Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 559: eye-catching

To the southeast away from the bustling streets of the village, there is a vast dense forest. Through the dense forest, there are several steep cliffs. Under the cliff, there is a temple that has been abandoned for many years.

Two gigantic and ferocious statues that looked like devils stood at the entrance of the temple. They were quaint, dilapidated, and even dusty, but even so, they still couldn't hide the strange ominous aura on them.

Uchiha Shisui slowly came to the gate of the temple, looking around.

When he left Hokage Tower just now, a root ninja informed him to come here, in the name of...Itachi!

But halfway through, he actually noticed something was wrong.

If Itachi really wanted to meet him, why did he hide it in this way?

And still choose such a remote place.

"Genbu, is it Danzo-sama?"

Uchiha Shisui remembered the words of sealing the fire, and his heart was suddenly full of vigilance.

He looked up at the sky, the sun had already set more than half, and the setting sun dyed the whole sky scarlet.

He silently calculated that it was very close to the time when the family gathering began.

He was considering whether to leave directly when he heard a hoarse voice from behind.

"Uchiha Shisui!"

Danzo slowly walked out of the darkness, lowering his eyes slightly, his eyes wandering out of the sight of Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan.

"Danzo-sama." Uchiha Shisui said, "It really is you."

"Yes, I already know your plan, so I want to communicate with you in advance." Danzo said slowly.

Uchiha Shisui tensed his muscles and was fully alert.

"It's time for the meeting soon. If you use the pupil technique on Uchiha Togaku and convince the Uchiha tribe, but the village has not changed, what are you going to do?" Danzo started to sow discord.

Uchiha Shisui said firmly: "Danzo-sama, you heard it just now, Hokage-sama has promised me that I will definitely make a change!"

Danzang snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Even if he lobbys in person for three generations, the villagers will not easily change their views on you."

Uchiha Shisui said: "I understand, but as long as I spend more time, I believe the situation will be..."

"Also! A suspicious person like me will not change his mind easily!" Danzo lowered his head and interrupted him roughly, his eyes locked tightly on Uchiha Shisui's feet, But he pressed on step by step, "At that time, what should you do?"

When fighting with Uchiha's Sharingan, you must never look at the opponent's Sharingan, so looking at your feet is the best choice!

"Master Danzo, you..."

As soon as Uchiha Shisui opened his mouth, Danzo interrupted him again.

"At that time, will you also use other gods on me!"

"I..." Uchiha Shisui couldn't keep up with Danzo's thinking.

At this moment, Danzo's pupils widened suddenly, and he quickly approached Uchiha Shisui, then reached his eye socket with one hand, and shouted sharply, "I'll accept your Sharingan!"

Uchiha Shisui's pupils shrank. After hearing Fenghuo's words, he was already extremely wary of Danzo. When he made a move, Uchiha Shisui reacted almost instantly, and then directly threw a Sharingan illusion !

Danzo's cold and serious face froze for a moment.

Even if he didn't look directly at Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan with his eyes, Danzo still couldn't escape the opponent's powerful illusion.

"As expected of Uchiha's strongest phantom ninja..." As soon as Danzo's last second thought fell, he activated the Sharingan of the right eye hidden in the bandage.

Forbidden Art: Izanagi!

"It's just an ordinary illusion, and it will wake up soon."

Uchiha Shisui spoke lightly, then turned and left.

Even Danzo-sama, it is impossible to resist his Sharingan illusion!

This is Uchiha Shisui's confidence!

But within two steps, a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes: How is it possible? !


Danzo Setsuke, who had already 'hit' the illusion, appeared in front of Uchiha Shisui, slammed his palm on his abdomen, and then a set of combined punches blasted Uchiha Shisui, who missed the first move because of shock, into the sky.

In the next moment, Danzo made a decisive move and took off Uchiha Shisui's right eye!

Uchiha Shisui finally came back to his senses after suffering from pain, kicking the ground and retreating extremely quickly.

He tightly covered his bleeding right eye, and the remaining left eye was still in disbelief.

Danzo, how did he avoid his illusion?

Soon, the excellent Danzo told him the answer.

He slowly took off the bandage on his head, revealing a three-gou jade sharing sharing eye that was rapidly losing its light!

"Sharingan?" Uchiha Shisui realized, "Izanaki!"

"Yes, the Uchiha family's forbidden art, at the cost of losing light forever, connects illusion and reality, this is Izanaki!" Danzo said lightly, "And your eye will become my eye." replacement of!"

"Damn it!" Uchiha Shisui gritted his teeth.

"Then, give me the other one too!"

Danzo said coldly, and in the next moment, a dozen root ninjas suddenly appeared beside him!

Uchiha Shisui immediately made a seal with pain: "Fire escape - the art of the fireball!"

The huge fireball is like a big sun volleying in the sky, carrying a terrifying high temperature and pushing across.

"Water escape-water chaos!"

The four root ninjas took a step forward at the first time, and together they used the water escape, spraying out huge water waves.

The water and fire collided in the air and exploded instantly. At the same time, a large amount of water vapor evaporated, completely blocking Genin's sight.

Uchiha Shisui didn't dare to hesitate, and left quickly.

When the water vapor dissipated, there was no sign of him in front of the temple.

"The art of instant body." Danzo snorted softly, and said sharply, "Catch me!"

The surrounding Gennin immediately chased after him.

Danzo turned his head and looked in the direction of the village.

This temple is extremely remote, separated from the village by a huge dense forest. With Uchiha Shisui losing one eye, it is impossible to escape the pursuit of Genin!

He looked down at the Sharingan in his hand, and a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't let the gods get it!"

Dark Headquarters.

A shadow clone of Fenghuo is checking the latest information on the Uchiha clan. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Gathering tonight?" Shadow Clone touched his chin and thought, "Should I let the deity know about this?"

He hesitated for a while, and finally sealed and dismissed himself.

In an instant, all his memories of working in Anbu today flooded into Fenghuo's mind.

At this moment, Feng Huo was going to the ninja school, planning to pick up Naruto from school, when he suddenly received such a memory, he couldn't help being startled, and his face changed slightly in the next moment.

Uchiha rally?

A coup d'état?

Fortunately, he has already reminded Uchiha Shisui, as long as he directly uses other gods to change Uchiha Fugaku's mind before the assembly, and the Uchiha dragons have no leader, how can there be a coup d'état?

It's just why there is always some ominous premonition in my heart.

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