Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 638: Amaterasu, Moonlight!

Facing such an abnormal kaleidoscope pupil technique, Kisame Kisame was a little angry, but more helpless.

"Itachi, in this case, wouldn't Uchiha Fuho be able to kill us all without even moving?"

"The existence time of the shadow is limited, and there is a cooling time." Uchiha Itachi squinted his eyes and calculated silently, "But so far, no one knows how long the shadow exists, and no one knows the cooling time!"

"Why?" Ganshi Guixia didn't understand.

"Because no one can perceive its existence, no one knows when it will appear, when it will disappear, and when it will reappear." Uchiha Itachi's face was serious.

Dried Persimmon Kisame's expression became worse the more he heard it, and he was about to speak when a chill came from the back of his heart, which made his scalp numb and his whole body broke out in cold sweat!

This was a life-and-death crisis that he had retained after many years of dark missions. He didn't dare to be careless, so he slashed the shark muscle behind him without saying a word.

"Stupid!" Uchiha Itachi frowned, turned around and kicked Kisame's waist, kicking him far away.

However, the attack of Lun Tomb Shadow still wiped the back of Dried Persimmon Kisame, leaving a **** trace.


Dried persimmon ghost stood up swiftly, just now he subconsciously resisted with shark muscles, but it really couldn't block the shadow's attack!

Uchiha Itachi no longer hesitated, the kaleidoscope turned quickly, and a cluster of black flames floated out of thin air, spreading wildly around the cliff.



The black flames were burning fiercely, but the strange thing was that the flames didn't have any warmth.

"What is this?" Didara looked curiously at the black flames that were getting closer.

"This is the fire of Amaterasu, which can reach the highest temperature in the fire ninjutsu. It is said that it is summoned from the center of the sun." Feng Huo smiled and gave him a science introduction, "A flame that cannot be extinguished until the target in the performer's heart is burned!"

"It sounds very powerful, but... it seems that the temperature is not high, um." Didara was a little disbelieving.

"It should be that all the heat is restrained. It doesn't look high, but if it burns on the body, hehe." Fenghuo looked at Itachi Uchiha with interest.

If he remembers correctly, in the original book, Uchiha Itachi never seems to burn anyone to death with Amaterasu!

There are two explanations. First, Uchiha Itachi has a heart of the Virgin Mary and cannot bear to kill people, but it can be seen from his methods of exterminating the genocide that he is not that kind of person.

Second, although Amaterasu is powerful, it has great limitations!

Just like the shadow of the kaleidoscope pupil of the fire seal, there is a limit on the existence time and the cooling time limit. This double limitation makes the tomb completely unusable for long-term battles!

Uchiha Itachi's Amaterasu should also have great restrictions!

But even if his guess is correct, it doesn't mean he wants to test it himself.

"Idiot, hurry up and make two birds!" Feng Huo yelled at Didara who was still indifferent to the fire of Amaterasu, who was beside him.

Didara was stunned: "Nonsense, you can't do anything?"

Feng Huo's face was a little dark.

"Well, it seems that my art is really unique!"

Deidara became inexplicably happy again, then took out the scroll from his arms, and summoned two clay eagles.

Since following the fire seal, Deidara's pocket has gradually become thicker. He has several seal scrolls that can store things on him, and all of these seal scrolls are new ones made by him with clay. bomb!

The wingspan of the two clay eagles is more than two meters long, and they can take people on board.

Fenghuo and Didala flew up to the sky in a flying eagle, one by one.

At the same time, there were already seven or eight scars on the body of the dried persimmon ghost.

A large amount of blood overflowed from the wound. If the shark muscle hadn't been consuming chakra to heal him and stop the bleeding, these few wounds alone would be enough to cause dried persimmon ghost shark to collapse to death!


Ganshi Guixia looked up at Fenghuo who was flying in mid-air on a flying eagle, the expression on his face became more ferocious.

I thought that after getting the shark muscle, I would be able to fight Uchiha Fenghuo, but I didn't expect that Uchiha Fenghuo, who had returned to his peak state, would rub him on the ground so easily and simply!

"Stop it!" Uchiha Itachi looked at the sealing fire in the air, and said solemnly, "We have failed this mission."

"Come when you want, leave when you want, you don't think much of me!"

Although Fenghuo knows that Uchiha Itachi is a spy, but Kisame Kisame is not. This fish jumping up and down is a bit annoying, why don't you take the opportunity to stew him, and treat it as a company for Jiaodu!

"Then offended!"

Itachi Uchiha's pupils suddenly overflowed with blood, "Tsukiyomi!"


In the vast and boundless space, a blood-colored bright moon hung high, Feng Huo blinked twice, and realized that he had appeared in this space inexplicably, and his state was a little shameful, and he was actually tied to a cross by Wuhuada .

A few black crows hovered and danced in front, and then Uchiha Itachi's figure walked out of the crows.


Feng Huo looked at Itachi Uchiha with a smile.

"Yes, in this illusion world, all factors including time, place, geographical location, etc. are under my control. No matter how long it has been here, it is only a short moment in this world."

Uchiha Itachi explained ~www.readwn.com~ and transformed into sharp swords from the void, "The damage you receive here will truly feed back to your own spirit. Even if you have undergone professional training, if you are Tortured for three days, half a month, two months, or even a year, your spirit will not be able to bear it!"

"Really? Itachi, you are still as confident as ever. You have failed once." Feng Huo chuckled, and then black and red pentagrams appeared in his eyes instantly, and the tyrannical pupil power flowed endlessly from his kaleidoscope. overflow.

In an instant, this dead space gradually boiled like boiling water on the verge of boiling.


Uchiha Itachi frowned, and the full moon in the sky instantly appeared his kaleidoscope, and his tyrannical pupil power enveloped him, trying to suppress Fenghuo.

"It's useless!" Feng Huo laughed, "Your kaleidoscope pupil power is impossible to suppress me!"

As the words fell, the space around Feng Huo's body cracked inch by inch like glass, and the cracks became bigger and bigger, and finally completely tore this illusion space into pieces!

Monthly reading, broken!

Feng Huo opened his eyes, the black and red pentagrams were slightly dimmer, but as long as there is the sacred tree of Taki Ninja Village, he doesn't need to be stingy with pupil power at all.

"Hey, what are you doing in a daze, that guy has run away!" Didara suddenly yelled.

Feng Huo turned his head to look, just in time to see the dried persimmon ghost jumping into the sea.

Feng Huo frowned, then smiled wryly.

As expected of Uchiha Itachi!

He thought he was going to use Yueyue to deal with him, but it turned out that he just wanted to buy time for Qianshi Guixie to escape.

The moment was short, but for a ninja of Kisame's level, it was enough to escape!

Feng Huo looked at Itachi Uchiha below, and thought: Standing in front of him, I really can't relax for a moment.

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