Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 637: Kaleidoscope vs Kaleidoscope?

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The autumn wind was bleak, Fenghuo and Didala stood on the top of a lonely cliff that went deep into the sea, looking at the sea.

At this moment, Feng Huo couldn't help but become more poetic, and slowly chanted: "O sea, you are all...huh?"

Halfway through Feng Huo's chants, his brows suddenly raised, and he suddenly turned his head to look back.

At the bottom of the cliff, two men in red cloud windbreakers with a black background were pacing.

Feng Huo squinted and saw that these two people were Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame.

I didn't expect to be found like this, as expected of Uchiha Itachi.

"What's the matter?" Didara noticed that Fenghuo's expression became a little strange.

"Someone is coming, Didara, take care to protect yourself later!" Feng Huo laughed.

"Hey, what do you mean? Are you underestimating my explosion art, eh!" Didara was very dissatisfied.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

When Kanshi Kisame saw Fenghuo and Didala, he couldn't hold back the smile on his face, "Finally found you, Uchiha Fenghuo!"

"Dried persimmon ghost shark, your grandson actually dares to appear in front of me, not afraid that I will smash your gills!" Feng Huo said cruelly.

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp. Now Sharkis recognizes me as the master. Even if you are Sanwei Jinchuriki, you can't be my opponent!" Kisame Kisame showed a mouthful of sharp shark teeth and sneered, "What's more, standing on my shoulders You should know the person next to you, right?"

"Of course I do, my former subordinate." Feng Huo smiled nonchalantly.

"Who are they?" Didara stood beside him with his arms folded, looking down at Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Kisame, "Could it be the organization behind Kakuzu?"

"Uchiha Fenghuo, we are not here to find you this time." Uchiha Itachi turned his head and said to Didara, "Didara, we are here to welcome you into our organization."

"Ah?" Didara looked confused, then remembered something, and looked at Feng Huo in disbelief, "You already knew?"

Feng Huo smiled softly, and asked back: "This organization is composed of powerful rebels from various countries. What do you think of your own strength?"

"It goes without saying that my explosion art is definitely at the top of the ninja world!" Didara raised his head and swung his golden ponytail at that time, "These guys have pretty good vision, um."

Then Didala took a step forward, looked down at Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Kisame from a high position, and said loudly, "I'm not interested in your organization, as long as I can concentrate on art creation, um."

"Art? What's the use of this kind of thing?" Kisame Kisame asked bluntly.

"What?" Deidara's eyebrows showed anger, "Are you insulting me, bastard?!"

"That's enough, let me do it." Itachi Uchiha walked up to Kisame Kisame, and his black pupils instantly opened the three round eyes.

"Do you want to do it?" Didara was about to sneer, but his pupils shrank suddenly, "Sharingan... Are you Itachi Uchiha?"

On the night of the Uchiha extermination, Didara was also in Konoha, so naturally he knew that there were only a few people in the ninja world who had Sharingan.

"If I win, I will bring you to Akatsuki." Uchiha Itachi said cleanly.

"Don't underestimate me, underestimate art, eh!" Didara looked unhappy.

"Wait a minute, shouldn't we solve the Uchiha sealing fire? This guy who is in the way is standing by. It is unlikely that we will just take Didara away like this?" Kisame Kisame held Shark muscles, all over his body. The fighting spirit boiled.

Uchiha Itachi looked at Feng Huo: "His Sharingan is on the verge of blindness, and it is impossible to stop us."

"That's not certain." Feng Huo looked at him with a smile.

In the next moment, his black pupils also opened the three-god jade in an instant, and the tyrannical pupil power surged like a giant beast in the wild.

Uchiha Itachi's eternal handsome face collapsed in an instant, showing an expression of disbelief: "How is it possible?!"

It is clearly recorded on the ancestral stele of the Uchiha clan that once Sharingan evolves into a kaleidoscope, the light will keep disappearing as the power of the pupils is consumed, and this state is irreversible!

Fenghuo is a kaleidoscope that was opened during World War Three. Later, he became famous in the ninja world with his Sharingan. After more than ten years, his kaleidoscope should have been on the verge of blindness. How could he still have such a powerful power? Hitomi power?

Could it be an illusion?

Uchiha Itachi's heart moved, and the three-god jade in Shulunyan instantly turned into a kaleidoscope.

At the same time, Feng Huo's eyes also turned into black and red pentagrams.

The sights of two pairs of kaleidoscope Sharingans collided in the air, and the terrifying pupil power turned into an invisible air wave, sweeping around madly at the center of their sights.

it is true!

Uchiha Itachi's heart sank.

The record on the stele of the ancestral land... Could it be wrong?

Can the pupil power of the kaleidoscope be supplemented?

Then you can't believe the words of losing the light?

Uchiha Itachi slowly regained his calm expression, and said to Kisame Kisame: "His sharingan has recovered its pupil power, now it's a bit tricky~www.readwn.com~ Kisame Kisame has pulled out his shark muscles, and the tone in his tone But with a hint of excitement, he said: "Itachi, what do you mean, the Uchiha Fuho who appears in front of us now is the Uchiha Fuho who was in full bloom during World War Three? "

"I'm afraid it will be even stronger!" Uchiha Itachi slowly narrowed his eyes, and kept recalling the information about Fenghuo in his mind.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Three-Tailed Shark Muscle, Mutual Explosion Talisman, Dark Walking Technique, Raiqie, Bamen Dunjia, Helix Pill...

Whether it's ninjutsu, taijutsu, illusion, sealing, or chakra, he has no obvious dead ends in sealing the fire. It is really difficult to defeat him with him and Kisame.

"Don't worry, my shark muscles can absorb his chakra indefinitely, even the three tails can absorb it clean!" Kisame Kisame sneered.

"It's useless!" Uchiha Itachi stared at the top of the cliff, condescendingly looking down at his own Uchiha Fenghuo, and said, "In his kaleidoscope pupil technique, there is a pupil technique that summons a pupil that cannot be perceived, let alone be seen. The shadow that is attacked, even if it is shark muscle, cannot attack this shadow."

"What do you mean?" Ganshi Guixia was a little unhappy.

"It means, are you ready to face death?" Fenghuo's voice came from above.

In the next moment, the face of the dried persimmon ghost changed, and he suddenly dodged sideways, but he was still a step too slow. There was already a fist-sized wound on his right chest, **** and bloody, with bones visible!

Shark muscle gushes out chakra immediately, recovering Kisame's injury.

"What's going on?" Kanshi Kisame looked around vigilantly, and directly used perception ninjutsu, but found nothing.

Uchiha Itachi's whole body was also tense, and he said coldly: "Be careful! That shadow... has already appeared around us!"

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