Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 563: Say, is it me or itachi that is important

"Captain, what are you going to do next?"

In the guest room, Uchiha Shisui was lying on the tatami and asked calmly.

Feng Huo thought for a while, and said: "It just so happens that you are awake, so I will tell you about the current situation. Danzang already suspects that you are here with me, and sends Gennin to test it every day. If it weren't for my many shadow clones, You have been dragged out and shot!"

"Eh? Shooting is... what?" Uchiha Shisui seemed to have heard some great words.

"Don't care about these details." Feng Huo snorted, "Danzo will never give up just like this in order to get your remaining left eye, plus the two **** assists of Zhuanzuo Xiaochun and Mitomen Yan Contestant, I'm afraid I won't be able to last long. So I have two choices now, one is to transfer you out, and the other is to hand you over directly, whether to the third generation or the Uchiha clan, what do you think? Sample?"

Uchiha Shisui pondered for a while, and said firmly, "Captain, you can't hand me over."

This remark hit Feng Huo's heart, but Feng Huo is someone who has seen the world, and said in a calm tone: "Well, tell me your reason."

"Captain, if you let the family know that Danzo is attacking me and stealing my eyes, it will definitely break the deadlock, and the village will be in turmoil by then!" Uchiha Shisui stopped, and said, "And, If Danzo finds out that my left eye is in Itachi, he will definitely attack Itachi, I can't harm him!"

Feng Huo nodded calmly, and his eyes flashed brightly: "Then I can only send you away from Konoha and the Kingdom of Fire!"

"Are you leaving the Fire Country?" Uchiha Shisui was taken aback.

"Danzo's roots are there. No matter where you hide in the Nation of Fire, you can't escape, so you have to leave the Nation of Fire." Feng Huo said righteously.

"Then...where am I going? The country of Taki?" Shisui Uchiha panicked.

"No, the Kingdom of Taki is too close, it needs to be further away." Feng Huo immediately vetoed it.

Uchiha Shisui smiled bitterly: "It seems that the captain already has a goal."

Feng Huo didn't deny it, and said with a smile, "The Land of Snow!"

"That's really... too far away." Uchiha Shisui was completely stunned.

Spread out the Ninja World map, if the Kingdom of Fire is located in the center of the map, then the Kingdom of Snow is located in the upper left corner of the far left of the map. The straight-line distance is as large as the Kingdom of Earth. If you want to detour from the Kingdom of Rain, at least you need to pass through Five or six small countries can only be reached, the journey is far away, and the country has been snowed year after year, full of ice and snow, the environment is so harsh!

"How about it, you can accept it." Feng Huo said with a laugh.

"It seems that I have no other choice." Uchiha Shisui sighed.

"Don't look like this. I have a few friends over there. They will take care of you when you go. But, you have to know that this time you faked your death and left, and the next time you appear in the ninja world, I'm afraid Maybe it will be defined as rebellion." Feng Huo said suddenly.

Uchiha Shisui pursed his lips: "Captain, send me away."

"I see." Feng Huo patted his hand, then changed his tone, and said solemnly, "As for your eyes... I will definitely **** them back for you!"

"Captain!" Uchiha Shisui was startled.

"Don't worry, it's the one in Danzo's hand." Feng Huo suddenly became angry. He had reminded him several times before, but this guy was completely elm-headed and couldn't listen at all. He asked angrily, "Tell me, in your heart, is it me or Itachi that is more important!"

"..." Uchiha Shisui felt bad all over, and said with a guilty conscience, "Captain, don't make trouble..."

"I knew it, alas." Feng Huo shook his head, "The world is getting worse, people's hearts are not old, people in the Warring States Period are so simple, they know how to promise each other when they are saved, alas~"

"Captain, that, why didn't I know about this custom?" Uchiha Shisui said weakly.

"shut up!"

Feng Huo snorted coldly, turned and left.

Wanting to send Uchiha Shisui away from Konoha, is it difficult or not easy to say.

This time outside his mansion, he must be watched by a large number of Gennin. If he wants to avoid their eyes and ears, he must either kill them all, or invite someone who can intimidate Gennin to come and help.

The first foreign aid that Fenghuo thought of was Sakumo Hatake.

With the reputation of Konoha Baiya, Danzo must not dare to stroke the tiger's whiskers lightly.

But if he was asked to take action, with Hatake Sakumo's personality, he would definitely not hide it from Sarutobi Hiruza, but Fenghuo didn't want him to know.

When he was young, in order to survive, protect himself, and even grow up, Fenghuo followed closely behind Sarutobi Rizhan's ass, but as Fenghuo gradually grew up step by step, he must fight for his own interests and the future. He has drifted away from the increasingly conservative Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Although it is not possible to turn against each other, but it is absolutely impossible to hold hands and talk heart to heart like in the past.

Therefore, I can only ask the Nara family for help.

The Nara family is a medical giant in the village, controlling more than 95% of the medical supplies in all hospitals in Konoha, and their reputation and status are increasing day by day. At the same time, Nara Shikahisa is the monitor of the ninja class. Zang didn't dare to embarrass himself clearly.

After leaving the village, with the Chaolunwu brothers around, is Fenghuo still afraid of being caught up by the roots?

And the most important thing is ~www.readwn.com~ Shikahisa Nara is a person who is afraid of trouble, so when Shisui Uchiha is sent out of the village, even if Hiruzaru Sarutobi asks after the fact, he will choose to hide it to avoid trouble.

After all, in the current situation, a smart person like Shikahisa Nara would never take the initiative to jump into this whirlpool.

But also because of this, how can Fenghuo convince Nara Shikahisa to do him this favor?

Seal the fire and grit your teeth to think of a way.

At the same time, just as Fenghuo expected, Danzo saw that he could not 'break through' Fenghuo's mansion at all, so he immediately went out to visit Zhuanju Koharu and Mito Menyan.

These two people have a certain prejudice against Fenghuo, especially Xiaochun, who turns to sleep, is extremely disgusted with Fenghuo. When they heard that Fenghuo's mansion was going to be searched, they nodded in agreement after thinking for two seconds.

Afterwards, the three of them set off hand in hand to meet Sarutobi Hiruzen in Hokage Tower.

After the Anbu ninja who monitored Danzo found out, he immediately sent the information back, and soon, Fenghuo received the news.

He didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly set off for Nara's house.

There is tension everywhere in the village because of Uchiha's relationship, but there is no such tension around Nara's house.

After all, both civilians and ninjas are sick and injured, so no one will be full to offend this medical giant family.

Fenghuo had been to Nara's house several times when he was developing Konoha Fried Chicken, so this time he was familiar with the road, and soon saw Nara Shikahisa lying on the wooden corridor in the backyard and taking a nap in the morning.

"Trouble is coming." Nara Shikahisa muttered to himself.

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