Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 665: Tune the tiger away from the mountain

Feng Huo turned a blind eye to the immortal Libra Zhongwu, and continued to stare at Jun Malu.

As Orochimaru's reincarnation "spare tire", Fenghuo has enough reasons to believe that Orochimaru will not give up Junmalu easily!

At this time, Jun Malu was on fire all over his body, even if he had the bones and blood, he would be burned to death within half a minute at most.

one second!

Three seconds!

ten seconds!

The time left by Huo Hai to Orochimaru is running out!

Two hundred or so shadow clones had wiped out all the white snakes in the vicinity. At this time, they were surrounded by the sea of ​​fire, staring at Junmaro, who was burned by the fire, and waiting quietly for Orochimaru.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

On the other side, Feng Huo ignored Tian Ping Chong Wu, but Tian Ping Zhong Wu rushed over regardless.

After transforming into a fairy, his speed and strength increased greatly, and he jumped directly across the sea of ​​flames to the top of Fenghuo's head, opened his big jagged mouth and bit down.

Fenghuo ignored him at all.

In the next moment, the ninjutsu of more than two hundred shadow clones had violently bombarded Tiancheng Shigego.


Libra Zhongwu was knocked unconscious and delirious almost instantly, and directly withdrew from Immortal Transformation.

If it hadn't been for the extreme perversion of the physical body after Tiancheng Chongwu transformed into an immortal, he would already be a corpse at this time.

Twenty seconds!

Twenty-five seconds!

At this moment, the ground under the sea of ​​flames suddenly shook violently, and then the ground cracked inch by inch like glass, revealing terrifying cracks, and Jun Malu fell directly into a crack and disappeared in an instant .

"Under the ground, chase!"

The flower boy No. 1 shadow clone shouted.

The shadow avatars around them released earth ninjutsu towards the ground without saying a word. For a while, the ground undulated up and down like building blocks, moving left and right, and the gate of Taki Ninja Village was adjusted like an earthquake scene in a few breaths.

Dozens of shadow avatars even drilled into the ground directly with earth escape ninjutsu, tracking the traces of Orochimaru and Junmaro.

"Hey, is that Orochimaru serious? It's too weak, um." Didara walked over with his head upright, flicking his golden ponytail, and said arrogantly, "How did this kind of thing get Sannin back then?" title? Hmm."

Feng Huo nodded, indeed, the strength shown by Orochimaru this time really does not match his title of Sannin.

Is there a conspiracy?

"found it!"

A shadow clone suddenly emerged from the ground and shouted, "They have already left the village, they are in the south!"

Feng Huo left more than a dozen shadow clones to clean up the mess, while he led the other shadow clones to chase after him.

Soon, Fenghuo's shadow avatar stopped Orochimaru and Junmaro who was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside.

"You can't escape!"

Feng Huo followed closely behind, and quickly rushed over with a group of shadow clones.

Orochimaru's golden vertical eyes stared at Fenghuo coldly, but his hoarse voice was calm and calm: "Uchiha Fenghuo, do you really want to kill them all?"

"Otherwise? Am I joking with you?" Feng Huo smiled, but deep down in his heart, there was always a strange feeling for some reason.

Is it the subtle feeling of wanting to kill this important figure who has a lot of space in the original book?

No, that's not the case!

Fenghuo stared at Orochimaru. In the original book, even Uchiha Itachi, who had laid out so many plans, failed to kill Orochimaru. He Uchiha Fenghuo didn't prepare for anything. There is no plan, it is impossible to kill Orochimaru so easily, think about it!

"It seems that you have already noticed it." Orochimaru put down Jun Malu, and said coldly, "This is just a clone of me."

Seal the fire and stay silent.

"Hehehe, you are still young if you want to kill me!" Dashewan looked at Fenghuo confidently.

"Really." Feng Huo showed a sneer, "Now you should have lost the protection of the Xiao organization, right?"

Orochimaru frowned: "So what?"

"So what?" Feng Huo laughed, "Konoha's S-class rebellious ninja, Akatsuki's traitors, the entire ninja world, black and white, will kill you, Orochimaru, where can you escape?"

At the same time, the message of "Tian Zhi Guo Yin Ren Village" jumped out of Feng Huo's mind.

In the original book, Oshemaru established Yinnin Village in Tianzhi Country after he rebelled from the Akatsuki organization.

Even if the flapping wings of his butterfly have affected the plot, I believe that with Orochimaru's ambition, this ninja village will still be established.

In other words, I just need to go to Tianzhi Country to find this ninja village.

Orochimaru chuckled: "Uchiha seals the fire, you take in Shiro who possesses the boundary of the Ice Escape Blood Successor, recruit Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Obito, and even keep the rebellious Didara of Yanyin Village by your side , Hehehehe, now, you want to keep Chonggo by your side, Uchiha seals the fire, I see ambition in your eyes!"

Feng Huo was about to speak, when suddenly his heart skipped a beat: Why did Orochimaru talk so much nonsense all of a sudden?

Not good, turn the tiger away from the mountain!

At the gate of Taki Ninja Village, a shadow clone of Fenghuo was carrying Obito on his back, and the rest of the shadow clones were cleaning up the tragedy after the war.

Not far away, Didala and Bai carried the unconscious Libra Shigego aside and were bandaging him.

After all, having withstood the ninjutsu attacks of more than two hundred shadow clones, even if his body became abnormal after becoming a celestial being, even if his body became abnormal again, he would still be blasted to pieces, and his injuries were very serious.

"Brother Fenghuo is really good." Bai looked at the unconscious Tiancheng and weighed me a little bit, "The attack is too heavy."

"Shouldn't you praise him?" Didara snorted, "Being able to withstand so many ninjutsu attacks, this guy's body is simply abnormal, eh!"

Just as Bai was about to speak, a strange voice came from behind.

He looked back at ~www.readwn.com~ and saw a terrible scene.

A white snake came out of Obito's ear unexpectedly, swallowing the snake letter, looking at him coldly.

Bai was startled: "Everyone, be careful, it's Orochimaru!"

But his reminder was still too late.

The white snake opened its mouth, and suddenly a big snake pill came out of it, and instantly became the size of a normal person. With a sneer, it clasped Obito's neck, and pulled him off the shadow part of Fenghuo.


A group of shadow clones who sealed the fire immediately surrounded him.

But Dashewan had a hostage in his hand, so he was not afraid at all, and Shi Shiran walked towards the fainted Tiancheng Zhongwu.

"Stop, you..." The second shadow avatar of the beautiful boy had just opened his mouth, but was roughly interrupted by Orochimaru.

"Shut up, or I'll kill him!"

Orochimaru spread unscrupulously like a real terrifying murderous aura.

Didala and Bai looked at Orochimaru who was getting closer and closer, feeling the terrifying murderous aura on each other, and the pressure on the two of them was also increasing.

"Damn it!" Didara narrowed his eyes. At this moment, he seemed to be immersed in the deep sea, and his every move was under tremendous pressure.

In front of Bai's eyes, hallucinations even appeared. Orochimaru walking towards him seemed not to be a human being, but a monstrous giant python that came out of ancient times!

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