Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 647: 0 Hao technique?

"Obito, it's just a discussion, there's no need to be serious." Zhishui put away Kunai with a smile.

"If you don't even take the sparring seriously, it's really boring here." Obito looked aggrieved.

These days in the Snow Country are really boring.

This remote village is too small, with only seven or eight families. Every day is a repetition of yesterday's events, and the more days pass, the more boring it becomes.

Like Xia Rixing and his wife, they can educate their son during the day and have fun at night, so they don't have to worry about being bored.

Zhishui has a gentle personality and doesn't feel bored.

As for Bai, whether he was with Smail or just studied Bingdun, he was never bored.

Even Sheyue, who joined them some time ago, ran to the snow mountain behind every day, desperately fighting wild beasts there, improving her strength, and was busy every day.

After counting the whole village, Obito found that he was the only one who was so boring.

"I really want to go back to the village." Obito rubbed his hair with both hands, feeling very thin.

Zhishui smiled and said, "If you want to go back, go back. You are different from me, so it doesn't matter if you go back."

Obito blinked twice, sighed, and said, "If I go back, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself."

He and Shisui already knew the mastermind behind the family's extermination, and that was Shimura Danzo, the village's elder advisor!

Obito suppressed the anger in his heart due to the will of fire he had received since he was a child, and did not take revenge on Danzo.

But you must know that Danzo has always been eyeing Sharingan. If Obito goes back, Danzo will definitely attack him. Obito can't let him get whatever he wants, right?

Once the time comes, once the attack is made, the new and old hatred will inevitably be an endless situation.

If such a situation really occurs, the most difficult one must be Hokage-sama.

Obito sighed, shook his head and said, "I still won't go back."

Bai came over at this time and suggested: "Brother Obito, since we can't go back to Konoha, can we go and play with Brother Fenghuo? Isn't he training in Longin Village? We can take a boat from Snow Country Land of Taki!"

"That's right! That's it!" Obito's eyes lit up, "Bai, you are so smart!"

Obito was really bored, he was tired of seeing this ice and snow land that didn't change at all day after day, and couldn't wait to leave the snow country.

"Shisui, let's go together!" Obito looked at Shisui excitedly.

Zhishui thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, I hope I won't cause trouble for the captain."

Later, Obito found Xia Rixing and his wife and asked them if they would like to go to Taki Ninja Village to play.

The two couples looked at each other and said with a smile, "No, let's stay here."

Obito didn't force himself, and went to look for Sheyue in a hurry.

When Sheyue heard it, she naturally wished for it.

He left Taki Shinobi Village not long ago, but he already misses the village very much, especially his son Shibuki. He is very worried about whether his son can take on the heavy responsibility of the village. Now that he has the opportunity to go back, he will naturally not refuse.

Soon, Obito, Bai, and Sheyue packed up and saluted, and then left the village.

A group of three went straight to a port town in the northwest of Snow Country.

This port town is the trading port for countries such as the Snow Country, the Iron Country, and the Thunder Country. Basically, ships will enter and leave the port every two days.

"Is there no merchant ship going directly to the country of Taki?" Obito asked around, but unfortunately, he didn't get the answer he wanted.

Sheyue said: "The commerce of the country of Taki is not developed, so there is no direct merchant ship, but we can take the merchant ship to the country of iron."

The country of iron is separated from the country of Taki, and the coastline is also connected. They are also ninjas, so they can "jump into the sea" halfway.

"Then let's decide."

The three of them spent some money to get on a merchant ship bound for the Land of Iron.

Half an hour later, the merchant ship slowly left the port.

The holy tree of Taki Ninja Village.

The spirit of Fenghuo was projected into the sealed world in his body, looking at the sun-like light, he was a little dazed.

During this period of time, 24 hours a day, as long as he is awake, he has been exploiting the shadow clones, letting them crazily refine the magic chakra and integrate them into the Yang seal.

And as the celestial chakra in the yang seal gathers more and more, the situation of sealing the world at this time appears.

At this time, Sanwei Jitian also stretched out his tortoise head, staring fixedly at the little 'sun' above with his one eye.

This thing is the condensed chakra of xianshu. If it explodes, Fenghuo will naturally die without a whole body, and it will not have a good end for Sanwei Isota!

"Fenghuo, I suggest you not to continue, so much magic chakra is enough for you to use for a long time." Ji Jiyu persuaded earnestly.

"I think it can still absorb a little."

Although Fenghuo was also a little terrified, it was more excited by the advent of the adventure.

I always feel that if we continue, the energy change will lead to a qualitative change.

"You're looking for death, don't pull me, bastard!" Isota yelled, and the three spiny tails crazily stirred the pool of water, causing huge waves.

A few sprays of water splashed near the little 'sun', but before they got close, they were transpired and turned into water vapor and dissipated.

Jiji Guier's face became darker and darker.

Even sealing the fire felt a little abnormal.

The celestial chakra in the yang seal is in a 'locked' state, which means that if the fire seal does not unlock the yang seal, the celestial chakra inside will be 'powerless'.

but now…

Has it caused a qualitative change?

Feng Huo felt guilty and panicked.

"Try to see if you can mobilize these celestial chakras~www.readwn.com~ Isoto growled angrily.

Fenghuo followed the good course, and immediately released the Kaiyang seal, revealing a small opening...

In the next moment, a scorching and terrifying aura rushed out along the small opening, and Feng Huo's face instantly became as dark as Isota.

"Idiot, seal it up!" Isato screamed wildly.

How could Fenghuo use it as a reminder? At that time, he frantically mobilized the three-tailed chakra to seal the Yang seal tightly.

But those violent fairy chakras that were leaked can't be recovered, and they can only be allowed to dissipate slowly.

Jiji stared at Fenghuo angrily, and shouted: "Okay, now it's time to play!"

Fenghuo wants to cry but has no tears.

Indeed, this time I really played big.

At this time, the celestial chakra in the yang seal has condensed too much. Once Fenghuo undoes the yang seal, the celestial chakra inside will swarm out. With his physical fitness at this time, he can't bear such a huge fairy chakra. Chakra!

Sealing the fire is all bad.

Immediately he suddenly remembered a ninjutsu.

Baihao's technique!

The Yin Seal is a technique for storing chakras, and the technique of Baihao is a technique for using these chakras!

How could he forget the Baihao technique when he was only focusing on developing the Yang seal?

Without Baihao's technique, with such a huge fairy chakra, he dare not even move now!

'Tsunade is a scumbag, and the yin seal has been passed down, why not pass down the Baihao technique as well. '


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