Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 639: mission failed

Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope of eyes slowly rotated, and finally gradually turned into the shape of a three-pointed jade, but the bloodshot eyes did not disappear so quickly.

"Stop fighting?" Fenghuo sat comfortably on the flying eagle made of clay by Didara, looking at Itachi Uchiha with a little vigilance.

"It's no longer necessary."

Uchiha Itachi stared at the black and red pentagram pattern in Fenghuo's eyes, his thoughts turned.

After the test of Yuedu, he has confirmed that Fenghuo's kaleidoscope pupil power has been completely restored!

So the question is, how did his pupil power recover?

‘He has always kept Didara by his side, is it Didara? '

‘Perhaps, it may also be the sacred tree in Taki Shinobi Village. '

Uchiha Itachi calmed down, thinking that he had to find some time to go back to the ancestral land of the Uchiha clan, and then look at the content on the stone tablet.

"See you next time."

After all, Uchiha Itachi's body suddenly turned into a dozen crows, screamed and scattered, and disappeared in Fenghuo's sight in a blink of an eye.

"It's over like this?" Didara complained with an unhappy face, "Your Uchiha clan's fighting style is really weird. You stare at me and I stare at you. You're playing tricks, eh."

Fenghuo turned off the kaleidoscope, restored Sharingan to the black pupil state, and said with a smile: "Didara, your explosion art is indeed very good, but your shortcomings are also obvious!"

"Nonsense, my art has absolutely no flaws, eh!" Didara said proudly.

Feng Huo smiled: "The shortcomings I'm talking about don't refer to the art itself, but to you as a person."

"What do you mean?" Didara seemed to understand.

"It means..." Feng Huo lifted his eyelids, and Sangouyu's Sharingan instantly opened.

Golden binding illusion!

Didara blinked his eyes twice, and suddenly found that he was nailed in place by a dozen thick iron nails, and the severe pain hit his heart like a tide. I can't even move my fingers!

"Damn, what's going on?!"

Didara growled, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free from the iron nails.


Feng Huo's voice came from his ears, he subconsciously turned his head to look, and found that under the blue sky and white clouds, Feng Huo was sitting on a flying eagle, and looked at him with a pair of three-gouged jade writing sharing eyes, with a half-smile and a blue sky behind him. The colorful sea, accompanied by the sound of the tide, is just like a god!

Looking down again, there are no iron nails on his body.


'Just one glance, let me fall into the illusion? '

Didara's heart was cold. If someone shot him a shuriken when he fell into the illusion, wouldn't he just die like this?

What are you kidding?

How could he die so easily without proving his art to this ninja world?

Didara had a struggling look on his face.

"Until you can't break the illusion just now, don't leave my side easily in the future, or you will be caught as a duck. Hmph, you will know why the chrysanthemum is red and yellow."

Fire-sealed education.

"Tch! Isn't it just an illusion!" Didara gritted his teeth, "I will definitely find a way to break all the illusions of Sharingan, eh!"

Then the two continued on their way.

In the depths of the sea, the dried persimmon ghost shark dived with a gloomy expression.

The few wounds on his body have been slowly healed with the help of shark muscles, but the blood still attracted many sharks.

Dried persimmon ghost shark looked at these lingering sharks, sneered, and directly harvested them all with a shark muscle!

But that didn't take away the anger and fear in his heart at all.

‘Damn it, Uchiha Fenghuo in peak form is so powerful! '

Obviously Itachi was standing next to him, but facing Uchiha's strange Sharingan Pupil Art, Itachi was helpless!

The sharp shark teeth of Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark's mouth creaked and bit, wishing he could crush Fenghuo into pieces and swallow it into his stomach.

After half the payment, he surfaced.

Above the cliff in the distance, the figures of Uchiha Fenghuo and Didala have disappeared.

"Itachi should be fine."

Dried persimmon ghost shark jumped up from the sea, lightly landed on the sea surface, and then walked vigilantly towards the cliff.

"Ghost shark."

A voice suddenly came from behind.

Dried persimmon ghost shark almost smashed the shark muscle with shaking hands.

"Itachi? Are you okay!" Kisame Kisame couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he saw Uchiha Itachi appearing alive in front of him.

"Let's go, the mission failed." Uchiha Itachi said lightly.

"I'm really not reconciled." Ganshi Guixier gritted his teeth again, "It would be great if the leader was here."

Itachi Uchiha narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is Samsarayan facing Kaleidoscope Sharingan?

It is indeed worth looking forward to.

However, according to the information he has collected now, Uchiha Fenghuo is not Payne's opponent yet!

"Huh? There is a situation!" Uchiha Itachi suddenly said, "Penn is calling us."

"Do you want to use the Magic Lantern Body Technique?" Kanshi Kisame said, "We have to find a safe place."

At the same time, in an underground space, three figures transformed by the spirit appeared one by one, they were Jue, Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Kisame.

And Tiandao Payne stood directly above these phantoms.

"I called you this time to confirm your respective tasks." Tiandao Payne looked around and found that Beiliuhu was not there. He looked at Jue and asked, "Jue, Beiliuhu should be by your clone's side." Well, why didn't he show up."

"Ah, he is currently using the technique of ghost sprouting to absorb a rare blood succession boundary, so he can't appear here." Jue explained.

Tendo Payne nodded, looked at Itachi Uchiha again, and asked, "Itachi, what about your mission, did you find Didara?"

"I found it, but..." Uchiha Itachi said, "We have no way to bring Didara back. Sorry, the mission failed."

"Failure?" Tiandao Payne pondered, "Is there an obstacle?"

Kisame Kisame couldn't help but said: "We met Uchiha Fuu, this guy didn't know what happened, but he recovered his strength to the peak. Itachi and I are not his opponents!"

Absolutely startled, to restore peak strength?

Is his kaleidoscope...

"According to the information I collected, Uchiha Fenghuo's Sharingan is close to blind, so it should be..." Jue said slowly.

"Your information is out of date~www.readwn.com~ His Sharingan is very powerful, I almost died under his Sharingan pupil technique!" Kisame Kisame snorted coldly.

Jue fell into silence, but was extremely shocked in his heart.

Uchiha Fenghuo has the ability to replenish the pupil power of the kaleidoscope?

Could it be that he has obtained the cells from Senshou Zhujian and completed the transplantation?

This is not good!

Recently, many people have said in this chapter that I have a rhythm, that I am short and weak.

What nonsense!

Me, long! thick! Big! Vigorous! lasting!


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