Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 651: Uchiha Kakashi?

Mt. Miaogi.

Kakashi looked at the surrounding scenery curiously, especially the huge toads that spoke human words, and was amazed.

Of Kakashi's eight psychic ninja dogs, only Parker can speak, and the toads here, no matter male, female, old or young, all speak eloquently, which is incomparable.

"It is indeed one of the three holy places!" Kakashi exclaimed.

Jiraiya walked ahead arrogantly and brought Kakashi to the residence of the two sages.

"Zilaiya? You came back so soon?" Immortal Zhima looked surprised when he saw them, "Could it be... behind you is..."

Ji Lai also put his hands on his hips, laughed and said, "That's right, this is the Sao Nian that the Great Immortal wants me to look for!"

Looking at Jiraiya's pimped Kiji-kun, Kakashi had a bad feeling in his heart, but he still said politely: "My name is Kakashi, please give me your advice."

"Kakashi? Uchiha Kakashi!" Immortal Shima nodded, "Hello, I am Immortal Shima, please give me your advice!"

The corner of Kakashi's mouth twitched slightly, and with a black line on his head, he said, "Sorry, my name is Kakashi Hatake."

Immortal Shima showed a strange look: "Uchiha Hatake Kakashi? Isn't your name too long?"

"No, I don't have that name, I..." Kakashi felt bad all over.

"Ahahaha..." Jiraiya patted Kakashi on the shoulder and laughed, "Uchiha Hatake Kakashi, hahahaha..."

"Master Jiraiya, I suddenly remembered that the cat at home hasn't been fed yet, so it's almost time to say goodbye." Kakashi tilted his head and said he wanted to go home and become a cat slave.

"It's already here, don't rush back." Zilai also winked, "Maybe you will have a great opportunity later!"

"A chance or something..." Kakashi rolled his eyes weakly, "Master Jiraiya, although I don't know why you brought me here, but I'm not Uchiha, you should know that."

"Not Uchiha?" Immortal Shima frowned and looked at Jiraiya, "Jiraiya, what's going on!"

"Don't worry, although you are not Uchiha, but you have Sharingan, the Great Sensei only said that young people with Sharingan, Kakashi is fully qualified!" Jiraiya said clearly, and encouraged Shima Senren to say, " Let the Great Immortal meet Kakashi, and everything will be clear!"

"In that case..." Immortal Zhima pondered for a while, then nodded, "Okay, I'll inform the Immortal right now!"

Immortal Shima then turned around and shouted, "Fukasaku, come out and greet the guests, and bring out all the delicious food!"

"Understood, wait a moment, I'm already preparing!" The voice of Fukasaku Immortal came from inside.

When Ji Lai Ye heard it, his face turned pale by three points.

When Immortal Shima left, Jiraiya rolled his eyes, and said to Kakashi earnestly, "Kakashi, I still have something to do, so just wait here, I'll be right back!"

Without waiting for Kakashi to speak, Jiraiya directly disappeared in place with the teleportation technique.

"I..." Kakashi stood there dejectedly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "What's going on here?"

"You're the guest you brought back, haha, I've prepared something delicious, come and taste it!" Fukasaku Sento looked at Kakashi enthusiastically, kindly, kindly, and kindly.

"Fukasaku Sento, hello." Kakashi didn't dare to neglect, and walked over respectfully.

Sento Fukasaku had already placed a few full plates of 'delicious' on a big mushroom, waiting for Kakashi to enjoy it.

Kakashi walked over, and when he saw it, his eyes suddenly became round.

"That...Fukasaku Sage...in fact..." Kakashi finally knew why Jiraiya ran so fast.

The plates of 'deliciousness' on the mushrooms are surprisingly caterpillars, caterpillars, leaves, etc., especially those insects, which are still alive and moving slowly on the plates. The picture...

Kakashi felt nauseated, and was already full before eating.

"What's wrong? Doesn't it suit your appetite?" Fukasaku Immortal looked at Kakashi expectantly, "Take a sip, as long as you take a sip, you will find that all of these are delicious! I won't lie!"

"I..." Kakashi looked into Fukasaku's expectant eyes, and said cruelly, "Fukasaku, I already ate it when I came here, and I really can't take it anymore."

"Is that so..." Fukasaku Immortal said regretfully, "It seems that I am the only one who enjoys it."

Saying that, Immortal Fuzuo grabbed a fluffy worm, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed for a while.


Kakashi's throat twitched, and he hurriedly covered his mouth and turned around.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Immortal Zhima to come back.

"Where's that idiot Jiraiya?" Immortal Zhima looked angry.

"What's wrong?" Fukasaku Immortal swallowed the delicious worm, "Has the Great Immortal decided to meet him?"

"The Great Immortal hasn't woken up at all!" Immortal Zhima said.

"What do you mean?" Kakashi was a little confused.

"If you are really the sharingan boy that the Great Immortal predicted, then when you come to Mount Miaomu, the Great Immortal will wake up!" Zhima Immortal explained suppressing his anger, "But now the Great Immortal is still sleeping , indicating that you are not the one the Great Immortal is waiting for."

For some reason, Kakashi was deeply relieved when he heard this: "Well, can I leave then?"

Although this is Mt. Miaogi, one of the three holy places, Kakashi expressed that he did not want to stay here anymore.

"Uchiha Hatake Kakashi, we don't mean to drive you away, you can stay here for a few more days, let us do our best as the landlord!" Immortal Shima hurriedly said ~www.readwn.com~ I was just here Don't worry about being angry with that idiot. "

Landlord's friendship or something...

Kakashi glanced at the 'delicious' on the big mushroom, and his stomach churned again.

"You two sages, really don't need it!" Kakashi said solemnly, "My dog ​​hasn't been fed yet, and I'm worried that it will starve to death."

"Eh? Didn't you just say cats?" Immortal Zhima blinked his eyes twice.

People are hard to tear down!

Kakashi touched his head with long silver hair, and said with a dry smile: "Haha, the family has not only a cat, but also a dog, which made the two gods laugh."

"Okay, since you've decided, I'll send you away now," Immortal Zhima said.

"Thank you so much!" Kakashi heaved a sigh of relief.

Half an hour after Kakashi left, Jiraiya returned leisurely.

"Huh? Where's Kakashi? Has he been summoned by the Great Immortal?"

"Jiraiya, you idiot have found the wrong person!" Shima Senki said, "Uchiha Hatake Kakashi is not the one who will change the future as predicted by Daisenjin at all!"

"Ah? How could this be?" Jiraiya scratched his head in distress, "Could it be that my previous guesses were all wrong?"

"Idiot Ziraiya, can you look for it carefully, that is the person who can change the future!" Immortal Zhima hated iron but steel.

"Got it, got it." Zirai waved his hand indifferently, "There are only a few people in the ninja world who have sharingan sharing, and I don't believe I can't find him!"

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