Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 560: There is a hole in the brain

Feng Huo looked at the ninja school not far ahead and fell into deep thought.

In the original book, before the Uchiha meeting, Danzo will take away Uchiha Shisui's eyes.

But before sealing the fire, Danzo had been warned of the danger, even Hokage dared to assassinate him, what else could he not do?

For ordinary people, after learning about this, it is absolutely impossible to meet Danzo alone.

So, is Uchiha Shisui an ordinary person?

Fenghuo's head was a bit big, and then he didn't think too much about it, and directly summoned two hundred shadow clones: "Look for Uchiha Shisui immediately!"


Two hundred shadow clones responded aggressively and scattered away immediately.

Then, Fenghuo summoned a shadow clone and asked him to go to the ninja school to pick up Naruto back home, while he went to the Uchiha clan.

In the dense forest, Uchiha Shisui was eventually overtaken by Danzo's roots.

These ninjutsu have all been brainwashed by Danzo. Seeing Shisui Uchiha, he started doing it without saying a word, and all kinds of ninjutsu poured out crazily, including countless kunai, shuriken, and Senbon that were quenched with poison.

But relying on the extremely perverted teleportation technique, Uchiha Shisui freely entered and exited Genin with ease, the chakra knife in his hand was already full of blood.

It's just that there are more and more root ninjas around, and they want to take him down regardless of the loss!

With the non-stop fighting, Uchiha Shisui's physical strength and chakra are rapidly depleting, especially the injury of the right eye that was taken away, because a lot of difficult movements spilled blood again.

"Attack his right side!" Gennin suddenly yelled.

In the next moment, all kinds of ninjutsu crazily struck from Uchiha Shisui's right side.

Uchiha Shisui's expression changed, and he immediately turned to avoid it.

But no matter how he evaded, there would always be an attack coming from the dead corner of his right line of sight, and he had to guard against attacks from other directions. After a while, five or six more wounds, **** and bloody, appeared on his body.

As the blood flowed, his physical strength flowed faster!

"Damn! If this goes on..."

Uchiha Shisui gritted his teeth, although there was only one Sharingan left, but at this moment, he could only try his best.

"Kaleidoscope - Susanoo!!"

The three-curve jade in the left eye spun rapidly in the pupil, and instantly turned into a kaleidoscope of four-curve wind models, a powerful pupil power instantly gushed out, forming a layer of green ribs on his body surface.


Uchiha Shisui was overjoyed, and immediately increased the output of pupil power.

Using only a kaleidoscope to use Susano, Uchiha Shisui's talent is indeed unparalleled.

Outside the green ribs, the flesh and blood of the meridians gradually turned from empty to solid, and even covered a layer of chakra in the shape of a coat outside the body!

As a price, his kaleidoscope was already overflowing with blood.

"It's just that Susano in the second form can't hold on anymore! It seems that Susano is still under too much pressure on the monocular kaleidoscope, but I can't sit still!"

"Tudun-Tulong Spear!"

"Water escape-water chaos!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Thunder Dun - walk!"

Gennin's offensive is getting more and more violent!

Even seeing Susano, who is as big as a demon god, their determination still did not waver in the slightest!

But under Susanoo's powerful defense, these ninjutsu could not cause the slightest damage to Uchiha Shisui at all.

Seeing more and more Nenin gathered around, Uchiha Shisui no longer held back.

Under the control of his will, the breastplate on the green Susanoo's chest slowly opened, revealing an orange hook jade.


The orange Gouyu instantly emitted a bright light, and then countless green chakra arrows were shot out from it, sending out an indiscriminate attack 180 degrees forward.

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

Dozens of root ninjas slapped the ground with their palms together, and a large number of earth walls rumbled up from the ground, blocking the chakra arrows that filled the sky.

But, how could Susanoku's attack be so easy to block?

Numerous chakra arrows hit the earth wall, splashing out the earth debris. With more and more chakra arrows, the earth wall was smashed into pieces in an instant, and the arrows all over the sky continued unabated. Crazy shooters behind the earth wall Root tolerance.

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Some Gennin still wanted to struggle, but in the end they were shot with countless blood holes by Chakra arrows, and they couldn't die anymore.

Uchiha Shisui could not bear it, but at this time he had no choice but to harden his heart. He controlled Susano to circle around non-stop, covering all the Gennin with Chakra Arrows!

In just half a minute, the nearby woodland has been blasted into ruins by Chakra arrows, and Genin's corpses are lying on the ground in a horrific manner, and none of them are alive.


At this moment, Uchiha Shisui spat out a mouthful of black blood.

He suddenly looked down at his wound, and found that the blood flowing out of it had turned black.

"It's poisonous."

He was on the verge of falling, his vision seemed to overlap, and he could no longer maintain the Susanoo outside his body.

Arriving at the Uchiha clan, Fenghuo immediately searched for Uchiha water with Chakra perception.

The territory of the Uchiha clan is not large, and the range of the Chakra perception technique of Fenghuo has reached a range of six kilometers, so they quickly checked it all.

But unfortunately, Uchiha Shisui's Chakra was not found.

Seeing a large number of Uchiha people gathering in a certain direction, Feng Huo's face became more and more grim.

The gathering of the Uchiha clan is obviously about to start, but at this time Uchiha Shisui has not yet appeared, and it is clearly attacked by Danzo just like the original book!

"Is this idiot out of his mind!"

Sealing the fire is speechless.

He clearly told him that he should continue to be disturbed by it, why didn't he just use other gods to change Uchiha Fugaku's thinking? Keep it for the New Year?

He had clearly been warned about the dangers of Danzo, so why was he so stupid that an accident would happen? IQ arrears?

It's just that no matter how angry and hated iron is, the most urgent thing is to find him first!

Fortunately, he has two hundred shadow clones to look for, each with a perception range of 6 kilometers, I believe he will find this big fool soon!

After leaving the Uchiha clan, Feng Huo suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, his eyes lit up, and he immediately summoned the second chakra dance form by using spiritism.


As soon as the second chaotic round dance came out, he was forced to let out a high-pitched scream by the scorching environment.

Feng Huo jumped onto its back~www.readwn.com~ and said, "Fly up!"


The second super round dance style immediately spread its wings and flew high.

Under the order of sealing the fire, it started to circle around the village. With its speed, it only took a few minutes to circle around the village.

Feng Huo was a little annoyed, his eyesight seemed to have deteriorated a lot, and the glasses he was wearing were not strong enough, which seriously affected his vision.

Looking down from a height, many places are a blur.

Depend on!

Feng Huo cursed secretly, and had no choice but to lower the height of the Chaolun Wu Form II.

At this moment, a memory of a shadow clone suddenly came to his mind.

Feng Huo's eyes lit up instantly.

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