Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 657: inflated peluko

"Where am I?"

Libra Zhongwu woke up from a coma and found himself lying on a tatami mat. Immediately, he recalled the moment before he lost consciousness, and his face suddenly showed pain.

"You're awake." Bai turned his head curiously, looking at the tall and strong young man, "Are you alright?"

Libra Chongwu struggled to prop up his upper body, looked up, his eyes lit up, and the person standing behind Bai was Fenghuo who took him away from the island, and said joyfully, "Are you okay?"

Feng Huo shrugged innocently: "How could something happen to me?"

"But I've obviously..." Tian Zongwu looked at him in disbelief, "Could it be that you can really suppress me who is out of control?"

"Of course, otherwise how dare you take you in!" Feng Huo said solemnly.

He obviously snatched it over, but said it was taken in, but Feng Huo felt that there was nothing wrong with his wording. After all, can the matter of ninjas be called snatching?

"Where's that person? Is he alright?" Tiancheng Zhongwu asked nervously.

"Don't worry, no one was hurt, except you." Feng Huo said with a smile.

I rubbed my sore body, but my face showed a relieved expression: "As long as no one gets hurt because of me, that's fine."

Bai said, "Well, I can help you in the future too!"

Tiancheng Zhongwu glanced at him, and didn't underestimate Bai Bai because of his thinness, and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but, I..."

"Why, do you still want to leave?" Feng Huo could see what he was thinking.

Tian Shuang Shigewu nodded, and said bluntly: "Although you can also suppress me who is out of control, in this world, only Master Orochimaru can completely help me get rid of my animal nature. I must return to him!"

Feng Huo scratched his head. Regarding the research, Feng Huo's two hundred shadow clones are no match for Orochimaru.

However, it doesn't exist to put Libra Shigego back to Dashewan.

"No! Orochimaru is Konoha's traitor, he is extremely vicious, and if you return to him, you will only help the evildoers!" Feng Huo spoke righteously.

"However, he can help me get rid of my animal nature!" Libra Shigego retorted.

Feng Huo sneered: "As I said, Orochimaru is rebellious and vicious. How could such a person help you for no reason? Haven't you ever thought about this?"

"Maybe, maybe it's because of Jun Malu's face!" Tian Zongwu was a little at a loss.

"Junmalu? Junmalu is just a reincarnation container prepared by Orochimaru, a 'prop'. How could he spend energy on researching and curing your animal nature for the sake of a prop?" Feng Huo ruthlessly tore Opening the truth, he said coldly, "Oshemaru is just studying your body, so as to obtain the power of the curse seal from your body, and then use the curse seal to serve the Ninja World!"

"Impossible, Oshemaru-sama wouldn't do that!" Tian Zongwu didn't want to believe it.

Feng Huo leaned into his ear, and said coldly: "Every time you go crazy, at most you kill a few people, but once Dashewan gets what he wants from you, at that time, more than one or two people will die. But tens of thousands, when the time comes, the deaths of these people will all be remembered on your head! You are the one who killed them!"

"No, it's not me, that's not it!" Tian Zongwu shook his head in pain.

What Feng Huo said is naturally a bluff, and it can also deceive an honest person like Tiancheng Chongwu who is not deeply involved in the world.

Feng Huo smiled and touched the dog's head: "Chongwu, I know you are a kind person, and you definitely don't want to see such a scene, so, leave Dashewan, he is too dangerous!"

Tian Baozhong buried his head between his knees, and there was a faint sobbing sound.

Did you cry?

The head of the fire is too big.

He hurriedly gave Bai a wink, and Bai learned to seal the fire, stretching out his hand to stroke and stroke the orange-yellow hair of Libra Shigego, as if he was comforting a kitten or puppy.

Feng Huo covered his eyes, this scene... is too spicy!

Then he left behind a shadow clone and went to the holy tree to continue to use the shadow clone to refine the magic chakra and create 'stars' in the sealed world.

After killing Baijue's clone, Beiliuhu stayed in the country of water for another two days before leaving the country.

When he returned to the headquarters of the Dawn of the Rain organization, Tiandao Payne, Xiaonan, and Jue were already waiting for him.

"It seems that I don't need to report on the progress of the task again." Beiliuhu looked at the yin and yang face, shrugged and smiled indifferently.

"Beliuhu, killing my clone should not be part of the task." Jue Leng said.

"It's just a doppelgänger, is it worth all the fuss?" Beiliuhu looked relaxed and fearless.

"Then, why don't you cut him off?" Xiao Nan said coldly, her tall body allowed her to easily look down on Bei Liuhu.

"Don't kill him again? That kind of trash is not worth recruiting into the organization!" Beiliuhu looked at Jue, and smiled, "Didn't Jue tell you how I easily defeated him, and even forced him to flee the kingdom of water?" , just to avoid my pursuit?"

"If you don't have my clone, how can you catch up and never kill again." Jue Leng snorted.

Tiandao Payne also said: "Bei Liuhu, after you absorbed Ming Dun, your confidence seems to have inflated a lot, and you don't take the organization's rules seriously."

"How could it be! I'm really thinking about the organization!" That's what he said~www.readwn.com~ But the disdainful smile on the corner of Beiliuhu's mouth clearly told the people present that his heart Indeed, as Heavenly Dao Payne said, it swelled!

"It seems that you haven't recognized your position yet, let me help you!" Tiandao Payne slowly stretched out his hand, "Wanxiang Tianyin!"


A huge gravitational force instantly acted on Beiliuhu's body, pulling him towards Tiandao Payne's hand.

Beiliuhu's eyes froze, then he stretched out his hand with a sneer: "Explosion-land mine..."

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"


The gravitational force instantly turned into a terrifying repulsive force, directly repelling Beiliuhu a hundred meters away, and smashed into a steel wall in embarrassment!

At the same time, the viscera in his body couldn't bear the terrifying repulsion, and they burst into bleeding. His pupils were gradually filled with bloodshot eyes, and finally a trace of crimson blood dripped down his cheeks, screaming like a ghost.


Immediately afterwards, Beiliuhu's throat was sweet, and he spit out a mouthful of old blood, his mouth opened and closed feebly like a fish out of water.

Tiandao Payne slowly walked in front of him and looked down at him: "Compared to Orochimaru, you are so fragile."

Orochimaru also resisted him with a Shenluo Tianzheng, but with the abnormal body modified by software, although Orochimaru was injured, he still had the power to fight. In comparison, the physical body of Heliuhu is really bad.

"Damn it..." Beiliuhu called Chakra hard, trying to save himself.

Tiandao Payne has already stepped on his heart: "Bei Liuhu, if there is another time, you should know what will happen to you."

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