Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 514: Sarutobi Hiruzen's Little Thoughts

As Hokage, Hiruzaru Sarutobi is usually very busy at work, but no matter how busy or tired he is, he will spare time to pay attention to the graduation exam of Ninja School.

Since the establishment of the Ninja School, Konoha has trained countless excellent ninjas for decades. It is the existence of these excellent ninjas that allows Konoha and even the Kingdom of Fire to sit firmly on the throne of the ninja world!

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen has always regarded the ninja school as his own taboo, and forbids anyone or any force to intervene.

Whether it's Danzo or Uchiha, it won't work!

As usual, Hiruzaru Sarutobi paid great attention to this ninja school graduation exam. Those outstanding graduates all entered his field of vision, and then called them to him one by one. The will to enlighten him and increase his political consciousness.

Not surprisingly, among the graduates of this class, the only one who can be called a genius is Bai, who took a year and a half to graduate. Therefore, Hiruza Sarutobi paid special attention to him, and even called out the dusty one-and-a-half-year According to the information, look at Bai's resume.

In the resume, Shiro is an orphan, who was brought back by Uchiha Fuhuo from outside, and then placed in the orphanage of Yakushi Nonoyu. Later, he accidentally discovered that he had ninja talent, so he was sent to a ninja school.

"What a good seedling."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the handsome and pleasant Shiro in the photo, feeling very relieved, he hurriedly asked someone to call Bai, and holding his little hand was the output of the "will of fire".

Bai Ren was pulled by Sarutobi Hiruzen, without much resistance, and his expression was very calm.

This is of course thanks to the fire seal.

Feng Huo is too familiar with Sarutobi Rizai's routines, and he got angry with Bai early in the morning, so Bai has already made all kinds of psychological preparations. Therefore, when facing the output of the will of fire, he responded very modestly and calmly. In the end, in front of Hiruzaru Sarutobi, he bravely stated that he would not defecate or spit anywhere, that he would take the initiative to help the old woman when she fell, and that she would also maintain the peace of the street office, and do her best for her. Konoha's modernization has contributed all its strength.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was coaxed into laughter by him, he praised him for being sensible and sensible, and was extremely satisfied.

"Shiro, do you have any plans for the future?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked with a smile.

"Grandpa of the third generation, I want to go back to the orphanage after graduation, and then do tasks, and give all the money I earn to the orphanage!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned, and asked in surprise, "Is the orphanage not funded enough?"

"Although Big Brother Fenghuo is subsidized every month, there are still some places that can't be taken care of, so, so..." Bai blushed a little embarrassed.

It's not that he's shy, it's just that he's like that when he tells a lie.

No, Hiruzaru Sarutobi already showed doubts.

Orphanage underfunded?

Didn't Feng Huo always use all the profits from the Konoha Newspaper to fund this orphanage?

Based on the profit of Konoha Newspaper, even a 10% dividend is enough to support Yakushi Nonoyu's orphanage.

Did he withdraw part of the funds?

Then take the money to buy the detonator?

Is this **** going to do something again?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi covered his head, and suddenly regretted it, perhaps, he shouldn't have passed the detonating talisman to Fenghuo back then.

But at that time, how did Hiruzaru Sarutobi know that Fenghuo could make money so much?

A Konoha newspaper is not enough, and a Konoha Fried Chicken is also produced. Now the franchise stores of Konoha Fried Chicken are almost opening all over the country of fire, so if the franchise profit fee is converted into a detonating symbol...

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's heart skipped a beat.

Thinking of this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi lost the intention to speak, and after a few words with Bai, he was sent away.

After leaving Naruto, Bai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come out, let's go, Bai." Feng Huo came out from the shadow in the corner.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi stood at the window of the office, looking at the backs of Feng Huo and Bai Li, suddenly a big void in his heart, as if something important was slowly being lost.

Then he looked back at Bai's documents on the table.

The more you look at it, the more suspicious it becomes.

Questions suddenly popped up from the documents.

Who are Bai's parents?

Where is his hometown?

Why is he an orphan?

Why are these not mentioned in the documents?

