Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 645: Jiraiya's discovery

Chapter 645: Jiraiya's Discovery (Page 1/1)

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Leaving Mt. Miaomu, Jiraiya hurriedly left the women's bathhouse, and was about to return to Konoha when he suddenly remembered something.

The Great Immortal Toad has lived for thousands of years. To it, time has no meaning. It may take years or even decades for it to take a nap, so why worry about it?

Jiraiya tossed his gray hair, shook his head and rushed into the women's bathhouse, continuing to collect materials for the new work.

A few days later, Zilai also left the women's bathhouse with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and then rushed all the way to the Land of Fire. Every time he came to a town, he would collect a few days' material and live happily.

A month later, he hurried back to Konoha.

Since Orochimaru defected back then, Jiraiya has not returned for many years.

He simply put on a disguise, mixed with a caravan, and easily entered Konoha, and then drove to the women's bathhouse to take a bath, get materials, and relax for a day.

He didn't get down to business until the next day.

He went to Fenghuo's mansion first, but it turned out that it was already empty and the furniture in the mansion was covered with dust.

Ji Lai also enthusiastically cleaned a room to live in, without treating himself as an outsider at all.

Then he went to Hatake's house, and in the middle of the night blocked Kakashi who was coming home from get off work in Anbu.

Kakashi stepped on the dim street lamp, holding a manga with the cover torn off, squinting his dead fish eyes, and walked forward step by step.

Ji Lai also observed secretly.

‘Although Kakashi is not from the Uchiha clan, he also has a Sharingan on his body. Is that the one that the Great Sensei said, is it him? '

Jiraiya didn't want others to know the news of his return for the time being, so he didn't jump out to meet Kakashi.

It's just that he observed all the way, and the more he looked, the more he felt strange, why did this little beast look more and more like himself?

Bah bah bah!

The old man is a fairy!

The next day, Jiraiya went to the Ninja School to observe Uchiha Sasuke secretly. With his strength, under the intentional hiding, the teachers and students of the Ninja School naturally couldn't find him!

'That's the boy. '

Jiraiya hangs upside down on the wall outside the teaching building, head to foot, with half of his head sticking out, looking at the indifferent Uchiha Saoen in the classroom through the glass window.

‘Wearing the costumes of the Uchiha clan, it should be him. '

‘It seems that the Uchiha extermination had a great impact on him, and there may be unexpected things in the future, which is somewhat in line with the dream of the Great Immortal. '

'what? '

Jiraiya turned his gaze, and saw a little hairy boy with blond hair and blue eyes.


No, he's... Minato's child, Naruto?

They've grown so big.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto with a smile in his eyes, as if he remembered Minato's childhood.

Their father and son really look alike, and their personalities should be similar. They are both gentle, considerate, brave, and enthusiastic... right?

"Sasuke, you **** is seducing Sakura again! I will never let you go this time!"

In the classroom, Naruto saw that Sakura ran to Erzhuzi's side to show courteousness. At that time, Naruto became angry and rushed forward, waving his fists.

Erzhuzi's mood today was as bad as ever, very bad. Seeing Naruto's provocation, he pushed away a group of **** girls around him without saying a word, and then started having **** with Naruto in the classroom.

The corner of Jiraiya's mouth twitched slightly: I must have misread, that child is definitely not Minato's son!

But immediately, the figure of Kushina appeared in his mind.

Could it be that Naruto's appearance inherited Minato's father, but his character inherited Kushina?

This is too bad, right?

Jilai also felt that he should not recognize Naruto in a short time.

That girl's grinding skills are not just bragging, if Naruto really inherited Kushina's character...

‘That’s right, I came back this time to find the Uchiha in Toad Sage’s dream, how can I not distinguish between priorities? '

Jiraiya also criticized himself severely in his heart, and then began to observe Sasuke Uchiha.

At the end of the day, Zilai also found that Er Zhuzi was not only indifferent, but also taciturn. Apart from training, he had no interest in other things at all, like a person who got into a dead end.

Such a character, I also feel a little disliked.

After school in the evening, Jiraiya followed Erzhuzi to the Uchiha clan.

He searched around the Uchiha clan, but he didn't find Obito.

"Obito doesn't live here?" Zilai was also a little strange.

Now Obito and Sasuke are the only ones left in the well-known Uchiha clan. With the character of his teacher, Obito should take care of Sasuke.

Ji Lai also split a shadow clone to investigate nearby.

It is not top-secret information that Obito left Konoha to 'track' Itachi Uchiha, and Jiraiya's shadow clone quickly got this information.

"What a hassle."

Now that Fenghuo, Uchiha Itachi, and Obito are all missing, where does he find them?

Afterwards, Jiraiya found Naruto's rented apartment again, looked in from the window, and saw Naruto was doing squats with weights tied up, sweating profusely from exhaustion.

Jiraiya's eyes lit up: "I didn't expect Naruto to train so hard!"

As expected of the Son of Salvation in his fancy!

Compared with the unreliable Uchiha, Jiraiya still thinks Naruto is more reliable.

He hid outside the window and watched Naruto practice for an hour without knowing it~www.readwn.com~ An hour later, Naruto got up panting and moved his body, dragging his tired body out from under the bed Get out a can of paint and leave the house with glowing eyes.

"It's so late, where is Naruto going?" Zilai also wondered for a while.

Naruto left the house, jumped onto the house by the moonlight, and ran all the way to the mansion that was sealed off.

Jilai also followed behind like a ghost, and soon his face darkened.

But Naruto came to the mansion outside Fenghuo's house, and then began to paint graffiti on the wall, look at that nimble skill, how unafraid of the eyes of the world.

‘This child Naruto...can really be the savior? '

Zilai also has a big head.

The next moment he frowned, and then the figure quickly disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had come to a nearby park.

"Sakumo, come out." Jiraiya crossed his arms.

"Jiraiya-sama, long time no see." Hatake Sakumo slowly walked out of the shadows, with the Anbu mask still on his face.

"When did you find me?" Jiraiya asked curiously.

"No, it's not me." Hatake Sakumo smiled, "It was Kakashi who found out that someone was following him, and that's what caught my attention."

"Kakashi?" Jiraiya was also quite surprised.

When he followed Kakashi before, he didn't leak the slightest breath, and Kakashi was still reading at that time, he didn't expect that he could find himself in this situation.

Worthy of being a genius!

Jiraiya's pupils shrank, could it be that the person in Toad Sensei's dream was Kakashi?

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