Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 661: Orochimaru don't panic

In Takinobu Village, Didara and Fu took Bai and Chonggo, who had just arrived, to experiment with explosions every day. In the name of appreciating art, they blew up the periphery of Takinobu Village all over the place, making it a mess.

The leader of Taki Shinobi Village, Sheki, had to stand up and intervene, but Didara didn't give him face. In the end, the aggrieved Sheki found the shadow clone of Fenghuo, which calmed Didara down.

However, within two days of the peaceful days, the peace was broken by an unexpected visitor.

In the battle with Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Kisame, the recovery of the pupil power of the Kaleidoscope has been exposed to the Akatsuki organization.

But what is interesting is that Yakushidou was sent by Scorpion to Konoha as a spy before that battle, and Orochimaru was also preparing to attack Itachi Uchiha at that time. In order to prevent leaks, he had very frequent contact with members of the Akatsuki organization Low, this leads to this information, Orochimaru still doesn't know about it!

He only thought that the sinking of the island was caused by Fenghuo using a tailed beast.

Although the Tailed Orc Churiki is more troublesome, Uchiha Fenghuo without Sharingan is like a tiger without minions. Orochimaru is confident that even if he loses, he can take Shigego away calmly!

That's right, Orochimaru is so confident.

No matter how many times he fails, how many times he is knocked down, he can stand up as fast as possible, then regain his confidence and move forward bravely!

Hula la!

Outside Longin Village, a huge waterfall hangs in the air like a white horse, hiding the village in it.

"It's here."

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue excitedly and licked his lips, "Let's go!"

Junmalu followed closely and dived into the pool under the waterfall.

At the gate of Taki Ninja Village, Obito squatted there with his hands on his knees and his chin, with a lifeless expression on his face.

On the first day when he came to Longin Village to help an old lady cross the road, the old lady enthusiastically recommended her ugly granddaughter to him. After Obito declined, she thought that this matter would be over like this.

But he was still too naive.

Obito looked back at Taki Ninja Village, and sighed again.

Compared with Muyeyin Village, this village is more than ten times smaller in size, so most of the people in the village are acquaintances, especially the elderly. When it arrived, the story of bringing soil spread.

As soon as those old people saw him, they rushed up and pulled him, told him how virtuous, gentle, and kind that ugly granddaughter was, and then pointed to his face and said that you are so ugly that you can marry a girl God bless you, don't be picky and picky, let's be content...

Obituary was annoying, but when he was walking on the road, when he saw the old man about to cross the road, he couldn't help but rushed to help, and then he was caught and output again.

After a few days like this, Obito lost a lot of weight.

He covered his right face, thinking to himself, could it be that Lin didn't accept him because of his disfigurement?

Thinking of this, he was speechless.

At this moment, two figures, one tall and one short, slowly approached from a distance.

Obito blinked twice, but didn't care.

But as the two men approached slowly, Obito's face gradually became serious.

Then his right eye directly opened the Sangouyu Sharingan.

After opening Sharingan, Obito's eyesight increased sharply: "This is... Orochimaru!"

He suddenly stood up from the ground, his face full of alertness.

"Hahahaha, Obito, I didn't expect you to appear here." Orochimaru saw Obito, his eyes immediately shot out, and he stared at his right eye Sangouyu.

"You escaped last time, this time, you are not so lucky."

Orochimaru was so excited, I didn't expect to have a big gift package when I first arrived. Although Obito's qualifications are not as good as Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fenghuo, but after all, he is also Sangouyu's Sharingan, Orochimaru, don't dislike it!

"Even if you are the legendary Sannin, don't let him be caught without a fight!" Obito took out his Kunai guard.

Before Uchiha exterminated the clan, he was tricked by Danzo to the Land of Rain, where he was attacked and killed. If Shisui hadn't appeared in the end, even if he wasn't made into a puppet by the Red Sand Scorpion, he would have died in the hands of Orochimaru.

"It's up to you?" Orochimaru slowly lowered his gaze.

Although Obito only has one Sharingan, Orochimaru, who has suffered a loss, does not want to repeat the same mistakes again.

Avoiding direct gaze with Obito Sharingan can minimize the chance of illusion in Orochimaru!

After all, a genius like Uchiha Itachi who can cast powerful illusions without looking directly cannot be copied!

Obito lifted his eyelids, and immediately threw the kunai out of his hand, and then took out the kunai with the detonating talisman tied to it from his ninja bag, and it was a burst of bursts.

Orochimaru made all kinds of difficult dodging movements like a snake, even though the Kunai tied with the detonating talisman brushed his face and ears, like a dancer dancing on a sharp knife.

Boom boom boom!

The detonating talisman detonated behind him, and the surging air wave lifted the long black hair of Orochimaru, and in the next moment, his figure had disappeared in place.

Obito hastily closed his left eye, which had been transplanted with a normal pupil.

So the dynamic vision of Sangou Yu's Sharingan allowed him to quickly capture the actions of Orochimaru.

"it's here!"

Obito made seals with both hands, "Fire escape - the art of fireball!"


The scorching fireball whizzed away and directly hit Dashemaru's body.


In the sound of the explosion, Orochimaru's body suddenly turned into wood~www.readwn.com~ and quickly turned into coke in the flames.

Obito's face changed, and he jumped into the air with a little tiptoe.


A series of poisonous snakes came out from nowhere, with a flick of their tails, they frantically rushed into the air and bit Obito.

"Wind escape - breakthrough!"

Obito formed a seal quickly, spewed out a gust of wind, and swept away the poisonous snake.

"You're still a long way off!"

Orochimaru silently jumped behind Obito, and slashed fiercely on Obito's neck with a hand knife!

At this time, the movement made by the detonating talisman has attracted the attention of many civilians in Taki Shinobi Village. When they saw Obito shot down by Orochimaru in the air, they cried out at that time.

"It's that kid with soil!"

"You bastard, you actually bullied Obito, hurry up, tell the leader!"

At the same time, Taki Shinobu Anbe also rushed to the scene in time, and surrounded Orochimaru and Kimomaro.

Obito lay on the ground, struggling to get up.

If he hadn't been injected with the cells of the Senshou clan to strengthen his body when he was in Konoha, otherwise Orochimaru's blow just now would have made him dizzy for a long time.

"I can't see that you are quite resistant."

Orochimaru sneered, then looked up at Taki Shinobi Anbu who was surrounding him, and said mockingly, "You're surrounded."

However, Orochimaru didn't panic, he wasn't afraid at all.

In his eyes, these Taki Shinobi Anbu are no different from chickens and dogs.

To deal with these people, he is enough with one hand.

Jun Ma Lu walked up to Da Shemaru, and hit Obito's neck with a single blow, and was hit repeatedly. Obito couldn't resist this time, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

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