one of them.

Half a day later, Isato came to this dangerous whirlpool sea area by virtue of his fast turtle crawling skills.

The undercurrent on the bottom of the sea swirls crazily in the sea. If a ship passes by, it will be dragged astray, then swirled in place, and finally disintegrated by the current.

Even ninjas have difficulty walking on the sea with chakra, and will be carried away by the undercurrent swirling under the sea.

However, relying on Isota's tonnage and huge stature, the group passed through the dangerous sea without any risk and approached the island.

After closing the fire, I found that this small island is lush and full of trees. On the beach, there are many huge purple-black rocks, which seem to be densely covered with strange patterns.

When he came here, Isato no longer hid his figure, stood up from the sea directly, stepped on the sea and ran towards the island.

As it ran, it made a loud noise, which alarmed the Ninja Turtles on the island.

I saw those huge purple-black boulders on the beach shaking together, then stretched out their limbs and heads, and walked slowly towards the sea surface. At a glance, there were at least nearly a hundred turtles, most of them were as big as the table of eight immortals, and a few of them It's even as high as a floor!

Feng Huo was quite surprised: "So it's not a stone, it's a turtle."

However, it seems that the color is wrong. Fenghuo remembers that Kai’s psychic Ninja Turtle in the original book is not of this color, but whatever, for Kai, as long as it is a Ninja Turtle.

"That's the Ninja Turtle family." Kai's eyes lit up, and he locked his eyes on the biggest Ninja Turtle.


Rocky was close to the beach, and when it came up, it was a turtle stepping on the river and mountain, and its two thick forelimbs trampled on the beach fiercely, setting off huge sand waves.

"Master Isota, why did you bring outsiders here?"

The biggest Ninja Turtle suddenly asked.

"As expected of a Ninja Turtle, you can actually talk!" Kai was quite excited, then turned to ask Feng Huo, "Feng Huo, will your Chaolun Dance Brotherhood talk?"

"Hehe, no." Feng Huo smiled dryly. His Chaolunwu brother evolved from an ordinary snow eagle to a ninja eagle. Although his body size has skyrocketed and he has mastered the superficial wind escape, he is still a little short of talking.

When Kai heard Feng Huo's words, he became even more excited, feeling that his Ninja Turtle was inferior to his Ninja Hawk.

Isata walked proudly on the beach, ignoring the giant Ninja Turtle.

As a tailed beast, Isota is of the same kind, let's call it the same kind. In front of these ninja turtles, it has always been tall and hangs, and has never spoken to them in a humble manner.

Passing over the nearly one hundred Ninja Turtles, Isata directly found a comfortable place to lie down, and then basked in the sun.

At the same time, its voice sounded in Feng Huo's heart: "This small island is the habitat of the Ninja Turtles, and the rest is up to you. Let me explain in advance that I will definitely not help!"

Feng Huo turned into a little overlord repeater, and said to Kai: "This small island is the habitat of the Ninja Turtles. The rest is up to you. Let me explain in advance that I will definitely not help!"

Kai didn't take it seriously, clenched his hands into fists, his blood boiled: "Of course! I will use my own strength to conquer that Ninja Turtle!"

Saying that, Kai jumped off the sandy beach and walked towards the beach.

At this time, the nearly a hundred Ninja Turtles took no notice of the strangeness, ignored Isata, and lay down on the beach again in a row, like salted fish, quietly basking in the sea breeze, Very at ease.

Kai didn't do it immediately, but observed for a while, but unfortunately, these Ninja Turtles fell asleep one by one, ignoring Kai's meaning at all.

Kai watched for a long time, but couldn't find any useful clues, but it could be seen that these Ninja Turtles didn't seem to reject him.

He carefully approached a Ninja Turtle the size of the Table of Eight Immortals, and tried to touch the turtle's shell.

The result was surprisingly smooth.

"Ninja turtles are so friendly to humans."

Kay is overjoyed.

Then he jumped on this ninja turtle. After sitting in the rocky sea, he felt that the turtle shell was too small and had a bad review, so he decisively jumped on the other ninja turtle's shell.

Feng Huo stood on the top of a thorn on the rocky turtle's shell, looking down at Kai jumping up and down on the Ninja turtle's shell like a flea.

In the end, Kai successfully jumped onto the shell of the giant Ninja Turtle who spoke before.

This ninja turtle is as high as a floor, and its shell is about ten square meters, which is very spacious.

"It's up to you!"

With a loud roar, Kai jumped directly in front of the Ninja Turtle, loudly expressing that he would subdue it as his own psychic Ninja Turtle.

But people, no, the Turtle family didn't have him at all. This Ninja Turtle dozed off with its eyes closed from the beginning to the end, and a trace of saliva overflowed from its mouth and flowed on the beach.

Kai was at a loss, and went to Fenghuo to ask how to sign a psychic contract with a ninja turtle.

Feng Huo blinked twice, UU reading www.uukanshu.com To be honest, he didn't know very well.

When he signed the Chao Rondo Brothers, firstly, there was Namikaze Minato next to him, and secondly, at that time, Chao Rindo Snow Eagle was still a young bird, and he had no strength to resist at all, so he succeeded immediately.

"Well, it's probably about beating up this Ninja Turtle, and then it's ok... right?" Feng Huo wasn't sure.

"Is it that simple?" Kai's eyes widened, and then he rushed towards the giant Ninja Turtle again, and then Konoha Whirlwind, Konoha Big Whirlwind, and Konoha Gangli Whirlwind kicked the turtle shell fiercely.

But the defense of the Ninja Turtle's shell is very abnormal. Kai performed a set of combined kicks there, but he didn't wake up the Ninja Turtle.

Kaida was frustrated, and after hesitating for a long time, he changed his goal and chose a smaller Ninja Turtle.

Until night fell, Kai's target had become the Ninja Turtles the size of the Eight Immortals Table on the edge of the beach.

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