Also, there are thousands of ninja orphans, why did Feng Huo bring Shiro back to Konoha alone?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was startled.

That's right, if Fenghuo's personality as a chicken thief is not good, how could he bring him back for nothing?

This is the biggest and most obvious loophole, and he didn't realize it until now!

"There must be a secret in this child Bai."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled like a fox.

Following his order, Anbu quickly dispatched, and formed a large net based on powerful intelligence capabilities to envelop the orphanage of Pharmacist No Naoyu.

Nonaiyu's orphanage is located in a remote place, so buying supplies is a big deal every time. Many children in the courtyard want to take the opportunity to go shopping.

This time is no exception.

Pharmacist No Naoyu took a few older children to the nearest street, and the children couldn't stay idle, and soon started chatting and shopping.

A few people who set up stalls on the street showed weasel-like smiles, seduced them with lollipops, and took out important information from them in a short while. hand.

"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the information in his hand, he was not feeling well.

"Master Hokage, this is the information we got from the mouths of several children, and there should be no mistakes."

"I see, this matter must be kept secret, step back!"


When Anbu left, Hiruzaru Sarutobi hurriedly tore up the information in his hand, for fear of being seen by others.

"Bingdun, Bingdun...It turned out to be the Blood Successor Boundary of the Mizuzuki Clan..."

"However, the Minazuki clan is already in civil turmoil in the land of water..."

"Fenghuo, where did he find this child!"

The power of Bingdu has already been proved by the blood of the Uchiha and Hyuga clans in the Three Wars. If Konoha really gets this kind of blood inheritance limit, it is very likely that the third blood after Uchiha and Hyuga will be derived. Big family!

The premise is that Bai desperately has children.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's heart was surging, but soon he became uneasy.

If the Hyuga Clan and the Uchiha Clan know about this child...

During the Three Wars, many members of these two clans died tragically under the ice tunnel. If they knew that the 'remnants' of the Mizuzuki clan had come to Konoha, would they be able to turn a blind eye?

Even if they can let go of their hatred, once Bingdun spreads its branches in Konoha, it will definitely affect the status of these two powerful families. With the current interests of the family, can they do nothing?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi clutched his forehead, his head was getting bigger.

If you accept Shiro, you will offend Uchiha and Hyuga. If you don't accept... Bingdun, my heart aches.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi thinks about it, the best way is to find a confidant, train Shiro silently, join Anbu directly when he grows up, and announce it to the public when he has made enough meritorious deeds. Secondly, with Anbu's experience and bond, would anyone in the village dare to assassinate him?

In this case, even if the two great families are dissatisfied, it is a done deal and there is nothing they can do. At that time, he will pay a little more profit as the price, and he can completely settle the matter.

In this way, the powerful Ice Escaping Blood Successor Limitation will be able to thrive in Konoha in an upright manner.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was overjoyed, and he was busy choosing a ninja who could take on the important task of cultivating Shiro.

bank up a fire?

He has to go to work in Anbu, practice, and take care of Naruto. How can such a busy person take care of Shiro well? He can't.

Of course, the more important reason is that Feng Huo actually concealed Bai's information from him, this is unbearable!


Previously, Kakashi was leading Yamato, a former root member and Mutun user. After a few years, Yamato has perfectly integrated into Anbu. Kakashi recommended Yamato several times, hoping that the organization would give Yamato more opportunities to perform.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi had a bold idea.

Let Mutun ninja Yamato join the inspection department of Fenghuo, and then let Kakashi train Shiro!

In doing so, Fenghuo would definitely be dissatisfied, but with Yamato as the 'compensation', coupled with the relationship between Fenghuo and Kakashi, even if he is dissatisfied, he will not cause trouble.

The more Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought about it, the more satisfied he became~www.readwn.com~ Then he couldn't wait to call Kakashi and Yamato, announcing that Yamato had left Kakashi's team and entered the fire-sealed inspection department.

Naturally, the two did not object, and responded in unison.

"Yamato, you should report to the Supervision Department first." Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled.

"Yes!" Yamato replied, and then quickly disappeared.

"Kakashi, go and call Fenghuo." Hiruzaru Sarutobi ordered again.


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