Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 646: Kakashi thinking about life

Kakashi is not from the Uchiha clan, his Sharingan is a precious gift from Obito to be promoted to Jonin!

Jiraiya rubbed his chin in thought.

Kakashi has been a genius since he was a child. After getting Sharingan, he even broke into the title of copy ninja and became famous in the ninja world.

Moreover, the Great Sage Toad also said that in recent years, this young man with Sharingan often appeared in his dreams. Kakashi had not shared Sharingan before, so naturally he never appeared in the dreams of Great Sage Toad, and he After getting Sharingan, the figure of Sharingan appeared in the dream of Great Immortal Toad!

Jiraiya's eyes became brighter and brighter. Thinking about it this way, Kakashi might really be the one who changed the future in Toad Sensei's dream!

Could it be that Kakashi, like Naruto, is also the Son of Salvation?

Jiraiya's eyes flickered: How about taking Kakashi under his wing and becoming a **** boy?

"Master Jiraiya, since you have returned to the village, why are you hiding?" Hatake Sakumo suddenly said, "Three generations have missed you very much all these years."

Jiraiya was taken aback by this sudden confession, thinking of Sarutobi Hiruzani's old face, he immediately shook his head and said, "I miss Teacher very much, but let's forget about meeting."

If they meet, Hiruzaru Sarutobi will definitely keep him in the village and entrust him with important responsibilities, but Jiraiya's character has already destined him not to be a ninja like Sakumo Hatake who can take on the important responsibilities of the village.

Besides, the ninja world is still peaceful now, and the village is fine. It doesn't matter if he is in Konoha or not.

In addition, although he has wandered around these years, he has been collecting information on Orochimaru. Through Orochimaru, he has vaguely noticed a mysterious and powerful organization. If he stayed in Konoha, he would definitely not be able to investigate this organization.

After rejecting Sakumo Hatake's kindness, Jiraiya also laughed, and a wretched temperament rushed towards Sakumo Hatake.

Hatake Sakumo didn't change his expression, and said calmly: "Master Jiraiya, I respect your choice! Then, I will take my leave first."

"and many more!"

Jiraiya walked over enthusiastically, and grabbed Hatake Sakumo's shoulders, looking like a dog and a man, cough, embarrassed... two good brothers.

"Master Jiraiya, you are..." Hatake Sakumo calmly escaped from Jiraiya's clutches.

"Sakumo, Kakashi is a talented kid. I want to take him out of the village to practice in the ninja world. What do you think?" Jiraiya tentatively asked.

"Leave the village to practice?" Hatake Sakumo was taken aback.

"That's right!" Jiraiya said righteously, "With Kakashi's talent, practicing in the village will only waste his talent! Sakumo, the ninja world is so big, it's time for him to go out and break through !"

Looking at Jiraiya's face, Hatake Sakumo resisted the urge to turn around and leave, and said, "Master Jiraiya, Kakashi has grown up, you can ask his opinion."

Jiraiya's eyes lit up: "You mean, if he agrees, you won't stop him?"

"Of course." Hatake Sakumo smiled bitterly, "I also respect Kakashi's choice."

"Great!" Jiraiya ran towards Hatake's house without saying a word.

Hatake Sakumo looked at the direction where Jirai was leaving, with a wry smile on his face.

Kakashi hasn't slept yet, but leans against the window, admiring Xiao Huangman with the eyes of an artist in the moonlight.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows, and put the little Huang Man in his hand into his arms.

Under the moonlight, a white-haired figure descended from the sky.

"Kakashi, do you know this old man?!"

Jilai also shook his head and shook his head, shaking and shaking, shaking and shaking, his white hair was spinning like a spiral, which looked very artistic.

Kakashi frowned at him, and said, "You...are the one who followed me before. Wait, are you Jiraiya-sama?"

"That's right, it's me!" Jiraiya waved his scissors hands and said cutely, "You can find my whereabouts, Kakashi, you are worthy of being Konoha Shirato's son!"

Kakashi hurriedly jumped out of the window, and said respectfully, "Master Ziraiya, is there something wrong with coming to see me so late?"

"Yeah." Jiraiya crossed his arms, stared at him with a sparkle, and said, "Kakashi, would you like to leave with me and go to the ninja world to practice!"

"Eh?" Kakashi was confused, then shook his head decisively, "Master Ziraiya, I'm afraid I can't promise you."

"Why?" Zilai was a little anxious, "Don't you think I'm not qualified to teach you?"

Kakashi shook his head, and replied solemnly: "Compared to practicing in the ninja world, I prefer to think about life at home!"

"...Thinking about...life?" Jiraiya had a black question mark on his face.

"Well, that's about it." Kakashi shrugged, "I'm very sorry, Ziraiya-sama."

Zilai was also in a daze, and it took a long time to recover.

"Kakashi, since you don't want to, then...you go to a place with me!" Jiraiya decided to take the next best thing, and planned to complete the task of Toad Sensei first.

"Where?" Kakashi felt that Jiraiya was also very strange. After all, the relationship between the two before was very ordinary. There is not much intersection.

"Mt. Miaomu!" Jiraiya whispered.

"Mt. Myogi, one of the three holy places in the ninja world?" Kakashi's eyes lit up, and he shook his head immediately, "Master Jiraiya, I already have a psychic beast~www.readwn.com~ Kakashi's psychic The beasts are naturally the group of ninja dogs.

"I asked you to go to Mount Miaomu not to sign a psychic beast, but someone... er, an immortal wants to see you." Zilai also said awkwardly, "Anyway, just follow me."

Kakashi looked unwilling: "But...I still have to think about life at home."

The corners of Jiraiya's eyes twitched slightly, and he said angrily, "You can't help this!"

"Master Jiraiya... what are you going to do? Let me go, don't!"

In the Land of Snow, outside a small village on a remote mountain.

Obito and Shisui are sparring in the snow.

The figures of the two were like lightning, and the kunai in their hands collided crazily in the air, rubbing out bright sparks.

Smile, the son of Bai and Xia Rixing, stood by and watched the battle, his eyes glowing.

"It's amazing!" Smail clenched his fists nervously, wishing he could rush in and fight them for three hundred rounds.


"Bai, why do Uncle Obito and Uncle Shisui only have one Sharingan?" Smail asked curiously.

Bai smiled softly and said, "Because they gave their Sharingan to important people."

"What is the important person?" Smail looked puzzled.

"When you grow up, you will meet such people." Bai said.

"Oh." Smail half understood.

"Zhishui, you are so strong!"

After fighting for a long time, Obito gasped for breath, and found helplessly that he was no match for Shisui without using Sharingan.

Of course, if you use Sharingan, Obito will be even more of an opponent.

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