Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 664: Orochimaru panicked?

After hearing Orochimaru's order, Jun Ma Lu is about to open up.

"Dance of the Iron Flower - Flower!"

The sharp bony spurs on his body retracted into his body in an instant, and in the next instant, the arm bone in his left hand burst out, growing wildly, and turned into a spiral bone spear that wrapped the entire left arm.


Jun Malu tapped his toes, and the bone spear in his left hand pierced the sound barrier in an instant, detonated the air, and suddenly fell in front of Fenghuo at a terrifying speed.

Feng Huo's pupils shrank slightly, he looked at the spiral bone spear that seemed to be getting closer and closer through time and space, but his body seemed to be unable to keep up with the speed of his eyes, he couldn't help being shocked!

With his physical skills, it is inconceivable that he would have such an inescapable illusion.

Feng Huo didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately opened Sharingan, which instantly turned into a black and red pentagram.

A layer of deep purple ribs burst out from behind him, surrounding him at an even faster speed.

Squeak... squeak! !

The spiral-shaped bone spear pierced the sound barrier, so fast that even the afterimage could not be seen clearly, but in the next moment, accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of gold and iron rubbing against each other, the spiral-shaped bone spear suddenly stopped in the air, as if time and space were forced to still!

But a layer of terrifying air waves crazily spread around like ripples from between the spiral bone spears and the dark purple ribs.


Wherever the ripples passed, the ground cracked and the vegetation crumbled. Bai and the others rushed to avoid it.

Orochimaru's face changed slightly.


He stared at the black and red pentagram pattern in Feng Huo's eyes, felt the tyrannical pupil power contained in it, and felt a little flustered in his heart.

'No wonder he doesn't wear glasses...Damn it! Why did his Sharingan restore pupil power? '

When Orochimaru was shocked, Junmaro was also having a hard time.

His left hand was wrapped by a spiral bone spear, firmly pressed against Susanoo's ribs, but no matter how hard he tried, the bone spear couldn't go any further!


Iron Wire Flower Dance - Flower, is the strongest attack move that can harden the arm bone, even steel can easily pierce it, but facing Susano who is sealing the fire, he is sitting on wax.

Feng Huo looked at Jun Malu with a smile in his eyes: "If you want to fight with me, you are still very early!"

In the next moment, the meridian flesh and blood quickly filled the ribs outside his body, and an arm grew out, holding a huge copper hammer tightly.

Susano is in the second form.


As Susano evolved meridian flesh and blood, its defense became more terrifying and tougher. Junmalu only felt that his left hand bone spear seemed to be piercing an indestructible steel wall. The harder he tried, the more pressure his arm bones endured. Big, in just a few breaths, he felt his left hand was sore and itchy, as if it was going to be useless.

Compared with Jun Ma Lu's ferocious expression, Feng Huo was standing in Susano with ease, but with a lift of his eyelids, Susano took up the copper hammer and slammed it down on Jun Ma Lu.

"The evil snake's wrist explodes!"

Orochimaru finally couldn't stand it anymore and made a move.

Two huge poisonous snakes entwined around Susanoo like arrows leaving the string in an instant, and exploded with a bang.

The blast wave slowed down the falling speed of the copper hammer for two seconds, and Jun Malu took the opportunity to put away the bone spear in his left arm and quickly retreated.

Feng Huo sneered: "Can you escape?"

Susanoo swung the huge copper hammer high again.

"Stop it, don't!"

Tianping Chongwu suddenly rushed out and shouted, "Don't hurt Jun Malu!"

Hoo hoo!

The copper hammer continued unabated, and hit Jun Malu who was beside Tiancheng Zhongwu heavily.

At the critical moment, Jun Malu roared, and a large number of bone spurs gushed out of his body again, avoiding the fate of being directly hammered into flesh by the copper hammer.


The huge force directly smashed the ground and sank, and the huge air wave and mud debris rushed Tianliang Zhongwu to the side.

As for Jun Malu, he was so smashed that he spat out blood, even some of his bone spurs were cracked, and he rolled around dozens of times in embarrassment, then his head tilted, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"What a hassle."

Feng Huo glanced at Tianping Shigego, then controlled Susano to swing the copper hammer again, looked at Orochimaru, and said with a smile, "Oshewan? Is it your turn?"

Orochimaru raised his head slightly, and asked in that unique cold voice: "Uchiha seals the fire and restores Sharingan pupil power, how did you do it?"

"Do you think I'll tell you?" Fenghuo slowly walked towards Orochimaru, Susano held the copper hammer above his head like a small wooden house, giving people a huge sense of oppression!

"Hehehehe... Uchiha Fenghuo, you are too confident. With you, it is impossible to kill me!"

Orochimaru completely ignored Susano's mighty power, with a proud and confident face.

"Then you try?"

Feng Huo's eyebrows twitched, and the huge copper hammer immediately crushed the top of the mountain like a mountain, smashed the air, and burst down suddenly.

Orochimaru does not dodge or dodge, and is not afraid.

The moment the copper hammer was close to the body, Orochimaru's body exploded, and a large number of white poisonous snakes spewed to the surroundings like a fountain, and more than a dozen of them went straight to Didala and Bai.


The copper hammer hit the ground, blasting out a big hole again, and the big hole was filled with cobweb-like cracks, like yellow land that had been dry for a hundred years.

Feng Huo looked at the white poisonous snakes crawling all over the ground, immediately put away the Susanoo, and then made a seal with both hands, summoning two hundred shadow clones.

"Get rid of these snakes!"

After Fenghuo gave an order, the shadow clones immediately screamed and used various ninjutsu.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

"Tudun-Tulong Spear!"

"Thunder Dun - walk!"

A large number of white poisonous snakes were wiped out under the powerful ninjutsu.

Didara and Bai were not idle either, using clay bombs and ice escape to kill the white poisonous snake approaching them.

"Huh, one of the three ninjas in the famous ninja world, it's nothing more than that, um~www.readwn.com~ Didara remembered that when he fought against Fenghuo, he could last for more than ten minutes, and he once gained the upper hand , and Orochimaru just fought against each other just like this, comparing the two, Didara suddenly became arrogant.

Bai very vigilantly controlled countless ice crystals to circle around him and Didara's body to prevent any snakes from slipping through the net.

And Fenghuo's figure flashed, he grabbed Obito who had fainted on the ground, and handed it to the shadow clone for protection, and he was relieved.

But immediately he frowned, sensing something was wrong.

Orochimaru is also one of the Sannin, and his strength is still very strong. How could he be so vulnerable?

What is his purpose for splitting out so many white poisonous snakes?

He looked at Junmalu and Tiancheng Chongwu, who were gradually covered by white poisonous snakes in the distance, and made a seal with a sneer: "Huo Dun - head hard!"


A scorching sea of ​​flames enveloped the entire gate of Takinobu Village in an instant. In the sea of ​​flames, the death and injury of the white poisonous snake became more and more terrifying, and the white poisonous snake covering Junma Lu and Tianliang Shigego roared and turned into coke in an instant.


I was woken up by the scalding, and I saw Jun Malu who was gradually engulfed in the sea of ​​flames at a glance. At that time, I was abnormal...cough, deformed.

Excited, a large amount of natural energy was absorbed by his body, and he instantly became a fairy, becoming neither human nor beast, staring at Fenghuo ferociously like a monster.

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