Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 660: sunken island

Chapter 660: The Sunken Island (Page 1/1)

The moment Bai Jue's avatar died, the expression of Jue who had already set off with Bei Liuhu changed.

"What's wrong?" Beiliuhu asked with a sullen face.

"My avatar was discovered by Orochimaru." Juexi possessed him, if it weren't for his yin and yang face, he would definitely be able to make complex expressions such as annoyance and anger at this time!

"That is to say, you have lost the whereabouts of Orochimaru?" Bei Liuhu frowned. Although he was very unhappy to see Jue, he had to admit that Jue's intelligence ability was the top in the ninja world.

Moreover, Orochimaru had been in Akari, so he was very clear about the operation of this organization. If there was no information about Jue, it would be really difficult to find Orochimaru in such a huge ninja world.

But Beiliuhu suddenly had a suspicion in his heart.

Before Orochimaru defected, he formed a team with Jue. Since the two were teammates, did Jue not find out about Orochimaru's eccentricity at all?

Perhaps, the disappearance of Orochimaru's whereabouts by Jue's avatar this time was simply intentional.

'interesting! '

Beiliuhu wanted to kill Orochimaru, but until now, he could only wait and see the development of the situation.

Orochimaru brought Junmaro and other confidants to Tianzhi Country.

Tianzhi Country is a small country, and there is not even a Ninja Village. With the information collected by Yakushidou back then, Orochimaru successfully reached an agreement with the Tianzhi Country Daimyo without any effort, and established a small ninja village, named Otonin Village.

And all his confidantes immediately transformed into ninjas of Yinnin Village!

During this period, Orochimaru also found a left hand to connect it to. As for the left hand that was cut off by Uchiha Itachi, he wanted to keep it, whether it was a warning or a shame, he would always remember it in his heart!

this day.

"Junmalu, follow me to the northern stronghold."

It has been more than half a month since Otonin Village was established, but Orochimaru suddenly found that the northern stronghold seemed to have lost contact.

According to the usual practice, there will be information from the northern stronghold every month, but because Orochimaru shot Uchiha Itachi before, there was no time to be distracted, and I didn't pay attention for a while, but at this time everything is certain, and the things on the northern stronghold are highlighted. come out.

"Yes, Master Orochimaru!" The corner of Junma Lu's mouth drew a slight arc. Speaking of which, he hasn't seen Shigego for a while, and I don't know if he has gone crazy during this time.

The two set off lightly.

The northern stronghold is located on a small island off the coastline of the country of Takino. Starting from the country of Takino, there are two roads, one is to go directly to the sea, and the other is to go through the country of iron.

But because the land of the Iron Country is like a carrot inserted into the sea, it lies between the Tian Country and the Taki Country. If you go by sea, you need to walk along the coastline of the Iron Country. It will take at least three or four days to go around. It only takes a day or two to cross the country of iron directly.

So Orochimaru directly chose to cross the Iron Country.

There is no ninja village in Iron Country, and the largest armed force is the samurai group headed by Mifune, which poses no threat to Orochimaru.

On the third day, Orochimaru and Kimomaro crossed the country of iron and came to the coastline of the country of Taki.

The two stepped directly out of the sea and rushed towards the overseas island.

Both of them carried seal scrolls on their bodies. When they were thirsty, they took out water to quench their thirst, and when they were hungry, they took out jerky to fill their stomachs. They drove without sleep for two days, but they still haven't seen the island yet!

Orochimaru's face gradually became serious.

"Master Orochimaru, according to the distance, we should be able to see the island yesterday evening, but..." Junma Lu looked around suspiciously, looking around, where is there any island in the vast sea?

"Did we go the wrong way?" Jun Ma Lu was a little unsure.

Orochimaru sneered: "We have walked this road more than once, and we can't go wrong."

"But, the island won't disappear for no reason, right?" Jun Ma Lu frowned.

Orochimaru felt cool in his heart.

Yes, the island will not disappear for no reason, but what if it is man-made? !

He slowly turned around and looked towards the way he came. After two days and two nights out at sea, there was already a vast ocean behind him.

The sea breeze blew past, setting off waves of waves more than half a meter high, crashing one after another towards the distance.

'If you want to make an island disappear, the strength of that person must not be underestimated! '

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils shone brightly, 'In the ninja world, there are not many people with such terrifying strength. '

The shadows of the various hidden villages can do this, but they won't come here to sink an island when they are full and have nothing to do.

The people of Akatsuki's organization are also capable of doing it. Orochimaru betrayed Akatsuki, and they have enough motivation to carry out similar revenge!

However, he has already reached an agreement with Jue, and even if Jue really discovers his own island, it is impossible to "tip the news"!

In addition, Tailed Orc Jinchuriki can also easily do it, but considering the importance of Jinchuriki to each village, under normal circumstances, Jinchuriki will not be allowed to mess around in the ninja world.

‘Except for the rebellious Ninja of Iwagakure Village, the four-tailed Jinchuriki old purple, and... the three-tailed Jinchuriki Uchiha seal fire! '

Orochimaru knows a little about the whereabouts of Four Tails Jinchuriki, and he should have returned to the Land of Land recently.

As for Uchiha Fenghuo, this guy appeared in the country of Taki before, and he may not return there now.

What's more coincidental is that Orochimaru's northern stronghold is very close to the country of Taki and the country of earth, so the suspicion of Lao Zi and Uchiha sealing the fire is very high.

‘Although there is no more definite evidence, but, Uchiha Hienhuo, you should have done this, you **** bastard! '

"Master Orochimaru?" Sensing the seriousness of the atmosphere, Jun Malu couldn't help but uttered, "Will something happen to Chongwu? What should we do next?"

"let's go!"

Orochimaru ran back~www.readwn.com~ silently counting the time, a day later, he stopped, stood on the sea and looked down.

The blue water reflects the entire sky, which is as beautiful as a dream.

"It's almost right around here!"

Orochimaru dived directly into the sea, diving towards the depths of the seabed.

Not to be outdone, Jun Malu closely followed Orochimaru to swim towards the bottom of the sea.

Half a day later, they finally found traces of the island after it sank.

Although the dark seabed blocked the sight of Orochimaru and Junmaro, after all, an island sank, and a large number of rocks formed were piled up in black. It was really too difficult not to be discovered.

Drilling out from the bottom of the sea, Orochimaru's face returned to calm.

Jun Malu showed a look of surprise and anger: "Master Orochimaru, who exactly sank our island? This, this is terrible!"

Even if you have the limit of blood inheritance of the bone vein, even if you develop the bone vein to the limit, I am afraid that such an island will not be able to be destroyed!

"Is Chongwu still alive? Master Orochimaru, should we go down and look for him again." Jun Malu thought of Chongwu, knew the importance of Chongwu to Orochimaru, and couldn't help but start talking again.

"Kunmaro, be quiet for a while." Orochimaru said softly.

"Feel sorry."

Jun Ma Lu took a deep breath.

He said something here and there right now, the sinking of the island really shook his heart too much, and he couldn't calm down for a while.

"Taki Ninja Village... well..." Orochimaru suddenly narrowed his golden eyes, "It seems that it's time to go."

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