Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 564: Imposing 7-foot boy

"Brother Lu Jiu, you don't seem to welcome me very much."

Sealing the fire up will 'block' Nara Shikahisa's retreat.

"How is it possible, you are the God of Wealth of the Nara family, why don't you welcome me." Shikahisa Nara yawned and said weakly, with a look on his face that what I said was ironic, don't take it seriously.

Now that the situation in the village is so complicated, Feng Huo actually came to look for him in person, so he must be asking for something.

Nara Shikaku is really afraid of trouble, but Konoha Fried Chicken has 10% of the Nara family's shares. As more and more merchants join Konoha Fried Chicken, Nara's family is also making a lot of money. The pockets of all the clansmen up and down were swollen, and ordinary clansmen couldn't repay this favor, so he could only repay it.

"Tell me, what can you do with me?" Nara Shikahisa sat up from the wooden floor and sighed.

Feng Huo squinted his eyes. On the way here, he had already thought of a solution that was not a solution.

"Brother Lu Jiu, the situation in the village is too complicated these days, I'm a little tired, so I want to leave the village and go for a walk." Feng Huo said.

"Well, as long as you accept a long-term mission, you can meet your conditions." Nara Shikahisa smiled lightly, he didn't believe that things would be so simple.

"I'm too lonely by myself, so I want to take someone with me, so I can talk and relieve boredom on the way." Feng Huo continued.

"Who?" Nara Shikahisa's eyes were slightly serious.

"Don't be nervous, it's an orphan I brought back from outside, named Bai." Feng Huo showed a fox-like smile.


Shikahisa Nara had no impression at all, but immediately looked at Feng Huo thoughtfully, "This ninja named Shiro must not be simple."

"It's okay, but there is a blood successor limit called Bing Dun." Feng Huo said lightly.

Shikahisa Nara stared at him, showing a horrified expression: "Ice Dun? The Blood Successor Limit of the Minazuki Clan in Kirigakure Village?! How is that possible?!"

Feng Huo said: "Three generations want to leave this child in Konoha to spread the branches, Brother Lujiu, what kind of consequences do you think he will have if he does this?"

Nara Shikaku pondered and said: "During the three wars, a large number of members of the Hyuga clan and Uchiha clan died in the Minazuki clan. If this matter spreads, this child named Shiro will definitely not be able to survive. If the third generation will absorb Shiro Anbu, when he grows up, he really spreads out in Konoha and forms a powerful "Minauzuki Clan", which will inevitably cause huge turmoil in the village, whether it is the hatred with Hinata and Uchiha or with the other Big families won't live in peace when they vie for power and profit...it's really troublesome."

"So the best way to choose is to take him away and get rid of the fire." Feng Huo said, "Brother Lu Jiu, you will help me with this."

Nara Shikajiu took a look, and wondered: "Aren't you afraid that the third generation will blame you? Don't forget that this is a child who has the limit of the ice escape blood successor, and the third generation must value it very much. If you really do this, he is very likely It will deprive you of all rights in Anbu."

A faint light flashed in Feng Huo's eyes: "Some things are destined to be unavoidable. Brother Lu Jiu, your decision is..."

Nara Shikahisa closed his eyes and thought about it in his mind, the pros and cons of being in Konoha and not in Konoha, thinking for a while, nodded and said: "I will help you with this."

Feng Huo's face relaxed, and he hurriedly said: "It's not too late, Brother Lu Jiu, let's get ready!"

Shikahisa Nara smiled wryly and said: "If you have such troubles in the future, please don't look for me. Even if I am the monitor of the ninja class, I can't bear this kind of tossing a few times."

Afterwards, Fenghuo split a shadow clone to go to Hokage Building to pick up the mission, and then split another shadow clone to follow Nara Shikaku to the mansion at home, while the main body went to the orphanage to pick up the white.

At the same time, Danzo, Zhuanju Koharu and Mitomonyan also came to Sarutobi Hiruzen's office and started a journey of persuasion.

"Hizan, I suspect that Uchiha Shisui is in Uchiha's home." Danzo set the tone when he came up, "Uchiha Shisui's other gods can change a person's mind silently, and Uchiha's You must have caught his eye!"

"Impossible!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't believe it.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun sneered and made up the knife: "I heard that Uchiha's Shulunyan, which sealed the fire, is close to losing its light. It is only natural to have such a plan."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face changed slightly.

Mitomon Yan said: "Hi Zhan, now Anbu and Nebu have searched the village inside and outside, but they haven't found Uchiha Shisui, so we asked to thoroughly investigate Uchiha Fuho's home because of official business. If Uchiha Shisui is really not here, we can guarantee that it will definitely not cause too much trouble for Uchiha Seal Fire."

"Is that so..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi fell into deep thought.

I didn't think much of it before, but now that I think about it, the illusion of the other gods is really terrifying!

If you give him such a hair...

Hiru Sarutobi nodded and said, "Yes, but Sakumo must be present!"

If Uchiha Shisui is really in Fenghuo's house, no matter what, the 'Bietenshin' must not fall into Danzo's hands!

A cold light flashed in Danzo's eyes, and finally nodded: "Agreed!"

In the orphanage, after Feng Huo told the pharmacist No Naoyu of his plan, he created a shadow clone, and let the shadow clone change into the appearance of the pharmacist No Naoyu through the transformation technique~www.readwn.com~ and hugged Bai followed Fenghuo and headed home.

The pharmacist No Naoyu immediately disguised himself and went to the gate of the village to "respond".

Outside the fire-sealed mansion, there are more and more ninjas at the root, but fortunately, Hatake Sakumo, Danzo, Zhuanju Koharu and others have not arrived yet, so they are just monitoring for the time being.

In the mansion, Shika Nara sat in the living room drinking tea for a long time, and the shadow clone of Fenghuo had come to Shisui Uchiha's guest room.

"Shishui, use the transformation technique to change into this person's appearance!"

As he said that, the shadow clone projected Yakushi Nonoyu's appearance into Uchiha Shisui's mind through illusion.

"Captain, this, this..." Uchiha Shisui was stunned, "This is a woman..."

The shadow avatar said: "Hurry up, time is running out!"

"…All right."

Uchiha Shisui is a majestic seven-foot man... well, let's not talk about it.

He carefully observed the appearance of the pharmacist No Naiyu in his mind, and then made a seal with both hands.


Accompanied by a puff of white smoke, a sick beauty appeared on the tatami, almost identical in image and temperament to the pharmacist No Naiyu, even people who knew the pharmacist No Naoyu might not be able to tell whether he was real or not.

Well, apart from her extremely shy and red face, her eyes are very dull.

However, Yakushi Nonou was already wearing glasses, so it's not a big problem if his eyes are dull.

At this time, Hatake Sakumo, who came from Anbe, also joined Danzo, Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mito Menyan, and rushed towards Fenghuo's house.

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