Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 656: Boom

After becoming a fairy, Libra Zhongwu's strength increased dramatically, and he punched him with a strong air pressure, which made him feel like he was blowing the air.

Feng Huo's eyes froze, and he quickly retreated on his toes.

At the same time, he made seals with both hands: "Tudun - Tuliubi!"


A block of stone walls instantly rose from the ground, enclosing Libra Zhongwu in the middle.

But in the next moment, Tiancheng Zhongwu's fist directly shattered the thick earth wall, and then violently rushed out from inside, rolling up a burst of earth dust.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Fenghuo spewed out a gust of wind, which turned into a violent air current and wrapped around Tiancheng Zhongwu's side, but at this time, Tiancheng Zhongwu's physical body had already turned into a fairy, and his strength was infinite, and ordinary ninjutsu could not confine his body at all.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

Libra Zhongwu roared up to the sky, a violent airflow suddenly spewed out from the elbows of his left and right hands, and with terrifying speed and power, he punched out his fists fiercely towards Fenghuo.


The invisible air current rolled back, Feng Huo's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly jumped up and away.

The scale weighed heavily on Wu's power, and he rushed towards Fenghuo screaming.

"Master Fenghuo!"

Sheyue took a step forward, and instantly summoned two masked tentacle monsters, one on the left and one on the right, spraying out fire escape ninjutsu.

At this time, Libra Zhongwu didn't know how to dodge at all, and rushed up with waving arms. The flames burned his clothes to ashes, but they couldn't do anything to his body filled with natural energy at this time.


Tian Baozhong hit a tentacle monster's mask with a fist, and punched it right through!

Under the tremendous force, the heart behind the mask was directly blasted into a pulp, and the tentacle monster collapsed and died immediately.


Sheyue's expression changed, and she was busy taking back another tentacle monster, but it was still too late.

After the left uppercut of Libra Zhongwu, followed by a right uppercut, the heart of another tentacle monster was also directly blown out!

Sheyue was so distressed that she couldn't help herself.

Feng Huo said: "You are not his opponent now, go!"

Then he took a step forward.

"Thunder Escape Body!"

The lightning in Fenghuo's left and right hands exploded in an instant, increasing the attack, defense, and cell activity, and brazenly collided with Libra Shigego's fist.


A layer of air waves visible to the naked eye centered on the fists of the two people and spread wildly in all directions. Under the huge stalemate, even the ground under the two people's feet was cracked inch by inch.


Seeing that Feng Huo resisted his fist, Tian Bao Zhong Wu suddenly became fierce, and the strength of his hands increased sharply again, directly pressing Feng Huo back again and again!

Feng Huo withdrew his hands, feeling numb and itchy for an instant, looking down, his hands and ten fingers were overflowing with blood.

"Is the body of the fairy transformed into so powerful?"

Feng Huo was born in martial arts. He had been training as a devil with Matt Dai for several years. Although he could only open the third door of the Eight Gates of Dunjia, he was one of the top 20 ninjas in Konoha. Coupled with the blessing of the two-handed version of the Thunder Dungeon Body, it still can't match the immortality of Libra Chongwu!

Then he thought of Junmalu.

Jun Malu was able to suppress the immortal Libra Chongwu with the help of his bone veins, which shows how powerful he is!

It's no wonder that he got blood-inherited disease.

Heaven is jealous of talents.


When Fenghuo was distracted, Tianping Zhongwu once again roared up to the sky, and rushed over violently with his fists.

"In that case..."

Feng Huo pressed down with his left hand, and pinched the formula with his right hand on his chest, with a solemn and solemn expression on his face, "Come and welcome - Thousand Hands Kill!"


A layer of strong golden light suddenly overflowed from the back of the sealing fire, as if the light of Buddha was shining everywhere, and then turned into a huge golden statue of Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands.

Fighting fists, who is afraid of whom!

Feng Huo lifted his eyelids, and the Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara behind him immediately made a move.

