Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 515: i have a bold idea

Home mansion.

Feng Huo officially introduced Bai to Xiao Naruto, but unfortunately, Xiao Naruto was very upset because of the weight on his body and training, and tried to make a rebellious and fierce expression with his head up and his mouth up, which made Bai stunned I was taken aback.

"Hi, I'm Bai."

Although he was three years older than Naruto, Bai greeted him politely.

Naruto waved his hand casually: "Understood."

Then he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and after thinking about it, he understood.

Under normal circumstances, when other children saw him, which one didn't call him a demon fox and shouted at him to kill him, why didn't this one called Bai not do that?

Little Naruto was not used to it.

So he tentatively asked, "Do you know who I am?"

"Ah?" Bai was taken aback, "Naruto?"

"Hmm, what then?" Naruto's eyes gradually lit up.

Bai shook his head.

"It's great!" Naruto suddenly yelled happily, then rushed up and pulled Bai to get excited.

After so many years, I finally found a friend who doesn't call him a demon fox.

Bai was a little at a loss, being dragged forward by Naruto, and looked back at Fenghuo.

Feng Huo said with a smile: "Go and play."

After the words fell, a figure suddenly fell behind him, followed by Kakashi's lazy voice.

"Fenghuo, the third generation told you to go there."

Feng Huo looked back at him: "What's the matter?"

"Well, you'll know when you go." Kakashi said casually.

With an ominous premonition, Feng Huo scratched his head and said, "Let's go."

With the speed of the two, they soon arrived at the Hokage Building.

Entering Hokage's office, he saw Hiruzaru Sarutobi smoking a cigarette, and seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Here we come." Hiruzaru Sarutobi put down his pipe, looked at Fenghuo with a smile on his face, his appearance, his expression, just like a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken.

Don't worry!

Feng Huo suddenly felt a stomachache.

"Three generations, my stomach hurts, I'll go to the toilet first."

"..." Sarutobi Rizhan twitched the corner of his mouth, his good mood dissipated in an instant, so he slapped the table fiercely, pointed at Feng Huo and said angrily, "Stop, you bastard!"

Feng Huo said that he was wronged.

"About Bai, don't you have anything to say?" Sarutobi Hirizhan said uncomfortably, "Bingdun Blood Successor Limit, hehe, you really have it, you dare to bring the remnants of the Minazuki clan into the village, And let him go to the ninja school, it's just nonsense!"

Seeing Sarutobi's furious expression on his face, Feng Huo believed in his evil!

"Three generations, since you have said so, I will go back and kill him now, lest he grow up and cause harm to others, farewell!"

He said to seal the fire and walked out.

"Stop, come back! Kakashi, stop him!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi was so anxious that he spit out his saliva, "That's not what I meant!"

Feng Huo was stopped by Kakashi, turned his head and asked with a straight face: "What do you mean by the three generations?"


Hiruzaru Sarutobi almost lost his breath.

I am the majestic third-generation Hokage, the ruler of Konoha Hidden Village, what do you care about what I mean, what do you care about my thoughts, do I still have to tell you, a little bastard? !


"This is what I think about Shiro, I plan to let Kakashi train him..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't want it in his heart, but his body still told his intentions honestly.

Feng Huo frowned slightly, rubbed his chin and pondered.

Canadian and white?

Think beautifully!

Yamato was originally a member of the Roots, and later entered the Anbu. It is estimated that his brain is already full of the will of fire. It is even more difficult for Fenghuo to subdue him.

Bai is different, with the current relationship between him and Bai, no matter how long it takes, it can be used for his own use!

Moreover, in Fenghuo's heart, Bai is still the best candidate to guard the four generations of couples, whether it is Bai's character or Bingdun Xueji Boundary, they are a perfect fit!

Even, with the powerful Ice Escape Blood Inheriting Boundary, Bai can definitely become his right-hand man in the future. How can Feng Huo be willing to give someone else such a potential stock?

It has been more than ten years since Fenghuo was reborn in Konoha, and he has made many friends, such as Namikaze Minato, Inokacho and others, who are all his friends, but even so he can't help swallowing his anger, why?

Because he knows his time has not yet come!

He is strong, but definitely not the strongest ninja in Konoha.

So, he needs help!

And Bai, even Dou, and Kurama Yakumo, these people represent his 'era'!

As long as these guys are subdued, and when they grow up, coupled with Fenghuo's own strength, where else in this world can't go?

So Bai can't let it go!


Feng Huo looked at Hiruzaru Sarutobi's firm expression, knowing that no matter how much he said, he could not change his decision.

"Since three generations have said so, I have no choice but to agree."

Feng Huo said slowly.

Now, the only thing that makes Feng Huo happy is that Bai didn't immediately enter Anbu!

In this way, Bai's freedom will not be restricted by anyone, that is to say, Fenghuo can still see Bai anytime, anywhere.

As for letting Kakashi take the white, hehe, the old man of the third generation is really naive.

Perhaps in the eyes of the third generation, Kakashi is a very reliable and excellent Anbu ninja, but in the eyes of Fenghuo, Kakashi is a tired and lazy bastard. , you can get Bai's teaching right from him!

Fenghuo even had a bold idea.


Hehe, if you kidnap him too...

The fire seal here is flirting, but Hiruza Sarutobi heaved a sigh of relief, and then said to Kakashi who was next to him with a surprised face: "Kakashi, did you hear that? You have to be more careful in the future what."

Kakashi at this moment was indeed shocked.


Ice Escape Blood Inheriting Boundary?

This fellow Feng Huo has made such a big commotion again without making a sound?

But teach Bai... This is embarrassing.

Kakashi removed the task time, and the rest of the time besides self-cultivation, is to read funny and witty manga, this, this, this, he does not want to waste his precious time on teaching children.

Just as he was about to offer a refusal, he saw Feng Huo twitching his eyes non-stop. As soon as he hesitated, he accepted the matter.

Hiru Sarutobi resolved his worries, and he couldn't stop laughing. He gave Kakashi a few words, and then waved them down to handover.

Leave Naruto House.

Kakashi spread his hands directly and said, "Hey, do you really want me to take care of that kid named Shiro? I don't know how to escape."

"Just put on a show, and leave the rest to me~www.readwn.com~ Feng Huo waved his hand, "I don't feel relieved if you teach me. "

"That's good, by the way, where did you find this child?" Kakashi asked.

"Actually, I bought it from the black market!" Feng Huo swore.

"Cut!" Kakashi believed that he had a ghost, and then waved his hand, "No matter what, let me meet this child first, as for the next thing, well, anyway, I don't understand ice escape."

When the two returned to the mansion, they saw Shiro and Naruto playing together. Kakashi looked at him from afar and said, "That's him, he looks like a girl."

"I like it, I will marry you when I grow up?" Feng Huo snorted.

'marry me? '

Kakashi frowned, as if thinking of the noble morals in a comic book, a sudden chill in his stomach made him run away in fright.

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