Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 663: Karamatsu no Mai

Before the fourth generation of Mizukage Goju Yagura came to power, there were two giants in Kirigakure Village, whose status was equivalent to Konoha's Uchiha and Hinata, that is, the Kaguya clan with corpse veins and Minazuki who escaped from the Blood Succession Boundary family.

"I got Junmaro who has a bone vein, but Uchiha Fuho got Shiro who has the limit of the ice escape blood successor..."

Orochimaru squinted his eyes, thinking in his heart: Could it be that he and I are fateful enemies?

While pondering, Bai had already thrown out the ice storm in his hand.

Hoo hoo...

As soon as the ice storm came out of its white hand, it swelled against the wind, carrying an extremely cold air, and suddenly descended on the top of Da Shewan's head.

Snakes are cold-blooded animals, and when the ice storm came, Orochimaru felt uncomfortable.

He snorted softly, and immediately sprayed out a raging pillar of fire.

The pillar of fire lifted into the sky and instantly entangled with the ice storm. The terrifying high temperature directly disintegrated the cold air in the ice storm.

Bingdun is naturally terrifying, but Bai is still too young at this time, and his strength is not enough for Bingdun to exert its maximum power, and the opponent is one of the legendary three ninjutsu, even if it is just an ordinary fire ninjutsu, Nor is Bai's Ice Escape able to contend.

The ice storm in the air gradually shrank under the flames and finally disappeared into the air.

As for the pillar of fire, its remaining prestige remained undiminished, rushing towards Bai like a fire tornado.

With a white face solemnly condensed a huge snow eagle, the snow eagle soared into the sky, rushed into the fire tornado, and then exploded.

A white blast of ice and snow spread like ripples in the fire tornado, tearing the fire tornado in half.

"It's kind of interesting." Orochimaru looked at Bai with glowing eyes, Bingdun Xueji Jijie, this one called Bai seems to be a good reincarnation container.

He was about to open his mouth to solicit, when there was finally a sound from the holy tree.

Before Taki Shinobu Anbe arrived at the sacred tree, Feng Huo had already heard some movement.

Before Obito used the detonating talisman, he wanted the sound of the explosion to attract Fenghuo's attention!

At first, Feng Huo thought it was Didala who was carrying out terrorist activities in the village, so he was so angry that he directly took away the shadow clone that was absorbing natural energy, and jumped off the holy tree to find Didara to output it. Thinking of it, I met Taki Ninja Anbe who came to ask for help.

Feng Huo didn't dare to be careless, and immediately rushed to the gate of Taki Ninja Village as quickly as possible.

"Oshemaru, long time no see."

When Feng Huo saw the familiar face of Dashewan, he felt happy.

Over the years, although he has been fighting wits and courage with Dashewan directly and indirectly, the two are like two kings in chess, and they have never had the chance to face each other.

Feng Huo recalled that the last time he saw Orochimaru was before Orochimaru defected from Konoha. How many years has it been since?

seven years?

eight years?

It's been a really long time.

Fenghuo and Dashewan each had a smile on their mouths, looked at each other affectionately, and instantly radiated affection, and the people around subconsciously stepped back, tacitly giving the two of them more space.

"Uchiha seals the fire, hehehe, we meet again." Orochimaru narrowed his golden vertical pupils, vaguely, he seemed to feel that something was wrong.

"I haven't seen you for many years, Orochimaru, why have you become shorter?" Feng Huo teased, "Have both legs been amputated?"

Of course he asked knowingly, the shortness of Orochimaru must be because he had reincarnated and transferred his soul to another body.

"You are still as sharp-tongued as before." Orochimaru whispered, "Back then, before you grew up, I should have killed you."

"Do you regret it? Are you sad? Haha, I just like to see your expression that you want to kill me but can't kill me. It's really classic. You can never get tired of it."

Then his eyes lit up, and Orochimaru was not wearing a black-bottomed red cloud windbreaker, that is to say, he had already attacked Itachi and betrayed the Akatsuki organization!

This is really surprising.

Bai ran over at this time: "Brother Fenghuo, Brother Obito was caught by him!"

Didara also walked over, and said arrogantly: "Although the opponent is one of the legendary Konoha Sannin, it seems that you can deal with him without me, um."

"Didara, you've played too much, just stay there." Feng Huo waved his hand away.

"Bastard!" Didara was annoyed.

But fortunately, Bai was sensible and pulled him back.

And Nanao Jinzhu Lifu was taken away by Taki Shinobu Anbe long ago, away from this dangerous place.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you dare to provoke Oshemaru-sama, you are looking for death!"

Kimomaro, who made Orochimaru his father, idol, and spiritual belief, couldn't stand the fire, so he couldn't bear it and rushed over.

Orochimaru squinted his eyes and didn't stop it. He hasn't seen him for many years. He also wanted to see how Uchiha Fuhuo, who had lost his Sharingan, had grown to...

and many more.

Dashewan's heart felt cold, and he stared firmly into Fenghuo's eyes.

Shouldn't his Sharingan be close to blind?

Why doesn't he wear glasses? !

Orochimaru suddenly had an ominous premonition.

At this time, Jun Malu had already rushed to Fenghuo.

"Ten Finger Piercing!"

Jun Ma Lu Ping stretched out his ten fingers, and the phalanx in his fingers burst out immediately, shooting towards Feng Huo like a bullet.

Although Fenghuo's physical skills cannot be compared with Kai's, it is easy to avoid these phalanxes.

He dodged left and right, as if he was strolling in a garden, and easily dodged this wave of attacks.

Gray hair ~www.readwn.com~ Two spots of scarlet on the eyebrows, and this weird bone attack.

Feng Huo guessed his identity instantly: "Jun Malu?"

"Go to hell!"

Jun Malu quickly rushed to Fenghuo and shouted, "Tang Song's Dance!"


A large number of sharp bone spurs gushed out from Jun Malu's chest, abdomen, and limbs in an instant, emitting a pale white sharp light in the sun.

These bone spurs are extremely sharp, even if they are lightly touched, the skin will be pierced. If a strong physicist punches them with all his strength, he will be stabbed to death by these bone spurs in an instant!

Feng Huo frowned slightly, and retreated with a slight leap.

Jun Malu followed closely, wanting to give Feng Huo a loving hug.

This dance of Tang Song is like stabbing armor, the harder you hit, the more severe the damage will be. Usually ninjas will have to kneel when they encounter it.

"As expected of the bones and blood following the boundary, it is indeed powerful." Feng Huo praised.

Being able to compete with the Hyuga Clan's Soft Fist for the throne of the strongest body art in the ninja world, the strength of the bones can be seen. If it weren't for the civil strife and coup caused by the defeat in Kirigakure Village, the Kaguya Clan would never have fallen like this.

"Do you only know how to hide?" Jun Malu snorted disdainfully, and continued to chase after him.

Orochimaru in the back watched Junmalu and Fenghuo fight with expressionless eyes.

"Jun Malu, don't talk nonsense with him, show all your strength!"

While speaking, a white snake drilled out of Orochimaru's body, crawled along the clothes and pants to the ground, and then quickly crawled out.


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