Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 658: Orochimaru shot

Facing the cold and ruthless threat of Tiandao Payne, Beiliuhu felt a fear of death from the bottom of his heart.

With great difficulty, he succeeded in practicing the technique of Kibuya, and finally absorbed Bakudun and Mingdun. He has not yet proved himself in front of Sannin and Sarutobi Hiruzen, so why is he willing to die like this?

"I see..." Beiliuhu gritted his teeth, and said humiliatingly in front of Xiaonan and Jue.

Tiandao Payne then turned and left, and said duel: "Take him down to heal his injuries."

"Yes." Jue showed a bright smile, then grabbed Beiliuhu's ankle and walked away.

'asshole! '

Beiliuhu was dragged away like a dead pig, and the anger in his heart was like a prairie fire, but at this moment, he was physically and mentally injured, and he had just seen Tiandao Payne's methods, how could he dare to speak out?

After Jue dragged Bei Liuhu away, Xiao Nan said to Tian Dao Payne: "It should be impossible to join our organization again, we need to find another person."

Tiandao Payne nodded: "I will let Jue pay attention."

"Bei Liuhu, can you still trust him? He is not the kind of person who can swallow his anger. If you treat him like this today, he will definitely betray you in the future." Xiao Nan said again.

"In front of these eyes, any betrayal can be easily suppressed!" Tiandao Payne looked at Xiaonan and said, "In comparison..."

"What's the matter?" Seeing Tiandao Payne suddenly shut up, Xiao Nan was a little curious.

"Recently, it seems that Orochimaru can't be contacted." Tiandao Payne frowned slightly.

"Oshemaru is missing? Can you never get in touch with him?" Xiaonan was puzzled. With Jue's intelligence ability, it was unimaginable that he would lose contact with Orochimaru.

"After Orochimaru and Zetsu formed a team, although they have completed several missions, the number of appearances has gradually decreased and the intervals have gradually become longer. It has been more than a month since Orochimaru used the magic lamp body technique to show up last time." Tiandao Payne said, "As for Jue, I couldn't find Orochimaru either."

"Could there be an accident? Konoha's ninjas have been looking for him all the time." Xiaonan analyzed, "It's also possible that he hid underground. Isn't he the favorite researcher?"

"I hope... so." Tiandao Payne slowly closed his eyes.

Itachi Uchiha is climbing up a shrine built on top of a green mountain in the Land of Fire.

Kisame, who was inseparable from him, temporarily left him because of some trivial matters, so the two met at this shrine.

When Uchiha Itachi walked halfway, his black pupils froze slightly.


Why is he here?

Although the two are both Konoha Rebels and they are both in Akatsuki's organization, but the relationship between the two is really ordinary, and they have not spoken more than five sentences together!

This time, Uchiha Itachi didn't intend to talk to this person, just passed by and continued to walk up.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Orochimaru's mouth, and he immediately turned around and followed Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi tilted his head slightly, and opened the Sangouyu Sharingan vigilantly, but he didn't stop.

Orochimaru slowly stretched out his left hand, a huge gray-brown poisonous snake drilled out from his wide sleeve, wrapped Uchiha Itachi tightly like lightning, and then snarled at Uchiha Itachi with snake letters.

"Uchiha Itachi, I will accept your body!"

Orochimaru sneered, at the same time, a large amount of venom was secreted from the scales of the gray-brown poisonous snake, which instantly soaked Uchiha Itachi's black-bottomed red cloud windbreaker and invaded his body!

Uchiha Itachi's eyes were closed tightly, but the three Gouyu in the pupils of the eyes had already spun rapidly the moment Orochimaru shot.


Orochimaru suddenly showed a look of astonishment, and the whites of his eyes instantly overflowed with bloodshot eyes.

Entangled by him with a poisonous snake, Uchiha Itachi, who had been turning his back to him, broke free from the shackles of the poisonous snake at some point, turned around, and looked at him calmly.

"How come... when did I fall into the golden binding illusion..."

Orochimaru struggled hard, and the chakra all over his body rushed wildly, trying to break through the illusion. At the same time, he kept talking, "As expected of the Itachi who wiped out the Uchiha clan, you can't underestimate it!"

Under Orochimaru's struggle to break free, his hands have gradually returned to normal, "It's really terrible pupil power, but the stronger you are, the more I get..."

As he said that, Orochimaru's hands gradually folded together, wanting to perform ninjutsu in a seal.

Uchiha Itachi lifted his eyelids, swung Kunai directly, and fiercely chopped off his left hand with the empty character ring!


Orochimaru snorted, a large amount of blood flowed from the broken wrist of his left hand, and soon dyed the stone steps under his feet red.

"Oshemaru, your ninjutsu is completely useless in front of my eyes!" Uchiha Itachi looked down at Orochimaru like a god, and the kunai in his hand slowly pushed towards Orochimaru's throat," Payne once said However, you can't do anything to other people in the organization, Orochimaru, now that you have violated the rules, I can kill you."

Orochimaru suddenly opened his mouth, and a large number of poisonous snakes overflowed from his throat crazily, biting Uchiha Itachi all over his head and face.

Uchiha Itachi's body instantly turned into a dozen black crows and flew away.

Orochimaru took the opportunity to pick up the severed hand on the ground ~www.readwn.com~ turned around and ran away.

The crows in the sky regrouped and became Itachi Uchiha.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Itachi Uchiha formed a seal quickly and spewed out a huge fireball.

The fireball exuded terrifying heat, roared and spun, and hit Orochimaru's back directly like the sun.


Hao's fireball exploded instantly when it hit the target, and the huge fire wave set off bursts of scorching air, which spread in all directions irregularly.

Uchiha Itachi frowned: "It seems that it is not an easy task to kill Orochimaru. '

Uchiha Itachi squinted his eyes in thought, then turned and continued walking towards the top of the shrine.

When he came to the top of the shrine, he found that the dried persimmon ghost had already arrived ahead of schedule.

"It's so slow." Dried persimmon ghost shark is sitting under the statue of the shrine, eating the tribute provided by the common people to the statue, feeling very happy.

Uchiha Itachi saw Kisame, turned around and walked out: "Kisame, let's go."

"Shouldn't you take a break?" Ganshi Guisui threw away the tribute casually in dissatisfaction, but walked obediently to his side.

"Oshemaru shot at me just now, we must tell Payne about this as soon as possible." Uchiha Itachi said.

"What? Orochimaru actually shot at you?" Kanshi Kisame was startled, then showed his jagged fangs, and sneered, "Hehe, it's for sharing eyes, right?"

"That's right." Uchiha Itachi nodded.

"So, from today onwards, Orochimaru is the enemy, it's interesting!" Kisame Kisame held the shark muscle tied behind his back with white gauze with his backhand, feeling that his big sword was too hungry and thirsty!

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