Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 652: Solution

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In Taki Ninja Village, Sheyue, who was in urgent need of funds to purchase a ship, had no choice but to ask Fenghuo for help.

Sealing the fire was evaded several times, but in the end he couldn't evade, so he reluctantly agreed, took out the dividends from Konoha Fried Chicken, and bought a boat for Sheyue.

There are no excellent shipyards in the country of Taki, so to buy a ship, you have to go to the country of iron.

The country of iron has a long coastline and many iron mines, so there are many domestic docks, and there is an endless stream of businessmen coming and going.

After getting a lot of money, Sheyue spent two days with her son, Shemu, before she set out in person and went to the Land of Iron with her confidants to buy ships.

Fenghuo, who broke his fortune, couldn't eat or sleep for several days in a row, and he was extremely thin.

Like him, there is Obito.

Ever since he helped the old lady cross the road last time, and was taken home by the old lady to "thank you" for a while, Obito has been out of his mind, with a sad look of being intimate with more than a dozen strong men in turn.

Fenghuo asked him, but he didn't say anything.

Fenghuo had to suspect that Obito had really made false claims with that old lady in order to continue Uchiha's bloodline, and did such stupid things as selling his soul and body at a low price.

But the meat grows on other people's bodies, and Feng Huo is too embarrassed to interfere.

On the other side, after seeing Bai's ice escape, in order to defend his art, Didara resolutely took action, confronting Bai's ice escape with explosive escape.

Although Bai felt that this was not good, he had practiced for many years and wanted to prove himself, or to know how far he had reached, so the two fought vigorously under the ruling of Fu, who watched the excitement and did not think it was a big deal. stand up.

They fought for three days in a row, and the two won each other.

And in these three days, Didara also basically figured out Bai's ice escape.

Although Bai can use the ice escape to create powerful 'bombs', these 'bombs' cannot be stored for a long time, and the greater the power, the greater the consumption of chakra. With Bai's strength, it is impossible to fight as long as Didala .

However, Deidara's Explosion Escape can use detonating clay to make a large number of bombs in advance, which can be used directly in battle, and can be detonated with just a little chakra.

From this point of view, Didala's explosion is completely empty.

But Bai's Ice Escape also has great advantages. For example, it can be used on the spot, and you can use Ice Escape to make things you need to deal with any terrain or enemy you face. This is not comparable to Deidara's Escape Escape.

After gradually realizing that the arts of the two are completely different types, Didala accepted Bai, and reluctantly became friends with him.

Fenghuo naturally knew about their battle, but he didn't take action to stop it, but he was happy to see it succeed. After all, didn't he, and Kakashi, walk through Kai's challenge step by step?

On this day, Feng Huo came to the top of the holy tree again, and sat down to examine the sealed world in his body.

The little sun was still as bright as before, exuding a strong light.

Sanweiji turned over and lay in the pool, with their turtle bellies exposed, basking in the sun comfortably.

A few days ago, this guy was so noisy that he wanted to put out the sun above his head, but now he is basking leisurely, his heart is really getting bigger and bigger.

"Isota, don't patronize basking in the sun, help me think of a solution!"

Fenghuo stood on Jitai's tortoise belly, folded his hands on his chest and pondered.

People are alive, things are dead, he does not believe that there is no other way to solve this problem except Baihao's technique!

Isata said lazily: "The energy of Senju Chakra is too powerful, unless you have a body like the third generation of Raikage, it will be unbearable."

Feng Huo nodded: "The development of Lei Dunhu has not been completed yet, but this can be regarded as a way."

Feng Huo looked up at the sun above his head, his eyes suddenly lit up.




That's right, it's a star!

This sealed world is so big, why seal all the celestial chakras in one place?

The more Feng Huo thought about it, the more he felt it was feasible, and immediately began to carve the formula of Yang seal on the top.

Hearing the movement, Jiji couldn't help stretching out the tortoise's head to have a look. When he saw it, the whole tortoise was bad.

"Hey, what are you madman doing?! One sun is enough, do you want to get hundreds of suns here to heat me to death?!"

"Death of heat?" Feng Huo looked at Jiji with a strange expression.

Although this little sun is very bright and emits heat, in essence, they are just celestial chakras, so hot?


With no place to put his old face, Isata retracted into the turtle shell with a whoosh.

"Don't worry." Feng Huo laughed, "I only absorb some celestial chakra for each seal."

Hearing this, Jiji couldn't help sticking out the turtle's head again, and praised: "So, as long as you control the amount of magic chakra in each seal, it won't affect your body when it's released, even if it happens. Fierce battles, as long as you unlock the seals one by one, you will be able to continuously obtain the magic chakra, the perfect solution!"

"But in fact, there are still some disadvantages in this way."

Feng Huo suddenly showed a troubled expression.

"What's wrong?" Isato asked curiously.

"Oh, you don't even understand."

Fenghuo made a small sun, and there was a golden prismatic crystal on his abdomen~www.readwn.com~ If he made dozens or hundreds of 'stars', God knows if there will be more "stars" on his body. Dozens of hundreds of golden 'moles'.

If this is the case, won't he be able to blind other people's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes when he takes off his clothes in the future?

With a tangled mood, Feng Huo first engraved ten yang seal formulas, and then separated out the shadow clone to refine the fairy chakra.

Half an hour later, a trace of fairy chakra was uploaded from the shadow clone.

Fenghuo easily led these immortal chakras to the ten newly opened yang seals in batches, and then locked the seals!

Then, he began to try to unlock one of the yang seals.

With the release of the seal, a stream of celestial chakra poured into the sealed world, and Fenghuo immediately guided this celestial chakra into the body.

It worked!

Overjoyed to seal the fire.

Then he immediately began to retreat, eating, drinking and lazing on the holy tree, frantically creating Yang seals in the sealed world, and then using the magic chakra to light up.

In less than half a month, the little sun was surrounded by stars.

Only then did Fenghuo slow down.

On this day, he opened his eyes and smelled an indescribable smell. Looking around, he found that the branches and leaves were full of historical products left over from his metabolism.

Feng Huo blushed, and decisively separated a shadow clone to stay for cleaning, while he left quickly.

As soon as he returned to Taki Ninja Village, Taki Ninja Anbe came to look for him.

"Master Fenghuo, Lord Sheyue welcomes you!"

"Oh, he came back from the Iron Country?"

Feng Huo hurried over to look for him.

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