One by one golden fists swept across an elegant arc, one after another bombarded Tian Zongwu's face that had become extremely ferocious.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

The beaten Libra Zhongwu was even more angry, and he punched and confronted Avalokitesvara.

However, he only had two fists, and the fists of Avalokitesvara were almost endless. Seventeen or eighteen fists landed on him every moment, making him scream and retreat steadily.

"Awesome!" Sheyue hid in the distance, her eyes glowing, "Master Feng Huo's powerful methods are really dizzying!"

After being transformed into a fairy, Tian Shuang Chongwu basically lost his mind. Facing the violent beating of Avalokitesvara, even if he was beaten badly, he still didn't retreat half a point. Every time he was beaten half a step back, he screamed and took two steps forward. Then more and more fists landed on him, so insisting on half-payment, Tiancheng Zhongwu was covered with scars all over his body, and his physical strength was exhausted!

In the end, the figure of Tiancheng Zhongwu was submerged in the golden fist of Avalokitesvara, and he was directly beaten to the point of fainting.

Feng Huo put away his posture and gave himself full marks for his performance just now.

Wanting to suppress the immortal Libra, there are many ways to seal the fire, Susano can almost kill him directly, Wumangjie can make him never catch up with him, and directly exhaust himself to death, the shadow of the tomb can even Hit to kill.

Even the spiral pills used by the celestial chakra can cut him to death, but these methods rely directly or indirectly on the celestial chakra. I don’t want to waste too much on sealing the fire, so I choose to use the chakra of Isoto to cast a thousand Killing with hands directly exhausted the stamina of Libra Shigego.

"Master Fenghuo, are you okay?" Sheyue ran over immediately, and then stared at Tiancheng Zhongwu with murderous intent, "This person is too dangerous, Mr. Fenghuo, why don't you kill him directly! "

Feng Huo shook his head and said: "He just can't control his own strength, the crime is not worthy of death, take him back to the village."

"But what if he gets sick again?"

Sheyue was a little hesitant, just now he had seen how terrifying the crazy Libra is, if he came again in Longin Village, God knows how much damage it would cause to the village!

As the former leader of Takinobu Village and the father of the current Takinobu Village leader, how can Sheyue let go of her love for Takinobu Village?

"Don't worry ~www.readwn.com~ With me here, Taki Shinobi Village will be fine." Feng Huo assured.

"This... okay." Sheyue nodded with a wry smile, facing such a powerful Fenghuo, he no longer knew how to refuse.

After returning to Takinobu Village, Fenghuo placed Tiancheng Zhongwu in the hotel where he lived, so that it would be convenient for monitoring.

Then Fenghuo gave Sheyue another sum of money to continue buying merchant ships.

Not long after Sheyue left, Bai Yiliu, who sensed Fenghuo's return, ran over.

"Brother Fenghuo, where have you been these few days? I'm so worried about you."

After becoming friends with Didala and Fu, Bai no longer felt lonely, but he still couldn't help worrying about Fenghuo's disappearance for a few days.

"It's okay, I just went out for a while." Feng Huo looked at Tianping Chongwu, then at Bai, and said with a smile, "Bai, this man is called Tianping Chongwu, from now on you will follow him, if he goes crazy, you can use Bingdu Is it possible to freeze him?"

"Frozen?" Bai hesitated, "Will it hurt him?"

"Don't worry, his physical body will be very powerful when he goes mad, I even suspect that your ice escape will not be able to suppress him." Feng Huo rubbed his chin and said.

As soon as Bai heard it, he showed his unwillingness to admit defeat at that time, and snorted: "Brother Fenghuo, my ice escape is very powerful, even if it is a Taijutsu ninja, I can freeze him!"

Looking at the confident and proud look on Bai's face, Feng Huo suddenly remembered that Bai who felt inferior because of Bingdun, he was a completely different person.

At this moment, Tian Ping Zhong Wu's hand slightly twitched, and he woke up slowly.

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