Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 655: Fairy

She left the island with Libra Zhongwu, and Sheyue immediately greeted her.

"Lord Fenghuo, is the person in your hands the culprit behind the shipwreck?"

Feng Huo shook his head slightly, then directly threw Tiancheng Chongwu to Sheyue, and said: "It's not him, those people are already dead."

As he said to seal the fire, he turned his head and looked at the island behind him.

Although he let the shadow clone eliminate the traces he left there, it is very possible to find some clues by means of Orochimaru.

If Orochimaru traces these clues to Taki Shinobi Village, then his dream of quietly being a handsome man and absorbing the magic chakra will be shattered.

So the best way is to destroy the corpses!

This small island is not big, but it is not small. It is still difficult to sink it.

"Stay away!"

Feng Huo said to Sheyue solemnly.

Although Sheyue didn't know what Fenghuo was going to do, she quickly evacuated with Libra on her shoulders.

Afterwards, Fenghuo sank directly into the sea and swam towards the bottom of the island.

Although it is close to the sea, the sea surface is still nearly 50 meters away from the bottom of the sea. When diving to about 40 meters, the nearby light is already very weak.

Fenghuo touched the rock pillar supporting the island above, and then directly formed a seal to undo a Yang seal in the sealed world, and in an instant a wave of fairy chakra poured into his body.

Fenghuo immediately formed a seal: 'Earth escape-crack the earth and turn the palm! '

Fenghuo's palm was printed on the rock pillar, and the terrifying power of Immortal Chakra erupted instantly.

Cracking the earth and turning the palm itself is a ninjutsu that hits the ground to split the earth. At this time, it is used with the magic chakra, and the power directly increases by ten times!

At the position of the palm of Fenghuo, countless cracks spread densely like spider webs towards the rock pillar. Under the pressure of the sea water, a large amount of stone chips overflowed from the cracks, turning into a fresh 'debris flow' with the sea water.

Feng Huo quickly swam to the distance, and saw that although the rock pillar was densely covered with cracks, it showed no sign of falling down, so he hurriedly swam to another part of the island, and then used another move to crack the soil and turn his palm on it.

After doing this three times, the surface of the rock pillar supporting the island has been filled with cracks, and it is slowly splitting bit by bit under the pressure of the sea water.

'It's almost there! '

Fenghuo swam out of the sea to take a breath of air, and then sank to the bottom of the sea again.

‘Fire Escape—Fire Extinguishment! '

A 40 to 50 meter long huge wall of fire pushed the golden mountain and inverted the jade pillar, like a cloud of fire, violently blasted on the rock pillar!

Although the sea water greatly restrained the power of the fire escape, but because it was extinguished by the great fire using the immortal chakra, the power was still four or five times that of the usual one. Coupled with the pressure of sea water, it cracked open at that time.

After a while, the island above was also precarious, and a large number of stones rolled and fell into the sea water from above, splashing a large number of waves.

Feng Huo quickly moved back and moved away. When he surfaced, the small island behind him had already sunk into the bottom of the sea. Huge waves tens of meters high invaded like ripples, wave after wave.

Fenghuo directly opened the third door of the eight-door Dunjia, entered the Lilianhua state, stepped on the air to the sky, and easily avoided the waves.

But Sheyue, who was farther away, was unlucky.

Although he ran a long distance, he was still taken by the stormy waves, and he was completely drowned with the weight of the scales on his shoulders.

When the waves subside slowly, looking around, there is an endless sea in front of you, how can there be any trace of the island?

Sheyue swallowed dumbfounded.

‘Lord Fenghuo, this is too…’

Are you crazy?

As for?

It actually sunk that island directly!

Why not be so inhumane!

At the same time, deep in his heart, the awe of Fenghuo was even more soaring, and he only regarded him as a god-like ninja!

Fenghuo stepped on the air and fell slowly.

This scene fell in Sheyue's eyes, and she felt that Fenghuo was a high-end and high-end atmosphere, and she was a god-like ninja!

"Master Feng Huo!" She Yue jumped out of the sea, landed firmly on the sea surface, and saluted respectfully.

"Let's go." Feng Huo fell on the sea, and then ran towards the coast.

The third door of the eight-door dunjia does more or less damage to the body, so it can be used or not.

On the way back to Taki Ninja Village, Tianping Shigego woke up.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Libra Zhongwu was at a loss.

Because of his health, he was rejected by the people in the village, and the last person escaped into the mountains. It was Jun Malu who found him and took him to join Orochimaru.

With the help of Orochimaru, the number of "immortal transformations" by Tianping Shigewu has been significantly reduced. Coupled with the existence of Jun Malu, Tiancheng Shigewu is quite satisfied with his situation.

Feng Huo smiled and said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Tianping Zhongwu." Tianping Zhongwu replied honestly, and then asked, "Did you take me out of that island?"

"Yes, from now on, you can follow me!" Feng Huo cut straight to the point.

Libra shook his head in pain: "You don't know the situation at all, me, my body..."

Feng Huo smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know your situation perfectly, so don't worry about losing control."

"You know? Do you know Orochimaru?" Tian Shuang Shigego hurriedly asked~www.readwn.com~Then do you know Jun Ma Lu? He's my good friend! "

Feng Huo laughed and said: "Jun Ma Lu is your prison!"

"You even know this?" Tian Zong Chongwu beamed with joy.

"Although I know it, I don't know Jun Malu." Feng Huo said with a smile, "However, I can replace him and become your new prison!"

"Is that so..." Tian Zong Zhongwu was a little unhappy.

"Let's go." Feng Huo didn't give him a chance to choose.

Tiancheng weighed me with a sigh, although he didn't want to, but he could only follow Fenghuo.

Otherwise, once he loses control, he will cause countless killings, which he does not want to see no matter what.

When approaching Takinobu Village, Tianping Shigego suddenly staggered, his whole temperament seemed to change suddenly, his peaceful eyes gradually overflowed with a trace of madness, and his body even showed abnormal changes.

Feng Huo frowned, he didn't expect that the distance from the holy tree would have already affected him.

Feng Huo closed his eyes and concentrated, and soon realized that the natural energy around him was like a hundred rivers converging into the sea, rushing towards Tianliang Zhongwu. He tried to absorb it, but these natural energies seemed to be attracted by a magnet, and he directly ignored Feng Huo's call !

"Master Fenghuo, what's wrong with him?" Sheyue noticed that the atmosphere was gradually becoming more dignified, and all these changes came from Libra Chongwu.

Before Fenghuo could answer, Tiancheng Chongwu had already let out a roar, and his whole body instantly swelled up, revealing his grey-brown ferocious muscles, and punched Fenghuo fiercely, like a wild beast!

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