Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 644: Toad Immortal's mission

After carefully putting Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San into the lair of the Chao Lun Wu brothers, Feng Huo jumped directly off the ice peak.


With a flap of Chao Lunwu's second-style wings, he caught Fenghuo quickly and steadily.

Needless to say about sealing the fire, the second form of the Chaolun Dance has already flapped its wings and arrived at a steep ice wall in Bingfeng.

Sealing the fire formed a seal against the ice wall, and soon, the seal set here slowly emerged, and then an ice hole was revealed.

The ice cave used to be only half a meter high, but now it has been expanded by sealing the fire, enough to accommodate an adult walking in the ice cave.

Jumping from the back of the second chaotic round dancing pose, Fenghuo paced slowly. Every two steps, he stopped, and then formed seals with both hands to undo the various sealing spells in front of him. During this short distance, he It stopped eight times!

Feng Huo's face was a little dark.

Are these seals set by yourself?

When did I set up so many seals?

Also, the original intention of setting up these seals is obviously to prevent thieves, but why do you always feel that you are protecting yourself?

Feng Huo rubbed the center of his brows, then stepped into the innermost ice cave, which was about half the size of a basketball court, and in the center was a giant ice sculpture of a snake, vivid and vivid.

And the Namikaze Minato couple is just under the ice sculpture of the giant snake. Both of them are covered with a layer of faint ice flakes, as if they can be melted with their body temperature by lightly touching them with their hands.

The faces of Minakame Minato and Kushina remained the same as before, without any change.

The two hugged each other tightly. Although their faces were painful, the corners of their mouths were slightly raised, obviously hopeful.

"Brother Minato, sister Kushina, I'm here to visit you."

Fenghuo held back for a long time, and then said, "Naruto has grown up, knows independence, lives alone, eats expired instant noodles and drinks expired milk every day, cough, what, he has entered the ninja school, and his grades are not good. Not bad."

Feng Huo scratched his head, "Forget it, I'll burn paper for you next time."

Then he went back the same way, formed seals while walking, and restarted the seals. At the end, he felt a little unsafe, so he added another seal. In this way, there were nine seals here.

In other words, next time he comes here, he will have to undo nine seals.

Feng Huo didn't notice it, he jumped off the cliff, and flew over to catch him in the second chaotic round dance style.

"Okay, I've seen your baby, and I've chosen a nice name, so I'll go first." Feng Huo reached out to touch the neck of Chao Rondo II Shiki, and then it dissipated into smoke with a bang.


The heart-piercing scream of Chao Rondo II came from the air, as if protesting that its child's name was ruined like this.

The huge tearing from the void completely destroyed Jiraiya's balance, and when he rolled to the ground in embarrassment, he realized that he had come to Mt. Myogi from the compartment of the women's bathhouse.

"It's really indecent." Immortal Shima looked at Jiraiya's lower body with a disgusted expression.

"Hehe, human beings are so short, hehe." Sento Fukasaku smiled meaningfully.

Jiraiya's cheeks twitched, why did he seem to be despised by two toads?

"Bastard, why did you call me over if you have nothing to do? You don't know that I have something to do!" Zi Lai also became angry from embarrassment.

"It's not us looking for you, it's our grandfather who wants to see you!" Immortal Zhima hummed.

"What? That... the Great Immortal Toad wants to see me again?" Ji Lai also scratched his head, unable to figure it out.

"Come with us." Sento Fukasaku walked ahead.

Zilai also followed behind and asked, "What is the Great Immortal Toad looking for me this time? Could it be that he has seen the future again?"

Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Shima looked at each other and shook their heads together: "You will know when you go and meet."

"Hmph, so mysterious."

Although Zilai also had a displeased face, he still respected the Great Immortal Toad very much.

After all, his immortal mode, as well as many powerful ninjutsu, were all successfully practiced on Mount Miaomu!

In the huge and empty hall, where the walls are covered with thick scrolls, Immortal Toad is sitting on a huge seat, his eyes seem to be half-open, and his huge mouth is slightly pulling a faint smile, looking very kind.

"Zilaiye, you're here." Immortal Toad opened his mouth and uttered a series of words.

"I've seen the Great Immortal." Zilai also put away his cynicism, and obediently bowed, "The Great Immortal asked me to come here this time, could it be that he has seen the future again?"

"The future? No, I just had some interesting scenes in my dream." Immortal Toad said slowly, "Although it was intermittent, it was completely different from what I dreamed before."

"Different?" Zilai was also taken aback.

He knows how powerful this Great Toad Immortal who has lived for thousands of years is, and he can dream casually, which is the picture of the future.

Just like when he came to Miaomu Mountain, hundreds of years ago, this Great Immortal Toad had dreamed that he was simply a perverted toad!

Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Shima stood on both sides of Immortal Toad, and the two toad faces were full of dignity.

Great Immortal Toad, in recent years, has dreamed more than once a completely different picture from before, which most likely means that the future has changed.

Jiraiya was also called over once before, but obviously this time there should be some dry goods.

"Great Immortal, what exactly did you dream about?" Ji Lai also asked solemnly.

"That young man with Sharingan~www.readwn.com~ often appears in my dreams." Said the Great Immortal Toad.

"Ah?" Jilai also looked confused, "Sharingan? The Uchiha clan? What does the Great Sage mean?"

Immortal Zhima explained: "It means that there was no young man who wrote sharingan, but now there is, and he appears more and more often."

Zilai also felt that his IQ was also insulted by Toad: he just didn't understand.

But he just didn't ask, he looked at Immortal Zhima with a sullen face and said nothing.

Sento Fukasaku sighed and continued to explain: "This young man with Sharingan is changing the future little by little, and the trend of change is gradually increasing."

Ji Lai also blinked his eyes twice, half-understood, held back for a long time, and asked: "Great Immortal, if the future is already doomed, how can that young man with Sharingan change the future? If the future cannot be confirmed, then any Everyone can change the future, why only the young man who writes sharing eyes appears in the dream of the Great Immortal?"

Sento Fukasaku and Sento Shima looked at each other, as if they didn't expect Jiraiya, an unreliable guy, to be able to ask such a philosophical question.

They couldn't help but look up at Immortal Toad.

"Find him, and then bring him to see me." After the Great Immortal Toad finished speaking, he tilted his head.

Zilai was also taken aback.

"It's okay, I just fell asleep." Fukasaku Sento said calmly, "Jiraiya, this is a task issued by the great sage himself, you must complete it as soon as possible."

Jiraiya rubbed his chin: "The Uchiha clan has been exterminated by Itachi, and now the only people who have Sharingan in the ninja world are Fenghuo, Obito, Kakashi, Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, and... who used to control Yin The guy with the attribute Three Tails who caused the Tailed Beast riot, the Great Immortal said, who is it?"

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