Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 605: payne shot

When Feng Huo walked to the gate of Taki Ninja Village, an ominous premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

Could it be... Deidara?

With Deidara's deadly personality, if you say you don't want to fix things, you won't fix things? When did he become so obedient?

Feng Huo hurriedly turned around and ran back, and at the same time separated the shadow clone, let them use Chakra perception to find Didala.

"I found him, at the entrance of the commercial street!" The flowery boy No. 1 shadow clone shouted.

Fenghuo's figure instantly disappeared in place.

At this time, Didara was pulling a little girl with blue-green short hair, showing a weasel-like smile, and bewitched: "Hey, kid, this is a good thing, as long as you inject chakra into it, it will explode like fireworks. very beautiful!"


This little girl is surprisingly Nanao Jinzhu Lifu of Taki Shinobi Village.

"Of course, you're so cute, how could I lie to you, um." Didara smiled until his eyes curled into slits.

As long as one of these bombs explodes, the other bombs will also be detonated in an instant. At that time, the buildings and crowds in the entire two streets will be blown to pieces in an instant!

‘If only I could detonate it myself. '

As soon as Didara had this idea, Fenghuo's words of "don't make trouble" gushed out from the bottom of his heart, like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, resounding in his ears, which made him feel a little guilty for no reason.

Am I doing this right or wrong?

As soon as Didara got entangled, he bit his tongue violently, telling himself to himself that he must not be defeated by the illusion of that idiot **** Uchiha Hienhuo. I, Didara, only obey myself and will never obey other people's orders !

As soon as he thought of this, the figure of Fenghuo appeared in front of his eyes. Looking at the clay bombs on both sides of the street, Fenghuo was in a bad mood.

"Didara, you... pick up all the clay bombs on the street!"


Didara snatched the kitty eagle bomb from Fu's hand, and then ran to pick it up.

After picking up half of it, Didara came back to his senses, looked at the bomb in his hand, and blushed with shame.

Fu was still a little unwilling, and shouted: "I want to watch the explosion, I want to watch the fireworks."

Feng Huo patted her on the head, and then left with a desolate Didara.

"Didara, pursuing art doesn't mean you have to do bad things, right?"

On the way back, Feng Huoyu brainwashed Didala earnestly, "Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, so we have to be a good person, and the spring is warm, so that we can better pursue art."

When Deidara heard it, it made sense, but immediately he became excited again, and secretly warned himself: Uchiha is lying to himself by sealing the fire, he is a liar, and he must not listen to his nonsense!

But there was another voice from the bottom of his heart: Listen to Feng Huo's father, he is right, what he said is so reasonable, art comes from life, but it is higher than life, this is the way to pursue art, eh!

Feng Huo looked at the tangled Didara, and smiled slightly.

After these days of observation, he already had some guesses about other gods.

Bie Tianshen is like a seed, planted deep in Didara's heart. As the seed grows rapidly, Didara's thoughts will naturally be affected, so as to truly moisten things silently.

Before sealing the fire, the relationship with Didala was very bad, which caused the seed's growth environment to be a bit harsh, so Didara had such a tangled look.

Like Uchiha Itachi, in the original book, after his death, he was reincarnated and resurrected by the pharmacist with dirty soil, and was ordered to attack the Ninja Alliance. The environment in which he grew up was so good that he grew into a towering tree in an instant, forcibly changing the order of the pharmacist's pocket.

Moreover, other gods are not invincible.

If you use other gods on Uchiha Madara, can you still change his mind?

With Uchiha Madara's pupil power, it is completely possible to suppress the illusion of other gods and push this seed out of his mind.

Another example is Otsutsuki Kaguya, it is impossible for other gods to work on her.

While thinking about this, the two had already returned to the hotel.

Feng Huo knew that haste makes waste, so he left after leaving behind a shadow clone.

When he came to the huge holy tree, Feng Huo unceremoniously rushed to the top of the holy tree, and then separated more than two hundred shadow clones, sitting cross-legged on each branch of the holy tree, meditating on the natural energy.

Three days passed with no progress.

It is inevitable to be a little anxious to seal the fire.

To know the perception of more than two hundred shadow clones, one day is equivalent to more than two hundred days of others, and three days is nearly two years.

How can we not be in a hurry to seal the fire?

He even doubted whether he could comprehend the natural energy. After all, Zilai also said in the original book that the cultivation of immortal mode still requires high qualifications.

Another two days passed, and Feng Huo felt that it was impossible to continue like this. Although the immortal mode is very important, other trainings cannot be let go.

So he separated out ten shadow clones to continue to develop the Thunder Escape Body~www.readwn.com~ Two shadow clones practiced Leiqie-Lei Chuan, two shadow clones developed Leiqie's derivative ninjutsu, and two shadow clones watched Buddhist scriptures and enlightenment come to welcome - kill with thousands of hands.

He didn't dare to separate forty-five shadow clones to practice with all his strength, lest he would not be able to get up the next day and affect his perception of natural energy.

Just when Fenghuo took root in the sacred tree of Takinobu Village to practice, Kisame Kisame finally accepted Xiaonan's invitation, joined the Akatsuki organization, and formed a team with Itachi Uchiha.

At the same time, after Orochimaru recovered from his physical injuries, he immediately began to trace the clues of the Akatsuki organization.

Through the information from Yaoshidou, he has confirmed that the Akatsuki organization is hiding in the country of rain, and Uchiha Itachi has indeed entered Akatsuki. Therefore, Orochimaru can't wait to join this organization, and then wait for the opportunity to capture Uchiha Itachi's writing. Wheel eye!

And his tracing actions were quickly discovered by Xiaonan and reported to Nagato.

"Oshemaru, one of the Sannin, is actually looking for Akatsuki, hehe, it's really interesting." Nagato sneered disdainfully.

When he, Yahiko, and Xiaonan were young, they were almost killed by the famous Sannin in the ninja world. The situation at that time is still vivid in his mind.

"How to do it, kill him?" Xiao Nan asked, "We have already grasped his course of action."

"Really?" Nagato frowned slightly: "Oshemaru, as I know, is a very suspicious person, and it shouldn't be that easy to get his information, otherwise, Konoha would have caught him long ago."

Xiao Nan was silent.

"Where is the source of the information?" Nagato asked.

"It seems to be Xie's subordinate." Xiao Nan replied.

Nagato pondered for a while, and said: "Let Payne and Xie take care of this matter, you and I hide in the dark, and see what this Orochimaru is planning."

"it is good."

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