Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 500: Blood mist?

Feng Huo sat on the shell of the rocky turtle with his back leaning against a thorn, yawning, with blurred tears welling up in his eyes.

"Whirlwind of leaves!"


Kai kicked a Ninja turtle the size of the Table of Eight Immortals on the shell, and kicked it away two meters away.

But the Ninja Turtle closed its eyes, showing no intention of waking up.

Kai gasped.

He kicked most of the Ninja Turtles here one day, and his feet hurt.

But for the sake of his psychic beast, he gritted his teeth and kicked it again.


bang bang bang!

With a kick, the Ninja Turtle was finally kicked awake by Kai.

"Huh? Who are you?"

The Ninja Turtle stuck its head out of its shell, blinking its eyes, looking at Kai curiously.

Kaili immediately said: "I am Konoha's blue beast, Matekai! Would you like to be my psychic Ninja Turtle?"

"Psychic Ninja Turtle? Not interested." It shrank its neck into the turtle shell again, and said, "Don't disturb my sleep, I'm so sleepy."

Kai was very anxious, yelled at the turtle shell, and stuck his head into the turtle shell, wanting to have a close contact with the Ninja Turtle, but unfortunately, the Ninja Turtle slept soundly and didn't notice him at all.

Kai had no choice but to shift the target and repeat the above actions.

Feng Huo's eyes really hurt from watching it, and finally he closed his eyes and fell asleep directly.

The next day, the warm sunshine poured down from the sky, shining on the body warmly and very comfortably.

Feng Huo yawned and woke up slowly.

"Is that guy Kay finished?"

He grabbed the glasses next to him and put them on, and looked on the beach. At this time, Kai was lying on the shell of a ninja turtle and sleeping soundly. Flowing down, it seems heartless, and I don't know if it will be successful.

Feng Huo jumped off Iso-Tai and walked over slowly.

"Kay, Kay!"

Feng Huo woke Kai up and asked, "What's going on, did you succeed?"

Kai rubbed his eyes, then patted the turtle shell under his buttocks, and said, "Successful, this is my psychic ninja turtle, called Kametaro."

Feng Huo's eyes lit up: "I'm not lazy, what's the matter, what special ability does this Ninja Turtle have?"

Kai tilted his head and thought for a long time before saying, "The turtle shell is very hard."


The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched slightly, are you talking nonsense, which turtle's shell is not hard.

"Fenghuo, it's about time for us to go back." Kay got what he wanted, and seemed to be in a great mood.

"Let's go back later, this island is not small, let's grab some wild game to fill our stomachs." Feng Huo said.

He ate some Bingliang pills last night. Although it filled his stomach, he always felt weak. If he didn't eat some delicious food, he would really feel sorry for his stomach.

Besides, he was also very curious about the island.

As we all know, the sanctuary of the three people, Miaomu Mountain, Shibone Forest, and Longdi Cave, each has the inheritance of the immortal model, so what about this island?

A thousand-year king and an eighty-thousand-year tortoise, the lifespan of a tortoise is already long, let alone a ninja turtle?

As the habitat of the Ninja Turtle family, what if there are Ninja Turtles that have lived for thousands of years on this island?

Thinking of this, Feng Huo was overwhelmed with emotion, turned around and rushed into the island.

Kai quickly followed.

This island is not big, and the sandy beach inhabited by hundreds of Ninja Turtles alone occupies nearly one-tenth of the area.

So soon, Fenghuo and the others visited the island. Unfortunately, they didn't find any ten thousand year turtles, let alone the inheritance of the immortal model.

Fenghuo was quite discouraged.

Thinking of my several adventures, each time I returned without success, there was no adventure at all, the shipwreck treasures of the Warring States Period, the rich mineral veins, the white-bearded grandfather with a huge inheritance... Bah!

It really is a lie!

Feng Huo returned to the beach again, looked at the nearly a hundred Ninja Turtles on the beach, sighed, and said, "Let's go, go home."

Shut off the fire to wake up Isota, and the two sat on its back and left the island straight away.

Passing through the vortex sea area smoothly, two people and a turtle slowly circled along the huge island where the country of water is located.

At this moment, Feng Huo saw a large area of ​​scarlet blood in the blue sea not far away, which was extremely dazzling.

"That's... blood?" Feng Huo frowned, following the red traces, he found that the blood was brought by the rivers that flow into the sea from the Kingdom of Water.

"I'm afraid it will take the blood of hundreds of people to dye the sea like this!" Kai said solemnly, "Fight the fire, I suspect that some ninjas slaughtered civilians in a village!"

Feng Huo's eyes lit up, and a word instantly came to mind.

Blood mist!

Could it be that the fourth Mizukage Yakura still cannot escape the fate of being manipulated?

He had fought and talked with Yakura before, and he could feel that although Yakura was very stubborn and stubborn, he was still kind. If he hadn't been controlled, it would be impossible to implement the blood mist policy.

Of course, it may also be the act of treachery.

Feng Huo remembered that before joining the Akatsuki organization, the Scarlet Sand Scorpion often massacred villages for materials for making puppets, which was notorious in the Land of Winds.

"Would you like to see it?" Kay asked.

"You want to go?" Feng Huo asked back.

Kai nodded solemnly: "In any case, the fact of massacring a village is too cruel. Although it didn't happen in our country, we can't just sit idly by!"

"Okay, Holy Mother Kai." Feng Huo shrugged.

Kai was a little confused: "What does the Holy Mother mean?"

"That's what you meant." Feng Huo rolled his eyes, and then mentally told Isata to divert to the country of water.

Isota dodged the scarlet sea, cut through the waves, and soon came to the mouth of the river that flows into the sea.

Afterwards, Fenghuo took Isota back to his sealed world, and he and Kai went upstream along the river flowing into the sea.

It can be seen that there is still a faint blood in the river, like a red poisonous snake, winding away.

Kai's face became more and more serious.

Fenghuo created a shadow clone and asked them to explore along the river. With Chakra perception, they found a small village nearby in a short while.

The village was built by the water, and there were about a hundred households. But at this time, the small village was completely in ruins. As for the people in the village, they had all been killed. The blood of hundreds of people gathered into a river of blood and was washed away. to the sea.

Feng Huo's face changed when he saw the corpses scattered all over the ground~www.readwn.com~.

This injury...

Beheading sword?

Feng Huo's eyebrows twitched: "Will you kill me again?"

At this time, Kai was already trembling all over, and the light in his eyes was as bright as the sun across the sky.

"The beheading sword is... Loquat Ten Zang!!"

Kai gritted his teeth and said every word.

Although he was an optimist, although he never mentioned his father's death, he always remembered the Seven Ninja Swordsmen who killed his father.

Loquat Shizang and Xiguashan puffer ghost, the names of these two survivors, he will never forget them for a moment!

"This wound is definitely Loquat Ten Zang!" Kai's eyes were slowly congested, and the chakra in his body was like a surging river, exuding a majestic momentum.

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