Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 666: Country of soil or country of fields?

Orochimaru grabbed the unconscious Obito with one hand, and stretched out the other hand to Shigego...the Shiro next to him!

At the same time, his golden vertical pupils stared at Fenghuo's shadow clone with great interest, full of threats.

A group of shadow clones from Fenghuo surrounded him, their faces were anxious but they were afraid of Obitu's safety and dared not make a move easily.

Bai clenched his teeth, and finally woke up from the murderous aura of Orochimaru, when he saw a poisonous snake bit his neck suddenly, and the venom entered his body, Bai passed out at that time, and was scooped up by Orochimaru.


Didara saw his younger brother was arrested, but he didn't know him well anyway, regardless of whether he was with soil or not. His eyes became sharp at that time, and he threw a handful of termite bombs against Orochimaru's murderous aura.

After Orochimaru caught Shiro, he threw Obito out without hesitation, acting as a meat shield, blocking all the termite bombs.

"Didara, stop!" Fenghuo's shadow clone was terrified.

"Drink...cough!" Deidara almost detonated, and Hao Xuan managed to control himself, but after such a hesitation, Orochimaru jumped high.

"I seem to have won this deal." Orochimaru showed a smile that he had everything under control, and then he left Libra and Shigego and ran away.

"Bastard!" Didara was so angry that he threw a flying clay eagle, jumped onto the eagle's back, and chased after Orochimaru.

Fenghuo's shadow clone also followed closely.

Outside, Orochimaru's avatar threw Jun Malu, who was scorched all over, to Fenghuo, and said with a smile: "Exchange him for Bai, how about this deal?"

Jun Malu's corpse veins are indeed strong, but Bai's ice escape is not inferior at all, not to mention, Jun Malu has a blood disease, and even Orochimaru can't save him. In this case, exchange him for the healthy Bai, Orochi Pills are so profitable.

As for Tiantian Shigego, in the eyes of Dashewan, he is just a research material, and he has almost completed the development of the curse seal, so the value of Tiantian Shigego is far inferior to that of Shiro!

Orochimaru's calculations are loud, and Fenghuo is definitely not happy.

"I reject!"

Feng Huo kicked Jun Malu back.

"It's up to you, hehehe." Orochimaru's hoarse laughter sounded harshly, and then he provoked coldly, "Next time we meet, I'm afraid I will appear in front of you in the body of that child, really look forward to!"

"Really?" Feng Huo's heart was full of killing intent, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with this grandson, he made a ball and rushed up to imprint it on the face of Dashewan's avatar.

Orochimaru's avatar did not dodge or dodge, with a disdainful sneer on the corner of his mouth, allowing himself to be blown to pieces by the ball.

"My lord, Orochimaru took Bai to the direction of the Land of Earth and ran away, let's chase after him!" The flowery boy No. 1 shadow clone urged.

"and many more!"

Feng Huo frowned slightly.

Orochimaru took Shiro to the Land of Earth?

He has a secret research base in Land of Earth?

It doesn't seem to be mentioned in the original.

Fenghuo pondered.

Orochimaru made it very clear just now that he wants to be reincarnated on Bai's body, but once the reincarnation ceremony starts, no outsiders can disturb it!

With Orochimaru's caution, he must return to his research base to perform the reincarnation ceremony with peace of mind.

Now that his northern stronghold has been sunk by the sealing fire, then at this time, Orochimaru should return to Otonin Village in Tanokuni!

However, the country of Tian and the country of soil happened to be located in the east-west direction of the country of Taki. Orochimaru ran in the direction of the country of soil, and it was very likely that he was going east and west.

‘Even though Otonin Village hasn’t been established yet, Tianzhi Country is definitely one of Orochimaru’s lairs! '

"Go to Tian Country!"

Seal the fire and drink.

"What? Land Country?"

"Didn't Orochimaru run to the Land of Earth?"

There are too many shadow clones, you say one word, Feng Huo was annoyed by them, so he directly formed a seal to dismiss them all, and then formed a seal with both hands, channeling the second form of the chakra round dance.


Chao Rondo II shrieked and debuted, her white-gold eagle feathers shone like diamonds in the sun!

Feng Huo lightly jumped onto its back and said, "Go to Tianzhi Country!"

Chao Rondo II screamed and fluttered its wings, flying high in the direction of...

"The direction is reversed!" Feng Huo said with a dark face.


The second form of the chaotic round dance followed the good course, changed direction in a circle in the air, and flew towards Tian Zhiguo at high speed.

On the other side, Didara sat on the back of the clay eagle, closely chasing Orochimaru and Shiro in front of him, throwing clay bombs one by one from time to time, trying to slow down Orochimaru's speed.

Behind him, Fenghuo's shadow clone was also chasing closely.

But in the next moment, these shadow clones turned into smoke and dissipated one by one.

Didala was stunned, looking back, where was the shadow clone of Fenghuo?

"what happened?"

Deidara was shocked, angry, anxious and angry.

He looked back at Orochimaru who was running further and further away, gritted his steel teeth, and resolutely chased after him!


The speed of the second form of the chaotic round dance at high altitude was faster than that of lightning, and it took only half a day to cross the country of iron and arrive at the airspace of the country of Tian.

It can't be fast, it can't dissipate heat if it is slow, and it will be hot to death.

When he came to the country of Tianzhi, Fenghuo dropped air soldiers on the second chaotic dance, throwing down the shadow clones one by one.

The area of ​​Tianzhi Country is not big or small. If you want to find Otonin Village or Orochimaru’s lair in the fastest time, you can only use Chakra Perception~www.readwn.com~ It is definitely the fastest way to put the shadow clones in various locations in Tian Zhiguo!

Soon, two hundred shadow clones had been placed in various locations in Tian Zhiguo.

The two hundred shadow clones used the Chakra perception technique at the same time, and each searched an area of ​​nearly 7,000 meters. Excluding the overlapping areas, most of the area of ​​​​Tanuo Country has been under the chakra perception technique of sealing the Hokage clone.

In less than half an hour, Fenghuo's shadow clone discovered a small village where a large number of ninjas gathered!

Feng Huo's eyes flickered coldly, and immediately flew over in the second chaotic round dance.

Taki Ninja Village, the battle is over, and the gate of the village is in a mess.

Sheki, who came late, looked at the scene of the disaster, wanted to cry, but remembered his father's teachings. He gritted his teeth and directed the Anbu ninja to restore the terrain here and comfort the villagers.

Jinzhu Lifu of Nanao has been moved to a safe place in advance, the fire is sealed off, Didara and Shiro have left, while Obito and Shigego Libra are still unconscious.

Shiki was at a loss for a moment.

Fortunately, someone in Anbu came up with an idea.

"Master Shiki, let's send someone to search outside, maybe there will be more clues."

"Okay, let's do it like this! But be careful!" Shiki followed suit.

Soon, Taki Shinobi Anbe found the charred Junmaro.

This unlucky kid was kicked back and forth by Orochimaru's avatar and Feng Huo, it was his fate, otherwise he would have burped.

However, after he was brought back by Taki Shinobi Anbe, he had only one breath left.


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