Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 667: Immortal Art-Fire Escape-Great Fire Quenching

After Junmalu was caught in Takinobu Village, the medical ninjas in the village didn't treat him attentively. After all, this little **** is an enemy who came with Orochimaru. Just get some wound medicine and you'll be fine, even if you die , it is not a pity.

Poor Jun Malu was severely burned by the fire, and he didn't receive effective treatment. The fire poison was rampant in his body, and he had a high fever for days.

In comparison, Libra Shigego was slightly injured, and was treated by a medical ninja. He woke up within two days, and then struggled to find Junmaro.

After all, it was Fenghuo who brought it back, and Taki Shinobi Anbe couldn't stop him, so he asked him to see Junmaro.

Jun Malu is still suffering from a high fever and unconscious, and the skin on his body has become like ghostly symbols because of the lack of timely treatment. The red and black look extremely hideous and disgusting, and he can't even see that handsome face. Clear the original face.

After this battle, Jun Ma Lu was disfigured from head to toe, more thoroughly than Obito.


Seeing my friend's miserable appearance, I ran away violently at that time.

Although the injury on his body has not healed, it does not prevent him from absorbing natural energy in the slightest.

As traces of natural energy were absorbed by his body, his hands gradually became ferocious, and finally turned into mantis-like limbs, which looked abnormal at first glance.

His mind was confused, but fortunately he still remembered Jun Ma Lu.

He picked up Junmaro with one hand, swept away Taki Ninja Anbe next to him like a praying mantis with the other, and ran out in big strides, all those who hindered him were blown away along the way, and he didn't hold back at all.

Because the incident happened suddenly, when Shiki reacted, Tianping Shigego had already taken Junmaro out of Takinobu Village, and caused many deaths and injuries to the villagers!

Shiki was furious, and immediately ordered Taki Shinobi Anbu to hunt down Shigego and Junmaro.

Didara rode on the clay flying eagle and chased it for several days and nights, eating, drinking, and lazing all on the flying eagle, making himself smelly and dirty, but in order to chase Bai back, he gritted his teeth and endured.

Finally, Orochimaru's footsteps in front gradually slowed down.

"Oshemaru, hand over Shiro!"

Deidara took out a handful of termite bombs and spilled them.

Termites as small as sand flew all over the sky, and soon mixed in the mud, crawling towards Dashewan at an extremely fast speed.

Orochimaru turned his head slowly, with a disdainful smile on his face.

And the white in his hand melted slowly like an ice cube, and finally turned into a puddle of white liquid, which dripped to the ground and soaked into the soil.

"What's going on here?" Didara was in a bad mood.

Orochimaru didn't reply, but the ridicule in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Didara felt that he was deceived, despised, and insulted. When he got angry, he took out ten two-headed monster birds and smashed them at Orochimaru.

The two-headed strange bird was as fast as lightning in the air, and it was already close to Orochimaru with only half a breath.


Didara's eyes flickered coldly, not only detonated the two-headed monster bird bomb, but also detonated the termite bombs that crawled on Orochimaru's clothes!

boom! !

Continuous explosions came from Orochimaru, the ground cracked, vegetation flew, and waves of flames rose into the sky like mushroom clouds.

Didara made a big breakthrough to blow away the black smoke, so where is Orochimaru still there?

The corners of Didala's eyes twitched, and he roared to the sky, "Damn it, **** it!"

On the other side, in the country of Tianzhi, a huge python was swimming quickly in the dense forest, gradually approaching Yinren Village.

The location of Yinnin Village was chosen very well, it was easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it was located deep in the dense forest. Most people would never even try to find this village!

The giant python was wandering in the forest, but the snake pupils shot out the color of thinking like a human, and immediately the giant python formed a snake formation on the ground.

It opened its mouth, and the mucus-filled mouth suddenly spit out a thin and small person, who was obviously a comatose Bai.

Then Orochimaru's head came out of the giant python's mouth, and with white hands supporting the upper and lower jaws of the giant python, it crawled out with a sneer on its face.

The next moment, the giant python turned into smoke and dissipated with a bang.

"It turned out that only Didara was fooled..."

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked the mucus on his face, "As expected of Uchiha Fenghuo, he actually saw through my clone, but no matter how smart you are, you can't know that I will come here."

Leaving aside the fact that there is a country of iron between Taki no Kuni and Taki no Kuni, even if Uchiha Fuho really came here through clues, it would be impossible for him to find out where Otonin Village is!

This ninja village has only been established for two months, and it has not even been announced to the public. Except for Otonin village, even the daimyo of Tanokuni does not know the exact location of the village!

Although Junmaru fell into the hands of Uchiha Fenghuo, Orochimaru believes that even if Junmaru dies, he will never betray himself and reveal the location of Otonin Village!

That's right, Orochimaru is so confident!

Grabbing Shiro with one hand, Orochimaru jumped lightly, and quickly rushed towards Otonin Village.

But running, Orochimaru sensed something was wrong.

It's so quiet!

This is already the sphere of influence of Yinnin Village. According to the rules he set, there should be Yinnin guards here!

Orochimaru stopped, jumped to the tallest tree nearby, and looked around, less than a kilometer ahead, is where Otonin Village is!

His golden vertical pupils narrowed slowly, because he saw a tall and thin figure standing on the top of the tallest building in Yinnin Village, looking towards him. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The corners of Orochimaru's eyes twitched slightly, his complexion became darker and darker, and finally he gritted his teeth and let out a low growl: "Uchiha...seal the fire!!"

At the same time, Fenghuo standing at the top of Yinnin Village finally showed a smile: "Oshemaru, welcome the gift I gave you."

Then he unlocked a yang seal in the sealed world.

A 'star' dissipated sadly, but immediately a wave of celestial chakra poured into Fenghuo's body.

"Immortal Technique-Fire Escape-Extinguish Fire!"


The violent wall of fire that stretched for hundreds of meters descended on Yinren Village in an instant, pushing away like mountains and seas. After the raging wall of fire passed, a large number of buildings burned and collapsed like straw. Ninja Village!

The blazing flames shot up into the sky, and Orochimaru, who was a thousand meters away, saw this scene, was shocked and angry, and wished to strangle Bai directly to take revenge on Feng Huo.

However, he was reluctant.

Bai, who possesses the boundary of the Ice Escape Blood Inheritance and does not have the Blood Inherited Disease, is a more suitable reincarnation container than Jun Ma Lu. How can Orochimaru be willing to destroy it like this?

Orochimaru stood where he was, with a flash of thought in his mind, then smiled contemptuously, turned and left with Bai.

Yinnin Village?

The most precious thing in Yinnin Village is his Orochimaru. As long as he does not die, as long as he successfully reincarnates, he can build as many Yinnin Villages as he wants!

It's just a pity.

Kidomaru, Jirobo, Tayuya, Kim...

I don't know how many of the sincere subordinates who have been recruited under my command over the years will survive.

A icy coldness flickered in Orochimaru's eyes.

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