Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 604: Deidara who keeps making trouble

"Hehe, come and catch me, come and catch me~"

In Taki Shinobi Village, under the huge sacred tree, a little girl with blue-green short hair, orange eyes, and dark skin was jumping and waving her hands, happily challenging her little friend Shibuki in the distance.

Shemu chased after Fu, sweating profusely from exhaustion.

"You, don't run away..."

In the huge sacred tree, there are only two children laughing and laughing, but there are four Anbu protecting them in the dark.

These two people, one is Nanao Jinchuriki, and the other is the son of the head of Taki Ninja Village, their identities are very sensitive and they cannot tolerate the slightest mistake.

At this moment, a huge rumbling sound suddenly came from a distance, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains and shaking the sky!

"Did something happen?"

Fu stared into the distance, and saw a large area of ​​water vapor steaming up.

"Is the enemy invading?" Shemu nervously grabbed Fu's little hand and ran towards the village without any explanation.

"Let go of me, I'm going to take a look." Fu yelled.

As Nanao Jinchuriki, Fu, like other Jinchurikis, is often discriminated against, and has also developed a rash character of "breaking the cans and smashing"; trap.

Sheki held her hand tightly, stared and said: "No, my father asked me to watch you, you can't run around."

"You let me go, and if you don't let me go, I will beat you again."

As soon as Fu finished speaking, she kicked Shemu down, and then ran outside.

At the same time, Sheyue, the leader of Taki Ninja Village, was also alarmed. He thought that the rebellious ninja characters were coming to fight the autumn wind again, so he immediately led the Anbu elites and rushed out aggressively with the last little heroic water left.

As a result, not long after leaving the village, I saw two embarrassed figures walking slowly.

Fenghuo's hair and clothes were already soaked in water, and he looked like a drowned rat.

Didara behind him was not much better. He saw the huge waterfall outside Taki Shinobi Village outside. He couldn't hold back for a while and took out a new type of bomb to test the power, which almost paralyzed the waterfall.

Feng Huo seriously suspected that this guy did this on purpose so that Taki Shino could deal with him.


Seeing Fenghuo, Sheyue breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "So it's you, Mr. Fenghuo."

"It's been a long time, Chief Sheyue." Feng Huo wiped the water from his face, and said with a smile, "I'm really sorry for causing trouble to the Chief. If the Chief is unhappy, you can vent your anger on the kid behind me, whatever you want How to toss!"

Didara's face was dark, his eyes were going back and forth between Sheyue and Fenghuo, secretly thinking that it's a pity.

Longin Village is hidden behind the huge waterfall he came to before. If this waterfall is blown up and destroys the excellent hiding place of Longinin Village, won't the ninjas in Longinin Village fight desperately with Fenghuo?

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven. He didn't expect Uchiha Fenghuo to have such a good relationship with the leader of Taki Ninja Village. It doesn't look like the rhythm of fighting.

Do not open Sen!

Didara pouted her mouth and turned her head proudly.

Sheyue waved Anbu behind him, smiled and welcomed Fenghuo into Takinobu Village.

As soon as he entered the village, Fenghuo frowned, and looked at a tree on the left.

Behind the tree, two little heads poked out their heads furtively, looking at Fenghuo curiously.

Feng Huo's eyes swept over Shemu, and then fell on Fu.

"This breath..."

In the sealed world inside the body, Isao Mio poked his head out and growled, "It's Shigeaki!"

'Shigeaki Nanao? '

Feng Huo also noticed that this majestic chakra is much stronger than the full-body Sanwei Isota!

Feeling Fenghuo's sight, Fu was not only not shy, but showed a big smile and waved to Fenghuo to say hello.

Shemu hurriedly pulled her back: "Fu, this must be my father's guest, don't make trouble."

"Just to say hello, what's the matter?" Fu cried dissatisfied.

Standing beside Fenghuo, Sheyue smiled and said, "This is my child, Shemu, and the other is named Fu. Master Fenghuo, you should be aware of her identity."

Feng Huo nodded and smiled, "I didn't expect Taki Ninja Village to start cultivating renjuriki."

Since the first Senju Hashirama assigned Nanao to Takinobu Village, it took decades to finally have such a Renzhuriki, which shows that Fu's aptitude must be very good.

'He did guess it. ’ Sheyue smiled wryly.

Renzhuli is an important force in the major ninja villages, and his identity is usually kept secret, but he didn't expect to find out as soon as Fenghuo came. It's really...

Shizuki secretly made a few gestures, and Taki Shinobu Anbe, who was hiding in the dark to protect Fu and Shiki, immediately jumped out and took them away.

"Master Feng Huo, please keep Fu's identity a secret." She Yue asked.

Feng Huo nodded: "Don't worry, I'm not a gossip, right, Didara?"

Didara became furious: "What do you mean, you bastard? I will never say it, eh!"

Only then did Sheyue smile.

As for the purpose of Fenghuo's coming here, Sheyue knows without asking, it must be to practice some kind of mysterious ninjutsu for their family's sacred tree.

"Leader Sheyue, this time I came to Taki Ninja Village, I..."

"Master Fenghuo, our agreement is still valid, as long as the holy tree is not harmed~www.readwn.com~ Sheyue is very good.

When Fenghuo helped Sheyue put down the traitor Shisha's rebellion, he only asked to practice a ninjutsu on the holy tree.

"Then I would like to thank Chief Sheyue." Feng Huo thanked him with a smile.

Didara groaned and whimpered, but his eyeballs were rolling around, and he knew it was not a good idea at a glance.

After the two of them settled down, Sheyue left, and then he received specific information about the loud noise just now.

‘Blowing up a waterfall with a bomb? '

Sheyue was a bit inexplicable, but fortunately, the waterfall outside was big enough. Although some places were paralyzed by bombing, it didn't affect the overall situation.

"That's the end of this matter, don't say anything." Sheyue told Anbu, "Also, watch closely, don't let her run around again!"


On the other side, after closing the fire, taking a shower and changing clothes, they are ready to go to the holy tree.

"Hey, where are you going?" Didara asked with narrowed eyes.

"I have something to do, you go shopping in the village by yourself, remember, don't mess with me, you know!" Feng Huo said.


Didara readily agreed.

As soon as Fenghuo left, Didara went out immediately, throwing clay bombs on both sides of the street as he walked.

What little flying birds, little flying eagles, little wolf dogs, grasshoppers, dragonflies, all threw two streets!

Moreover, many villagers of Longin Village saw these things and thought they were very interesting, so they picked them up and took them home!

If these bombs go off, no matter how good the relationship with Fenghuo is, Sheyue, the leader of Longin Village, will stab him with a knife!

Didara smiled triumphantly: "Tell me not to make a big deal? Hey, I just lost something, of course it's not a big deal."

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